CRT-300 Setup Options
CRT-300 Setup Options
Main Menu > CRT Setup
CRT Setup displays options for battery model selection, thresholds, memory,
LCD display, sound, frequency, and date/time. This section describes the
Figure 3. Setup Menus
: To scroll screens or lists, use the Up/Down Arrows. To go back a screen,
exit a function, or return to the Main Menu, press Back, Cancel or Esc.
Battery Select
Main Menu > CRT Setup|Bat
Use Battery Select to access a database of battery models that automatically
sets certain threshold parameters. Choose a manufacturer, press Accept, then
choose a battery model and press Accept.
Main Menu > CRT Setup|Thresh
Voltage and resistance thresholds can be set or changed outside of site setup.
(Refer to
Setting Up a Site Before Test
.) The Cellcorder indicates an out-of-
tolerance reading by beeping twice and displaying the reading in reverse
: Shift+[another key] opens the function in orange text on the key.
Site Not Selected
- If a site is not selected, you can set up thresholds using
CRT Setup. The settings remain in Cellcorder temporary storage until
changed, cleared to default (zero) values or a site is selected.
Site is Selected
- If a site is selected, you can change the thresholds using
CRT Setup, but the changes affect only the Cellcorder and not the site file.
The settings remain in temporary storage until changed, cleared to default or
another site is selected.