UXBM Harness and Tab Washer Installation
Revision 1.03
When using the combined resistance measurement system, the cable to be measured must be within
the group of cell/monoblocs that the UXBM is monitoring. For example, if the intertier cable is between
cell 30 and 31, then the UXBM that is monitoring Cell 30 will be responsible for monitoring the intertier.
Each UXBM has the capability to monitor one cable. The UXBM sense lead harness (1102-190) has a
white/violet wire that is used in conjunction with the regular cell sense lead. The drawings below will
help illustrate how this wire is connected. In figure 26 shows how to connect the leads when the
intertier is associated with the last cell the UXBM monitors. In figure 27 shows when the intertier is
associated with a cell that is in the middle of the UXBM cell group. By moving the white/violet and
associated cell sense lead wire, the intertier can reside at virtually any location.
Figure 21 - Intertier Connection on Last Cell within Group