OG-12GM openGear Card v1.0.2r1 26 www.aja.com
Identify Card -
Select the checkbox to turn on the Identify Card function. When
this function is turned on, an LED light on the front of the OG-12GM card
inside the openGear frame will blink to help you quickly identify the card.
Open the front of the openGear frame in order to see the light blinking.
Factory Settings -
If you would like to revert the card settings to factory default
values, click Restore. A confirmation prompt displays. Select "Yes" to restore
factory settings. Select "No" to cancel.
Uploading New Software
Application software uploaded through DashBoard are .bin files.
To Upload New Software
When available, you can upload updated software to the OG-12GM through the
DashBoard Control System by following the steps below.
1. Check the AJA website for new software for your OG-12GM. If new software
is found, download it and uncompress the file archive (zip).
2. Click the Upload button in the lower panel of the DashBoard Control System
to open the Upload Software Wizard.
Figure 21. OG-12GM Upload Software Wizard window in DashBoard
3. From the Upload Software Wizard window, select Browse.
4. Navigate to the location of the downloaded .bin file containing the software
update. Select the .bin file, then select Open. The Upload Software Wizard
window displays characteristics of the selected file for uploading.
5. Click Finish. The uploading process begins.