E st abli shing BS R - SP R L in k w ith Au to Co nn ect
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
8.4. Redirecting Previously Redirected SPRs
WipManage allows you to redirect, once again, an SPR that was previously
redirected to a BSR after initially undergoing AutoConnect.
1) Although redirection can be performed to a different BSR than the BSR to
which the SPR device originally connects using AutoConnect, for clarity, our
example uses the same BSR (i.e. for AutoConnect and Redirection.
2) When the SPR is redirected, the previous SPR’s entry (i.e. index # 2) in the
ASWipLL database is deleted, and the new SPR (i.e. index # 6) defined by its
new Ethernet MAC address, is entered in the database with its associated
Airspan Networks Inc.