Io IP Transport, Capture, Display v16.2r1 44 www.aja.com
Match Checkboxes
The ‘Match’ checkbox can be used to match the Destination Port to the
Destination IP Address.
Playout Delay
The Playout Delay slider can be used to adjust the amount of buffering before
packets are sent to the network, in a range of 0 to 150 milliseconds. Network
traffic conditions may require setting a larger buffer. Default is 50 milliseconds.
IP Input Screen, 2022-7 Operation
These fields will only be available when 2022-7 is Enabled in the IP Network
"IP Network Screen, 2022-7 Operation" on page 42
Destination IP Addr 2
This filter lets you specify the network address where a duplicate multicast from
another 2022-7 device on the network can be found. That device should be
sending two duplicate IP video multicasts and the IP addresses of those streams
will be specified in ‘Destination IP Addr’ and ‘Destination IP Addr 2’.
Destination Port 2
This filter lets you specify the port number being used to send a multicast to the
‘Destination IP Addr 2’ address specified above.
Path Difference
The Path Difference slider can be used to adjust the buffering used for redundant
operation, where the paths through the network of the two streams may
have different delays. Adjustable in a range of 0 to 150 milliseconds, with 50
milliseconds the default.