Installing the Test Set
Step 5. Make the Interconnections between the Test Set and the PNA
Step 5. Make the Interconnections between the Test Set
and the PNA
Locate your test set and PNA model on the following pages for information describing
the interconnections between the test set and the network analyzer.
Connect the provided interconnect cables between the test set and the PNA. Torque
the semirigid cable connectors to 8 inch-pounds.
The Reference channel path through the test set is used to compensate for
electrically long DUTs. This also results in added loss in the Reference
channel and higher trace noise.
Therefore, do NOT use the Reference channel interconnect cables unless
making high speed measurements of electrically long devices.
For more information, see ‘Electrically long devices’ in the PNA Help
Be careful to install the interconnect cables correctly. The longer end of the
interconnect cable connects to the PNA front panel connector as shown
in the following image.
Figure 1-1 Interconnect Cable Orientation