U p g r adi ng AS W i p LL De vi ces
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
27.1. Overview
You can upgrade ASWipLL devices by downloading a later software (SW) version
file, using WipConfig or WipManage. The table below compares the WipConfig and
WipManage tools regarding upgrade capabilities.
27-1: Comparison of SW tools for upgrading ASWipLL devices
Communication mode
Number of devices
Serial and Network (i.e. local and remote)
Single device
Network (i.e. remote upgrade via TFTP
Single and multiple
WipConfig can perform local upgrades when connected to an ASWipLL device
through an RS-232 serial cable. For remote upgrades, WipManage and WipConfig
can communicate with the device from anywhere with IP connectivity to the
ASWipLL device. With regards to WipManage, the SW download is performed
using a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server on which the SW file is located.
ASWipLL devices contain two banks for storing the SW version files: a
bank and an
bank. The active bank contains the currently active SW version
file while the standby bank contains an inactive previous SW version file.
When you upgrade an ASWipLL device, the SW version file is first downloaded to
the device's standby SW bank. To enable the device to use the file, you need to
transfer the file to the device's active SW bank. In so doing, the previously active
SW version file is transferred back into the standby bank and becomes inactive.
Airspan Networks Inc.