HELO Plus H.264 Streaming and Recording Encoder v1.0 46 www.aja.com
Layouts Screen
NOTE: The Layouts View and Layouts Images screens are grouped as Pre-show features,
intended for creating and saving layouts in advance, for later use during
streaming and recording. These controls are not available for adjustment during
streaming or recording, or if Layout is not selected as the Video Source.
About Layouts
Using its internal Layering Engine, HELO Plus can combine the SDI and HDMI
inputs into a single streaming and/or recording output. The sizes of the input
signal raster can be reduced, positioned, and cropped, a graphic (video + key) file
can be added to the composite, front to back display priority can be adjusted, and
a color adjustable flat matte is also available for use as a background layer.
NOTE: The layout feature requires the HDMI and SDI sources have the same video
geometry and frame rate.
A layout is a stored configuration defining the appearance of the final composite
image. HELO Plus supports ten layouts at once, and a Shotbox feature allows
frame accurate insertion of the selected layout onto the HELO Plus's output.
Ten different layouts can also be stored into a single Preset for immediate use,
and because HELO Plus supports 20 Presets, rapid access to up to 200 layouts is
HELO Plus can store a maximum of 20 graphic file layout images at a time. These
saved images are shared by the HELO Plus's 20 presets, so a maximum of 20
different images can be instantly recalled via layout and preset recall. Each layout
can include one of these saved images, and the same image can be included in
different layouts for immediate recall.