16 CRT-300 Calibration
This section describes how to calibrate the Cellcorder. Use the Cellcorder
Calibration Form (available on the Alber Web site) to record before and after
readings and keep track of calibration discrepancies.
: High voltage or current may be present on the test equipment
and test leads. Only qualified personnel should perform the operations
described in this section.
16.1 Equipment Required
The following equipment is required to calibrate the CRT-300.
Variable DC voltage source, 0V to 20V at 80 amps.
Martel LCC-421 (or equiv) battery operated 0 to 200mV DC source.
Two 100A/100mV shunts.
HP8840 (or equiv) multimeter as a 5 1/2 digit voltmeter (DVM).
16.1.1 Flash Code
The current for the 8V to 12V Load (I3) test depends on the Cellcorder flash
code. Power up the CRT-300 and, after the initial screen, note the flash code,
which either has no asterisk ( * ), such as 02.00A08, or has an asterisk, such
as 02.00A08*. Refer to the screen shot in the following section. Note the
presence or absence of an asterisk on the Calibration form.
16.2 Opening the Calibration Screen
To display the password protected Service menu and Calibration menus,
press Shift+Serv (Shift key, release, then Serv.) At the password screen, type
the password and press Enter. (Default password is 1234.) At the Service
screen, select Calibration.
Figure 22. Flash Version, Service and Calibration