E st abli shing BS R - SP R L in k w ith Au to Co nn ect
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
8.4.2. Task 1: Add a "Fixed" SPR for Redirection
You first need to define redirection in a "fixed" SPR icon that is associated with a
BSR to which you want the SPR device to reconnect.
To define redirection for an SPR:
1. In the BSR Zoom window of the BSR to where you want the SPR device to be
redirected, right-click a fixed SPR (e.g.
index 6
), and then from the
shortcut menu, choose
8-37: Permitted SPRs Edit dialog box for defining redirection
2. Select the
AutoConnect Redirection
check box.
Airspan Networks Inc.