Trigger Subsystem
Series N6700 User’s Guide
Trigger Subsystem
The Trigger subsystem consists of the Abort, Initiate, and Trigger
Abort commands
cancel any triggered actions.
Initiate commands
initialize the trigger system. This enables the
trigger system to receive triggers.
Trigger commands
control the remote triggering of the power system.
They specify the trigger source for the transient and the
measurement system and also generate software triggers.
ABORt:ACQuire (@<chanlist>)
ABORt:TRANsient (@<chanlist>)
These commands cancel any measurement or transient trigger
actions presently in process. The two WTG bits in the Status
Operation Condition register are also reset. These commands are
executed at power-on and upon execution of *RST.
INITiate[:IMMediate]:ACQuire (@<chanlist>)
INITiate[:IMMediate]:TRANsient (@<chanlist>)
These commands control the enabling of both measurement and
transient triggers. When a trigger is initiated, an event on a selected
trigger source causes the specified triggering action to occur. If the
trigger system is not initiated, all triggers are ignored.
INITiate:CONTinuous:TRANsient {ON|OFF},(@<chanlist>)
INITiate:CONTinuous:TRANsient? @<chanlist>)
This command continuously initiates the output trigger system. The
enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). With continuous
triggering disabled, the output trigger system must be initiated for
each trigger using the INITiate:TRANsient command.
The *RST value = OFF.
TRIGger:ACQuire[:IMMediate] (@<chanlist>)
This command sends an immediate trigger to the measurement
system. When the trigger system is initiated, a measurement trigger
causes the power system to measure the output voltage or current
and store the results in a buffer. The measured quantity, voltage or
current is specified by the SENSe:FUNCtion command.
TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce {BUS|PIN<pin>|TRANsient<chan>}, (@<chanlist>)
TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce? (@<chanlist>)
This command selects the trigger source for the measurement trigger
system. The following trigger sources can be selected: