Output Subsystem
Series N6700 User’s Guide
Output Subsystem
The Output subsystem controls the output, power-on, protection, and
relay functions.
OUTPut[:STATe] {ON|OFF}, [NORelay],(@<chanlist>)
OUTPut[:STATe]? (@<chanlist>)
This command enables or disables the specified output channel(s).
The enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). The state of
a disabled output is a condition of zero output voltage and a zero
source current. If output and sense relays are installed in the module,
they will open when the output is disabled and close when the output
is enabled. The query returns 0 if the output is off, and 1 if the output
is on.
The NORelay optional parameter lets you turn the output state on or
off and leave the state of the relays unchanged. When not specified,
the relays open and close as the output is turned off and on.
Separate delays can be programmed for the off-to-on and the on-to-
off transition using OUTPut:DELay:RISE and OUTput:DELay:FALL.
The *RST value = OFF.
Because of internal circuit start-up procedures and any installed relay options,
the output on command may take between 35 and 50 milliseconds to complete
its function. Conversely, the output off command may take between 20 and 25
milliseconds to complete its function. If you need to mitigate this built-in delay,
you can program the output to zero volts rather than using the output on/off
OUTPut[:STATe]:DELay:FALL {<delay>|MIN|MAX}, (@<chanlist>)
OUTPut[:STATe]:DELay:FALL? (@<chanlist>)
This command sets the delay in seconds that the instrument waits
before disabling the specified output. It affects on-to-off transitions
including changes in the OUTPut:STATe as well as transitions due to
changes in the voltage range or current range. It does NOT affect
transitions to off caused by protection functions. Delay times can
range from 0 to 1.023 seconds in increments of 1 millisecond.
This command allows multiple output channels to turn off in a
controlled manner. Each output will not turn off until its delay time
has elapsed.
The *RST value = 0.