Installing the Test Set
Step 3. Attach the PNA to the Test Set
Step 3. Attach the PNA to the Test Set
(N4420B or N4421B Test Set Only)
If your test set is an N4419B, continue with
“Step 4. Install the System on a Bench Top
or in an Equipment Rack” on page 1-11
The PNA is attached to the N4420B and N4421B test sets using lock links at the front
and locking feet at the rear.
Preparing the PNA
Remove the four feet from the bottom of the PNA.
Remove the screws from the two lower rear panel standoffs.
Install the two rear locking feet (5023-0132) where the standoffs were removed. The
locking feet may require GENTLE tapping with a hammer to seat properly. Use the
screws (part number 0515-1619) that are included to secure the feet to the PNA.