P A R A M E T E R R E F E R E N C E ( T D M 8 8 0 I S P E C I F I C P A R A M E T E R S )
After a new configuration is retrieved, a special acknowledgement message is sent to the configuration sender. The
format of the acknowledgement is as follows:
Table 13
Acknowledgement message format
IGS feature
The IGS feature can be configured using the Mobile Parameterisation view shown in Figure 8.
Explanation of parametrization:
• The Power Off Timer gives the delay in seconds (0 - 600 s) to turn the radio off after the IGS signal has gone into
the low state.
Protocol Identifier
Sub-protocol Identifier
PDU type
4 bits : 0000
Result code
4 bits : 0000 = OK, 0001 = invalid parameters, 0010 = Failed due buffer IO error
If the IGS signal goes into the high state during this delay of the timer, the power off is cancelled.