Measuring S/G and Temperature
When all readings have been loaded, the data module LEDs resume
flashing, and the Cellcorder displays the SG/Temp for Cell 001.
To save the file with the SG/Temp data, press Shift + Save, type the file
name, then press Save.
The data module powers off after about one minute of inactivity.
To delete data on a data module channel, select the channel and press
Del until the flashing LED goes out.
Refer to the data module and hydrometer manuals for additional instructions.
11.2 Hydrometer Data to Computer
Use the CRT-300 Previewer or BAS program to transfer SG/temperature
from the hydrometer data module to the computer via IR or RS-232 serial
cable. To transfer data, refer to the
CRT-300 Previewer User's Guide
or the
Battery Analysis System User's Guide