AirSynergy3 Equipment Installation Guide
Page 35 | Commercial in Confidence SYN-UG-018
Wiring of the Drop cable to the power supply unit
5.2.1 The power drop cable comes in a standard 30m length with the power connector for the
Synergy3 unit pre-fitted. (Longer lengths are available). Choose the location PSU and the route of
the drop cable. Feed the cable through any building walls or cable entry glands and bring the
unterminated end to the selected location of the PSU.
Figure 42 – Preparing the end of the drop cable
5.2.2 With the drop cable from the AirSynergy cut to the required length prepare the cable to fit the
waterproof power connector. Strip back and remove the outer sheath to expose the inner blue and
black insulated wires to a length of 3cm. Then strip back 6mm of the inner core insulation.
Figure 43 – Water proof power connector with the 2 halves separated
Figure 44 – Waterproof connector dis-assembled ready for installation on the cables