2020/12/07 15:07
Airbus A320-214
Aerofly FS Wiki - https://www.aerofly.com/dokuwiki/
Airbus A320-214
A320 Beginners Tutorial
The Airbus A320 is a very complex modern airliner which is quite common on airports around the
globe. Chances are high that you already flew with this aircraft in the past. The Aerofly simulation of
this aircraft is very complex but due to the aircraft's automation it is very suitable for beginners as
We split this tutorial into several parts, first we are going to do a short flight explaining just the
essential things that you have to do in Aerofly to fly the A320 from one place to another. After that we
are going to go into more detail about this aircraft to explore all the features that are offered.
First we are going to do a very short flight from Sacramento to San Francisco. This flight only takes a
few minutes and there aren't actually that many things we need to do fly this quick hop. So this first
flight is clearly aimed at beginners and leaves out many things that a real pilot would need to do as
well. We're just doing the bare minimum for now.
We recommend setting all wind sliders to zero, removing all clouds and setting daytime for the
beginner tutorial.
Before the Flight
Please select your A320 from the aircraft menu and set up a route from Sacramento (KSMF) runway
16R to San Fransisco (KSFO) runway 28R using the
. Select the ILS I28R for the
approach into San Fransisco. Then position the aircraft on the departure runway.
In the main menu click the “Start” button to begin the flight.