BRIDGE NDI 3G Conversion Gateway Appliance v1.0 8
• MS Teams
• Video Communications
• On-set monitoring distribution
• Share SDI channels between numerous NDI enabled NLEs
• Cost effective video monitoring
Operational Flexibility
BRIDGE NDI 3G's video channels can be used to:
1. Encode all SDI Inputs to NDI
2. Decode all NDI Inputs to SDI
3. Encode/Decode a combination of SDI and NDI.
Encode All SDI Inputs to NDI
In All Encode mode, all channels of SDI (16x channels of HD or 4x channels of 4K/
UltraHD or 8x channels of HD V+K) are encoding from 3G-SDI to NDI.
Decode All NDI Inputs to SDI
In All Decode mode, all channels of NDI (16x channels of HD or 4x channels of 4K/
UltraHD or 8x channels of HD V+K) are decoding from NDI to 3G-SDI.
Encode/Decode Combination
In Encode/Decode Combination mode, 8x channels of HD or 2x channels of
4K/UltraHD or 4x channels of HD V+K are encoding from SDI to NDI, while 8x
channels of HD or 2x channels of 4K/UltraHD or 4x channels of HD V+K are
decoding from NDI to SDI.
System Overview
BRIDGE NDI 3G at a Glance
BRIDGE NDI 3G is designed to be easy to use immediately. Upon power-up, the
unit automatically launches the BRIDGE NDI 3G application.
Generally, the process of getting started includes the following steps:
• Install device in rack or other suitable location
• Connect power cord(s)
• Boot up device
• Connect cables for inputs, outputs and network connectivity
• Configure network settings