Ki Pro Ultra 12G File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 47
1.63 SDI Playback Bit Depth
(Single Channel Mode only.) This parameter sets the SDI video output playback
bit depth.
Automatically selects 10 or 12-bit video output.
10-bit video is output.
NOTE: Bit depth changes only during playback, not in idle mode.
1.64 3G SDI Level
This parameter allows the 3G SDI output to be configured for either Level A or
Level B. While many 3G SDI devices will support both Level A and Level B, some
devices may need a specific 3G SDI selection to operate as expected.
Level B (default)
Level A
For use with devices that accept or require Level B.
For use with devices that accept or require Level A.
1.65 Playback Image Division
This parameter is used to select between Square Division or Two Sample
Interleave output format (4K and UltraHD signals only). Menu options are:
Auto (default)
In Idle mode, follow the input signal image division format.
In Playback mode, follow the input signal format configuration.
Forces the output to use Square Division.
Forces the output to use Two Sample Interleave.
NOTE: For ProRes recorded files, there is no way to record image division format
information (VPID data is not recorded).
NOTE: If Menu 1.6 “SDI Out” has one of the following SDI outputs selected, playback is
automatically selected and the “Playback Image Division” parameter setting has
no effect.
• SDI 1 YCbCr
1.66 HDMI Out
(Single Channel Mode only.) This parameter determines whether cropped, scaled
or full raster video will be output.
NOTE: Full Raster output disables the Super Out feature; superimposed timecode and
transport state is not possible with a 4K or UltraHD HDMI output.
Crop and Scaled
Scaled (Default)
Full Raster
If the raster is 4K the HDMI Out is cropped to UltraHD. If 2K the
HDMI Out is cropped to 1080.Other rasters are unchanged.
HDMI Out is cropped and scaled where applicable. If the raster is
2K/UltraHD/4K cropping and scaling is applied so the output is
If the raster is 4K the HDMI Out is scaled to 2K. If the raster is
UltraHD the HDMI Out is scaled to 1080.
No cropping or scaling is applied. The HDMI Out raster is 1:1 and
may be 4K or UltraHD.
Helpful HDMI configuration guidelines:
• Determine your video source format and frame rate.
• Decide whether you want a Full Raster or Scaled output.
• Determine whether your connected device can support 4096x2160 or