Admin Guide
4.6. Logs
4.6.1. Call log
On the web portal, go to
Call Log
. Users are able to
view all / dialed / received / missed / forwarded calls.
Call History:
To select which kind of calls users want to view,
including “Dialed,” “Received,” “Missed” and “Forwarded.”
To export the call log.
4.6.2. System Log
On the web portal, go to
, system log provides
a professional method for administrator to debug .
System Log:
To display system log level and export system log file.
Log level:
To adjust the system log level, which ranges from 0 to 7
and is 3 by default.The higher level means the more specific system
log is saved to a temporary file.
Export Log:
To export temporary system log file to local PC.
Remote System Log:
To enable/disable remote system log.
Figure 4.6.2 System log
Figure 4.6.1 Call log