Ki Pro GO File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 42 www.aja.com
Export Buttons
The Export buttons save the associated preset contents to a file on your
computer. The file gets exported to the default download location specified in
your browser options. The file name is the same as the preset name with the
suffix .presets. If you export multiple files for the same preset, a number gets
appended to ensure a unique file name. The file size is small, usually less than 10
Export Presets 1-20 lets you save the contents of all presets to a file on your
computer. The file gets exported to the default download location specified in
your browser options with the name "all.presets". If you export multiple files, a
number gets appended to ensure a unique file name.
Recall Factory Preset
Recall Factory Preset recalls all editable video and audio parameters to their
factory default settings. Individual presets, user preferences, and Network
settings, such as the IP Address, are not affected.
Network Panel
Ki Pro GO's Web UI provides access to the Network Panel in two ways, either by
clicking on
in the Menu list on the right, or by clicking on the blue gear
icon in the Network pane on the right. The information displayed depends on the
current network configuration.
Figure 23. Network Panel, DHCP
The very top of your computer's web browser screen should always report the
current IP address assigned to your Ki Pro GO by the DHCP server.
Figure 24. Network Panel, Static IP
NOTE: LANs may be divided into zones, and devices on a LAN may have dynamically
assigned (DHCP) IP addresses, or fixed (static) IP addresses. Before connecting
Ki Pro GO to the LAN, talk to your network administrators to find out how they
want it connected (DHCP or Static IP).
To configure a static IP address:
1. Click on the IP Address Type drop-down menu, and select
2. Use standard text editing methods to change the IP address data, and then
. You will be prompted to confirm the change.