D ef in ing T ran smi ssi on R at e
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
22.1. Overview
WipManage allows you to modify the transmission rate mode (initially configured
by WipConfig during initialization) of your ASWipLL system. This rate must be
identical for the BSR and its associated SPRs/IDRs for a viable air and network link
to exist.
WipManage also allows you to define various rate options, which includes the
Allowing the ASWipLL system to operate either at a fixed rate regardless of
radio conditions, or at an adjustable rate according to radio conditions of each
SPR and IDR.
Reducing the maximum rate to a rate lower than the configured maximum rate
mode. This may be useful when, for example, a poor link exists between BSR
and SPRs/IDRs, and instead of transmitting at the maximum rate, you can reduce
the rate to overcome poor link conditions and sustain a viable link.
Selecting transmission rate for broadcast packets that are sent from the BSR to
Airspan Networks Inc.