What Else You Can Do
Generate Trigger Signals
Use Alternating Patterns
Set up two different data patterns that
are sent alternately or externally
controlled. This can be used to insert
errors on particular positions in the
data pattern or to test the DUT’s ability
to recover from gaps in the data stream.
Block Error Mode and Bit Error Mode
These modes allow you to measure the BER
on a particular bit or block of bits in the data
pattern only. You can then, for example,
evaluate the header bits or the payload of a
data signal exclusively.
Audio Signals
Use audio signals that are played,
for example, as warning tones
when a specified BER is exceeded.
How to Get Help
The Serial BERT is equipped with a
context-sensitive Online Help. There you
will find comprehensive information on
the basic concepts of the Serial BERT,
detailed procedures for operating it, and
reference information on all elements of
the GUI and the programming interface.
Agilent Corporate Information
For further product information,
ordering information, and related
literature, please refer to the website:
Both the pattern generator and the error
detector can be set up to send trigger
signals for different purposes.
These signals can indicate various
occasions like the beginning of patterns.