str. 5
AIR-POL Sp. z o.o.
– 05-120 Legionowo, ul. Olszankowa 52, www.air-pol.com.pl
tel.: (+4822) 774 0711, (+4822) 784 1595, (+4822) 774 4832, fax (+4822) 784 9640, @: [email protected]
After deployment, the parachute should be carefully inspected in
order to determine its fitness for further service by a qualified
SK-94 parachute packer.
As long as the above is considered, the parachute may be used many
times without limitations.
In-the-air performance.
The SK-94 parachute opens when the release handle is pulled. When
that happens, the ripcord pins slide out of their respective loops
in the pilot chute container. Forced by a spring, the pilot chute is
ejected out of the container and filled in the airstream. That
generates a drag which in turn pulls the canopy and the suspension
lines out from the container. When the canopy has filled completely,
the pilot chute deflates and stays connected with the canopy.
The SK-94 rescue parachute provides excellent in-flight stability
and easy steerage during the fall by pulling at the steering grips
attached to the risers.
As the airflow is guided through a net-covered slot at the canopy
rim, the parachute gains forward speed which helps the user choose a
suitable landing spot.
Procedure during the jump.
Evacuation from an aircraft by means of a parachute is the ultimate
rescue procedure for the crew if there is no way of bringing that
aircraft back to the ground in a controlled manner.
When performing an emergency evacuation from an aircraft the
following actions should be performed depending on the actual
circumstances and the aircraft type:
disconnect oneself from any headsets, oxygen installations etc.,
open/eject the canopy or emergency exit doors,
unfasten the seat straps,
jump out of the cabin staying clear of any aircraft parts,
having successfully separated from the aircraft at a safe
distance, pull the ripcord release handle,
when canopy opens, check if the parachute is steerable:
to unlock the steering handles which are attached to the
risers, grip them and pull down,
when the left steering line is pulled, the parachute should
turn left,
when the right steering line is pulled, the parachute should
turn right,
check the wind direction (by observing smoke from smokestacks,
fires etc.),
taking advantage of the forward speed and steerage, choose the
glide direction (downwind if possible) and the landing spot,
immediately before the touch-down, pull the legs together and bend
your knees,
after landing, deflate the canopy and release the harness locks.