Agilent Technologies Infiniium 8000A Programmer'S Reference Manual Download Page 314


Display Commands




:DISPlay:LINE "<string_argument>"

The :DISPlay:LINE command writes a quoted string to the screen, starting at 
the location specified by the :DISPlay:ROW and :DISPlay:COLumn commands.  
When using the C programming language, quotation marks as shown in the 
example delimit a string.



Any series of ASCII characters enclosed in quotation marks.  


This example writes the message “Infiniium Test” to the screen, starting at the 
current row and column location.

10  OUTPUT 707;":DISPLAY:LINE ""Infiniium Test"""
20  END

This example writes the message "Infiniium Test" to the screen using C.   
Quotation marks are included because the string is delimited.

printf("\"Infiniium Test\"");

You may write text up to column 94.  If the characters in the string do not fill 
the line, the rest of the line is blanked.  If the string is longer than the space 
available on the current line, the excess characters are discarded.

In any case, the ROW is incremented and the COLumn remains the same.  The 
next :DISPlay:LINE command will write on the next line of the display.  After 
writing the last line in the display area, the ROW is reset to 0.

Summary of Contents for Infiniium 8000A

Page 1: ...Agilent Technologies Infiniium 8000A Programmer s Reference ...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...ce Publication Number D8064 97004 December 2006 This reference applies directly to software revision code A 05 20 and later Copyright Agilent Technologies 2005 2006 All Rights Reserved 8000A Series Infiniium Oscilloscopes ...

Page 4: ... to show you some typical applications The BASIC and C example programs are also shipped on a disk with the oscilloscope Chapters 7 25 describe the commands used to program the Infiniium Oscilloscopes Each chapter describes the set of commands that belong to an individual subsystem and explains the function of each command These chapters include Error Messages chapter describes error messages ACQu...

Page 5: ... a Subsystem 1 14 Selecting Multiple Subsystems 1 14 Programming Getting Started 1 14 Initialization 1 15 Example Program using HP Basic 1 16 Using the DIGITIZE Command 1 17 Receiving Information from the Oscilloscope 1 19 String Variable Example 1 20 Numeric Variable Example 1 20 Definite Length Block Response Data 1 21 Multiple Queries 1 22 Oscilloscope Status 1 22 2 LAN and GPIB Interfaces LAN ...

Page 6: ...ue 4 18 Output Queue 4 18 Message Queue 4 19 Clearing Registers and Queues 4 19 5 Programming Conventions Truncation Rule 5 3 The Command Tree 5 4 Infinity Representation 5 15 Sequential and Overlapped Commands 5 15 Response Generation 5 15 EOI 5 15 6 Sample Programs Sample Program Structure 6 3 Sample C Programs 6 4 Listings of the Sample Programs 6 18 gpibdecl h Sample Header 6 19 srqagi c Sampl...

Page 7: ...8 10 9 Calibration Commands Oscilloscope Calibration 9 3 Probe Calibration 9 4 Calibration Commands 9 5 OUTPut 9 6 SKEW 9 7 STATus 9 8 10 Channel Commands BWLimit 10 3 DISPlay 10 4 INPut 10 5 OFFSet 10 6 PROBe 10 7 PROBe ATTenuation 10 9 PROBe EADapter 10 10 PROBe ECoupling 10 12 PROBe EXTernal 10 14 PROBe EXTernal GAIN 10 15 PROBe EXTernal OFFSet 10 17 PROBe EXTernal UNITs 10 19 PROBe GAIN 10 21 ...

Page 8: 11 17 SRE Service Request Enable 11 18 STB Status Byte 11 20 TRG Trigger 11 22 TST Test 11 23 WAI Wait 11 24 12 Digital Commands DISPlay 12 3 LABel 12 4 SIZE 12 5 THReshold 12 6 13 Disk Commands CDIRectory 13 3 DELete 13 4 DIRectory 13 5 LOAD 13 6 MDIRectory 13 7 MSTore Obsolete 13 8 PWD 13 12 SAVe IMAGe 13 13 SAVe LISTing 13 14 SAVe MEASurements 13 15 SAVe SETup 13 16 SAVe WAVeform 13 17 CSV T...

Page 9: ... 15 5 PROBe ATTenuation 15 6 PROBe EADapter 15 7 PROBe ECoupling 15 9 PROBe EXTernal 15 11 PROBe EXTernal GAIN 15 12 PROBe EXTernal UNITs 15 14 PROBe GAIN 15 16 PROBe ID 15 17 PROBe SKEW 15 18 RANGe 15 19 UNITs 15 20 16 Function Commands FUNCtion N 16 4 ABSolute 16 5 ADD 16 6 AVERage 16 7 COMMonmode 16 8 DIFF Differentiate 16 9 DISPlay 16 10 DIVide 16 11 FFT FREQuency 16 12 FFT RESolution 16 13 FF...

Page 10: ...6 VERTical 16 37 VERTical OFFSet 16 38 VERTical RANGe 16 39 17 Hardcopy Commands AREA 17 3 DPRinter 17 4 FACTors 17 6 IMAGe 17 7 PRINters 17 8 18 Histogram Commands AXIS 18 4 MODE 18 5 SCALe SIZE 18 6 WINDow DEFault 18 7 WINDow SOURce 18 8 WINDow X1Position LLIMit 18 9 WINDow X2Position RLIMit 18 10 WINDow Y1Position BLIMit 18 11 WINDow Y2Position TLIMit 18 12 19 InfiniiScan ISCan Commands DELay 1...

Page 11: ...mands FAIL 20 3 LLIMit 20 4 MEASurement 20 5 RESults 20 6 TEST 20 7 ULIMit 20 8 21 Marker Commands CURSor 21 3 MEASurement READout 21 4 MODE 21 5 TDELta 21 6 TSTArt 21 7 TSTOp 21 9 VDELta 21 11 VSTArt 21 12 VSTOp 21 14 X1Position 21 16 X2Position 21 17 X1Y1source 21 18 X2Y2source 21 19 XDELta 21 20 Y1Position 21 21 Y2Position 21 22 YDELta 21 23 22 Mask Test Commands ALIGn 22 4 AlignFIT 22 5 AMASk ...

Page 12: ...9 LOAD 22 30 NREGions 22 31 PROBe IMPedance 22 32 RUMode 22 33 RUMode SOFailure 22 35 SCALe BIND 22 36 SCALe X1 22 37 SCALe XDELta 22 38 SCALe Y1 22 40 SCALe Y2 22 41 SOURce 22 42 STARt STOP 22 43 STIMe 22 44 TITLe 22 45 TRIGger SOURce 22 46 23 Measure Commands AREA 23 7 CGRade CROSsing 23 8 CGRade DCDistortion 23 9 CGRade EHEight 23 10 CGRade EWIDth 23 11 CGRade JITTer 23 12 CGRade QFACtor 23 13 ...

Page 13: ...23 55 HISTogram MAX 23 57 HISTogram MEAN 23 58 HISTogram MEDian 23 59 HISTogram MIN 23 60 HISTogram PEAK 23 61 HISTogram PP 23 62 HISTogram STDDev 23 63 HOLDtime 23 64 JITTer HISTogram 23 66 JITTer MEASurement 23 67 JITTer SPECtrum 23 68 JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal 23 69 JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal POSition 23 70 JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal RANGe 23 71 JITTer SPECtrum VERTical 23 72 JITTer SPECtrum V...

Page 14: ...Sults 23 100 RISetime 23 103 SCRatch 23 105 SENDvalid 23 106 SETuptime 23 107 SLEWrate 23 109 SOURce 23 110 STATistics 23 111 TEDGe 23 112 TIEClock2 23 114 TIEData 23 116 TMAX 23 118 TMIN 23 119 TVOLt 23 120 UNITinterval 23 122 VAMPlitude 23 124 VAVerage 23 125 VBASe 23 127 VLOWer 23 128 VMAX 23 129 VMIDdle 23 130 VMIN 23 131 VPP 23 132 VRMS 23 133 VTIMe 23 135 VTOP 23 136 VUPPer 23 137 24 Pod Com...

Page 15: ... 17 OPER 25 18 OVLEnable 25 19 OVLRegister 25 20 PRINt 25 21 RECall SETup 25 22 RUN 25 23 SERial Serial Number 25 24 SINGle 25 25 STATus 25 26 STOP 25 27 STORe SETup 25 28 STORe WAVeform 25 29 TER Trigger Event Register 25 30 VIEW 25 31 26 Self Test Commands CANCel 26 3 SCOPETEST 26 4 27 System Commands DATE 27 3 DEBug 27 4 DSP 27 6 ERRor 27 7 HEADer 27 8 LOCK 27 10 LONGform 27 11 SETup 27 13 TIME...

Page 16: ...sis 29 11 LEVel 29 12 LTHReshold 29 13 SWEep 29 14 Edge Trigger Mode and Commands 29 15 EDGE COUPling 29 17 EDGE SLOPe 29 18 EDGE SOURce 29 19 Glitch Trigger Mode and Commands 29 20 GLITch POLarity 29 22 GLITch SOURce 29 23 GLITch WIDTh 29 24 Advanced COMM Trigger Mode and Commands 29 25 COMM BWIDth 29 26 COMM ENCode 29 27 COMM LEVel 29 28 COMM PATTern 29 29 COMM POLarity 29 30 COMM SOURce 29 31 A...

Page 17: ...e 29 53 Advanced Delay By Time Mode and Commands 29 54 TDLY ARM SOURce 29 56 TDLY ARM SLOPe 29 57 TDLY DELay 29 58 TDLY TRIGger SOURce 29 59 TDLY TRIGger SLOPe 29 60 Advanced Standard TV Mode and Commands 29 61 STV FIELd 29 63 STV LINE 29 64 STV SOURce 29 65 STV SPOLarity 29 66 Advanced User Defined TV Mode and Commands 29 67 UDTV ENUMber 29 69 UDTV PGTHan 29 70 UDTV POLarity 29 71 UDTV SOURce 29 ...

Page 18: ...urce LTHReshold 29 97 VIOLation SETup HOLD TIME 29 98 VIOLation SETup SHOLd CSOurce 29 99 VIOLation SETup SHOLd CSOurce LEVel 29 100 VIOLation SETup SHOLd CSOurce EDGE 29 101 VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce 29 102 VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce HTHReshold 29 103 VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce LTHReshold 29 104 VIOLation SETup SHOLd SetupTIMe STIMe 29 105 VIOLation SETup SHOLd HoldTIMe HTIMe 29 106 Tra...

Page 19: ...UNits 30 64 YDISplay 30 65 YINCrement 30 66 YORigin 30 67 YRANge 30 68 YREFerence 30 69 YUNits 30 70 31 Waveform Memory Commands DISPlay 31 3 LOAD 31 4 SAVE 31 5 XOFFset 31 6 XRANge 31 7 YOFFset 31 8 YRANge 31 9 32 Error Messages Error Queue 32 3 Error Numbers 32 4 Command Error 32 5 Execution Error 32 6 Device or Oscilloscope Specific Error 32 7 Query Error 32 8 List of Error Messages 32 9 ...

Page 20: ...Contents 16 ...

Page 21: ...1 Introduction to Programming ...

Page 22: ...f remote control Basic operations that you can do with a computer and an oscilloscope include Set up the oscilloscope Make measurements Get data waveform measurements and configuration from the oscilloscope Send information such as waveforms and configurations to the oscilloscope You can accomplish other tasks by combining these functions Example Programs are Written in HP BASIC and C The programm...

Page 23: ...across the bus to the computer and places it in the designated variable For the GPIB interface messages are placed on the bus using an output command and passing the device address program message and a terminator Passing the device address ensures that the program message is sent to the correct GPIB interface and GPIB device The following HP BASIC OUTPUT statement sends a command that sets the ch...

Page 24: ...ormally appearasstrings embedded in a statement of your host language such as BASIC Pascal or C The only time a parameter is not meant to be expressed as a string is when the instruction s syntax definition specifies block data such as HP BASIC s learnstring command There are only a few instructions that use block data Instructions are composed of two main parts The header which specifies the comm...

Page 25: ... may be selected not both Ellipsis An ellipsis trailing dots indicates that the preceding element may be repeated one or more times Square Brackets Items enclosed in square brackets are optional Command and Query Sources Many commands and queries require that a source be specified Depending on the command or query and the model number of Infiniium oscilloscope being used some of the sources are no...

Page 26: ...rovides necessary information such as whether a function should be on or off or which waveform is to be displayed Each instruction s syntax definition shows the program data and the values they accept Whenthere is more than one data parameter they are separated by commas You can add spaces around the commas to improve readability ...

Page 27: ...the simple command header for example DIGITIZE CHAN1 white space is added to separate the data from the header The syntax is program mnemonic separator program data terminator or OUTPUT 707 DIGITIZE CHANNEL1 FUNCTION2 Compound Command Header Compound command headers are a combination of two program mnemonics The first mnemonic selects the subsystem and the second mnemonic selects the function with...

Page 28: ...bsystem command separator data command separator data terminator For example CHANNEL1 INPUT DC BWLIMIT ON Common Command Header Common command headers such as clear status control the IEEE 488 2 functions within the oscilloscope The syntax is command header terminator No space or separator is allowed between the asterisk and the command header CLS is an example of a common command header ...

Page 29: can use the function mnemonic RANGE to change both the vertical range and horizontal range To set the vertical range of channel 1 to 0 4 volts full scale CHANNEL1 RANGE 4 To set the horizontal time base to 1 second full scale TIMEBASE RANGE 1 In these examples CHANNEL1 and TIMEBASE are subsystem selectors and determine the range type being modified ...

Page 30: ...w the oscilloscope is currently configured and to get results of measurements made by the oscilloscope For example the command MEASURE RISETIME tells the oscilloscope to measure the rise time of your waveform and place the result in the output queue The output queue must be read before the next program message is sent For example when you send the query MEASURE RISETIME you must follow it with an ...

Page 31: ... used to convey parameter information as alpha or alphanumeric strings For example the TIMEBASE REFERENCE command can be set to left center or right The character program data in this case may be LEFT CENTER or RIGHT The command TIMEBASE REFERENCE RIGHT sets the time base reference to right The available mnemonics for character program data are always included with the instruction s syntax definit...

Page 32: ...en a syntax definition specifies that a number is an integer it means that the number should be whole Any fractional part is ignored and truncated Numeric data parameters that accept fractional values are called real numbers For more information see the chapter Interface Functions All numbers are expected to be strings of ASCII characters When sending the number 9 you would send a byte representin...

Page 33: ...ngs are case sensitive and spaces are also legal characters Program Message Terminator The program instructions within a data message are executed after the program message terminator is received The terminator may be either an NL New Line character an EOI End Or Identify asserted in the GPIB interface or a combination of the two Asserting the EOI sets the EOI control line low on the last byte of ...

Page 34: ...OSCALE ACQUIRE AVERAGE COUNT 1024 turns averaging on completes the autoscale operation then sets the acquire average count Here ACQUIRE must be sent again after AUTOSCALE to re enter the ACQUIRE subsystem and set the count Selecting Multiple Subsystems You can send multiple program commands and program queries for different subsystems on the same line by separating each command with a semicolon Th...

Page 35: ...setting up the vertical channel time base and trigger level of the oscilloscope The syntax for the autoscale function is AUTOSCALE terminator Setting Up the Oscilloscope A typical oscilloscope setup configures the vertical range and offset voltage the horizontal range delay time delay reference trigger mode trigger level and slope A typical example of the commands sent to the oscilloscope are CHAN...

Page 36: ...UTPUT 707 TRIGGER LEVEL CHAN1 4 Trigger level to 0 4 120 OUTPUT 707 TRIGGER SLOPE POSITIVE Trigger on positive slope 125 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF terminator 130 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE MODE RTIME Normal acquisition 140 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY GRATICULE FRAME Grid off 150 END Overview of the Program Line 10 initializes the oscilloscope interface to a known state Line 20 initializes the oscilloscope to a ...

Page 37: ...varies according to the number requested in the ACQUIRE subsystem The ACQUIRE subsystem determines the number of data points type of acquisition and number of averages used by the DIGITIZE command This lets you specify exactly what the digitized information contains The following program example shows a typical setup OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF terminator OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE MODE RTIME terminator ...

Page 38: ...and I O capabilities You must convert the data values to determine the voltage value of each point These data values are passed starting with the left most point on the oscilloscope s display For more information refer to the chapter Waveform Commands When using GPIB you may abort a digitize operation by sending a Device Clear over the bus for example CLEAR 707 ...

Page 39: ...IC statement ENTER device address Setting This would enter the current setting for the channel 1 coupling in the string variable Setting The device address parameter represents the address of the oscilloscope All results for queries sent in a program message must be read before another program message is sent For example when you send the query MEASURE RISETIME you must follow that query with an i...

Page 40: ... you have configured the bus for your own application In HP BASIC 5 0 string variables are case sensitive and must be expressed exactly the same each time they are used This example shows the data being returned to a string variable 10 DIM Rang 30 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 RANGE 30 ENTER 707 Rang 40 PRINT Rang 50 END After running this program the computer displays 8 00000E 01 Numeric Variable Exampl...

Page 41: ... of data or 8 bit extended ASCII codes The syntax is a pound sign followed by a non zero digit representing the number of digits in the decimal integer After the non zero digit is the decimal integer that states the number of 8 bit data bytes being sent This is followed by the actual data For example for transmitting 4000 bytes of data the syntax would be 44000 4000 bytes of data terminator The li...

Page 42: ...he command ENTER 707 Results When you read the result of multiple queries into string variables each response is separated by a semicolon For example the response of the query TIMEBASE RANGE DELAY would be range_value delay_value Use the following program message to read the query TIMEBASE RANGE DELAY into multiple numeric variables ENTER 707 Result1 Result2 Oscilloscope Status Status registers tr...

Page 43: ...2 LAN and GPIB Interfaces ...

Page 44: ...2 2 LAN and GPIB Interfaces There are two types of interfaces that can be used to remotely program the Infiniium oscilloscope Local Area Network LAN interface and GPIB interface ...

Page 45: ... a GPIB interface connector on the rear panel This allows direct connection to a GPIB equipped computer You can connect an external GPIB compatible device to the oscilloscope by installing a GPIB cable between the two units Finger tighten the captive screws on both ends of the GPIB cable to avoid accidentally disconnecting the cable during operation A maximum of fifteen GPIB compatible instruments...

Page 46: ...nable Register is set to 0x80 hex The Operation Status Enable Register is set to 0xFFFF hex The Overload Event Enable Register is set to 0xFF hex The Mask Test Event Enable Register is set to 0xFF hex You can change the default conditions using the PSC command with a parameter of 1 one When set to 1 the Standard Event Status Enable Register is set 0x00 hex and the Service Request Enable Register i...

Page 47: ...1 Source Handshake Full Capability AH1 Acceptor Handshake Full Capability T5 Talker Basic Talker Serial Poll Talk Only Mode Unaddress if Listen Address MLA L4 Listener Basic Listener Unaddresses if Talk Address MTA SR1 Service Request Full Capability RL1 Remote Local Complete Capability PP0 Parallel Poll No Capability DC1 Device Clear Full Capability DT1 Device Trigger Full Capability C0 Computer ...

Page 48: ...s true The command mode is used to send talkand listen addresses and various interface commands such as group execute trigger GET The interface is in the data mode when the ATN line is false The data mode is used to convey device dependent messages across the bus The device dependent messages include all of the oscilloscope specific commands queries and responses found in this manual including osc...

Page 49: ... communications to the proper interface The default is typically 7 for the GPIB interface cards Oscilloscope Address Each oscilloscope on the GPIB must have a unique oscilloscope address between decimal 0 and 30 This oscilloscope address is used by the computer to direct commands and communications to the proper oscilloscope on an interface The default is typically 7 for this oscilloscope You can ...

Page 50: ...w to communicate with the oscilloscope using the LAN interface and the Agilent Standard Instrument Control Library SICL include sicl h define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 main INST Bus int reason unsigned long actualcnt char buffer BUFFER_SIZE Open the LAN interface Bus iopen lan 130 29 71 45 hpib7 7 if Bus 0 Bus timeout set to 20 seconds itimeout Bus 20000 Clear the interface iclear Bus Query and print the o...

Page 51: ...2 9 LAN and GPIB Interfaces Communicating Over the LAN Interface buffer actualcnt 1 0 printf s n buffer iclose Bus ...

Page 52: ...uffer and output queue reset the parser and clear any pending commands If either of these commands is sent during a digitize operation the digitize operation is aborted Group Execute Trigger The group execute trigger GET command arms the trigger This is the same action produced by sending the RUN command Interface Clear The interface clear IFC command halts all bus activity This includes unaddress...

Page 53: ...3 Message Communication and System Functions ...

Page 54: ... oscilloscope series is designed to be compatible with other Agilent Technologies IEEE 488 2 compatible instruments Oscilloscopes that arecompatiblewithIEEE488 2mustalsobecompatiblewithIEEE488 1 GPIB bus standard however IEEE 488 1 compatible oscilloscopes may or may not conform to the IEEE 488 2 standard The IEEE 488 2 standard defines the message exchange protocols by which the oscilloscope and ...

Page 55: ... take some time to execute to the oscilloscope then proceed to talk to another oscilloscope while the first oscilloscope is parsing and executing commands Output Queue The output queue of the oscilloscope is the memory area where all output data or response messages are stored until read by the computer Parser The oscilloscope s parser is the component that interprets the commands sent to the osci...

Page 56: communicate by exchanging complete program messages and response messages This means that the computer should always terminate a program message before attempting to read a response The oscilloscope will terminate response messages except during a hard copy output After you send a query message the next message should be the response message The computer should always read the complete response...

Page 57: ... will accept are shown in Table 3 1 Table 3 1 suffix mult Suffix Unit The suffix units that the oscilloscope will accept are shown in Table 3 2 Table 3 2 suffix unit Value Mnemonic Value Mnemonic 1E18 EX 1E 3 M 1E15 PE 1E 6 U 1E12 T 1E 9 N 1E9 G 1E 12 P 1E6 MA 1E 15 F 1E3 K 1E 18 A Suffix Referenced Unit V Volt S Second ...

Page 58: ...3 6 ...

Page 59: ...4 Status Reporting ...

Page 60: ...event first clear the event then enable the event All of the events are cleared when you initialize the oscilloscope To generate a service request SRQ interrupt to an external computer enable at least one bit in the Status Byte Register The Status Byte Register the Standard Event Status Register group and the Output Queue are defined as the Standard Status Data Structure Model in IEEE 488 2 1987 I...

Page 61: ...icates power is turned on URQ User Request Not Used Permanently set to zero CME Command Error Indicates if the parser detected an error EXE Execution Error Indicates if a parameter was out of range or was inconsistent with the current settings DDE Device Dependent Error Indicates if the device was unable to complete an operation for device dependent reasons QYE Query Error Indicates if the protoco...

Page 62: ...ason for requesting service ESB Event Status Bit IndicatesifanyoftheenabledconditionsintheStandard Event Status Register have occurred MAV Message Available Indicates if there is a response in the output queue MSG Message Indicates if an advisory has been displayed USR User Event Register Indicates ifany of theenabledconditionshaveoccurred in the User Event Register TRG Trigger Indicates if a trig...

Page 63: ... These bits are enabled by using the ESE common command to set the corresponding bit in the Standard Event Status Enable Register To generate a service request SRQ interrupt to the computer you must enable at least one bit in the Status Byte Register These bits are enabled by using the SRE common command to set the corresponding bit in the Service Request Enable Register These enabled bits can the...

Page 64: ...4 6 Status Reporting Status Reporting Data Structures Figure 4 2 Status Reporting Data Structures ...

Page 65: ...4 7 Status Reporting Status Reporting Data Structures Figure 4 2 Continued Status Reporting Data Structures Continued ...

Page 66: ...ween the two methods is that the serial poll command reads bit 6 as the Request Service RQS bit and clears the bit which clears the SRQ interrupt The STB query reads bit 6 as the Master Summary Status MSS and does not clear the bit or have any effect on the SRQ interrupt The value returned is the total bit weights of all of the bits that are set at the present time The use of bit 6 can be confusin...

Page 67: ... Register The difference in the decimal value between this example and the previous one is the value of bit 6 weight 64 Bit 6 is set when the first enabled summary bit is set and is cleared when the Status Byte Register is read by the serial poll command Example 2 This example uses the HP BASIC serial poll SPOLL command to read the contents of the oscilloscope s Status Byte Register 10 Result SPOL...

Page 68: ...When an enabled event in the Standard Event Status Register generates a summary bit that sets bit 5 ESB Message Event Register This register sets the MSG bit in the status byte register when an internally generated message is written to the advisory line on the oscilloscope The message is read using the SYSTEM DSP query Note that messages written to the advisory line on the oscilloscope using the ...

Page 69: ...Standard Event Status Enable Register a summary bit ESB in the Status Byte Register is set You can read the contents of the Standard Event Status Register and clear the register by sending the ESR query The value returned is the total bit weights of all bits set at the present time Example This example uses the ESR query to read the contents of the Standard Event Status Register 10 OUTPUT 707 SYST...

Page 70: ...refore you can enable any of these bits to generate the summary bit by sending OUTPUT 707 ESE 60 Whenever an error occurs the oscilloscope sets one of these bits in the Standard Event Status Register Because the bits are all enabled a summary bit is generated to set bit 5 ESB in the Status Byte Register If bit 5 ESB in the Status Byte Register is enabled via the SRE command a service request inter...

Page 71: ...nt Register and indicates the trigger is armed The Mask Test Summary bit is set whenever at least one of the Mask Test Event Register bits is enabled The auto trigger bit is set by the Auto Trigger Event Register The Overload Summary bit is set whenever at least one of the Overload Event Register bits is enabled If any of these bits are set the OPER bit bit 7 of the Status Byte Register is set The...

Page 72: ...this bit to generate the summary bit by sending OUTPUT 707 OPEE 512 hex 200 Whenever an error occurs the oscilloscope sets this bit in the Mask Test Event Register Because this bit is enabled a summary bit is generated to set bit 9 OPER in the Operation Status Register If bit 7 OPER in the Status Byte Register is enabled via the SRE command a service request interrupt SRQ is sent to the external c...

Page 73: ... whenever the mask test failed The Mask Low Amplitude bit is set whenever the signal is below the mask amplitude The Mask High Amplitude bit is set whenever the signal is above the mask amplitude The Mask Align Complete bit is set whenever the mask align is complete The Mask Align Fail bit is set whenever the mask align failed If any of these bits are set the MASK bit bit 9 of the Operation Status...

Page 74: ...7 MTEE 2 Whenever an error occurs the oscilloscope sets the MASK bit in the Operation Status Register Because the bits in the Operation Status Enable Register are all enabled a summary bit is generated to set bit 7 OPER in the Status Byte Register If bit 7 OPER in the Status Byte Register is enabled via the SRE command a service request interrupt SRQ is sent to the external computer Disabled Mask ...

Page 75: ...t the computer operation when the trigger bit is set you must clear the event register after each time it is set Acquisition Done Event Register This register sets bit 0 Acq Done bit in the Operation Status Register and bit 7 OPER bit in the Status Byte Register when the oscilloscope acquisition is completed The DONE event register stays set until it is cleared by reading the register with the ADE...

Page 76: ...r a new error When all the errors have been read from the queue subsequent error queries return 0 No error The error queue is cleared when any of these events occur When the oscilloscope is powered up When the oscilloscope receives the CLS common command When the last item is read from the error queue For more information on reading the error queue refer to the SYSTEM ERROR query in the System Com...

Page 77: ...The queue is read with the SYSTEM DSP query Note that messages sent with the SYSTEM DSP command do not set the MSG status bit in the Status Byte Register Clearing Registers and Queues The CLS common command clears all event registers and all queues except the output queue If CLS is sent immediately following a program message terminator the output queue is also cleared ...

Page 78: ...4 20 Figure 4 3 Status Reporting Decision Chart ...

Page 79: ...5 Programming Conventions ...

Page 80: Conventions ThischapterdescribesconventionsusedtoprogramtheInfiniium Series Oscilloscopes and conventions used throughout this manual A description of the command tree and command tree traversal is also included ...

Page 81: ...ractersofthekeyword unlessthefourthcharacter is a vowel Then the mnemonic is the first three characters of the keyword If the length of the keyword is four characters or less this rule does not apply and the short form is the same as the long form Long Form Short Form How the Rule is Applied RANGE RANG Short form is the first four characters of the keyword PATTERN PATT Short form is the first four...

Page 82: ...E 488 2 and control some functions that are common to all IEEE 488 2 instruments These commands are independent of the tree and do not affect the position of the parser within the tree RST is an example of a common command Root level commands control many of the basic functions of the oscilloscope These commands reside at the root of the command tree They can always be parsed if they occur at the ...

Page 83: ...mpound header as a reference point for example RANGE Then find the last colon above that mnemonic TIMEBASE That is the point where the parser resides You can send any command below this point within the current program message without sending the mnemonics which appear above them for example REFERENCE Tree Traversal Rules A leading colon or a program message terminator NL or EOI true on the last b...

Page 84: ...5 6 Programming Conventions The Command Tree Figure 5 1 Command Tree ...

Page 85: ...5 7 Programming Conventions The Command Tree Figure 5 2 Command Tree Continued ...

Page 86: ...5 8 Programming Conventions The Command Tree Figure 5 3 Command Tree Continued ...

Page 87: ...5 9 Programming Conventions The Command Tree Figure 5 4 Command Tree Continued ...

Page 88: ...5 10 Programming Conventions The Command Tree Figure 5 5 Command Tree Continued ...

Page 89: ...5 11 Programming Conventions The Command Tree Figure 5 6 Command Tree Continued ...

Page 90: ...5 12 Programming Conventions The Command Tree Figure 5 7 Command Tree Continued BUS N DIGital N and POD N commands only available on the MSO oscilloscopes ...

Page 91: ... Figure 5 8 Command Tree Continued 54830cmdd cdr LTESt FAIL LLIMit TEST RESults ULIMit ISCan DELay MEASurement FAIL LLIMit MEASurement TEST ULIMit MODE NONMonotonic EDGE HYSTeresis SOURce RUNT HYSteresis LLEVel SOURce ULEVel SERial PATTern SOURce ...

Page 92: ... in the tree Example 2 Consider the following commands OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE REFERENCE CENTER POSITION 0 00001 or OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE REFERENCE CENTER OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE POSITION 0 00001 In the first line of example 2 the subsystem selector is implied for the POSITION command in the compound command A second way to send these commands is shown in the second part of the example Because the program m...

Page 93: ...before the execution of the next command starts Overlapped commands run concurrently Commands following an overlapped command may be started before the overlapped command is completed Response Generation As defined by IEEE 488 2 query responses may be buffered for these reasons When the query is parsed by the oscilloscope When the computer addresses the oscilloscope to talk so that it may read the...

Page 94: ...5 16 ...

Page 95: ...6 Sample Programs ...

Page 96: ...ns This chapter shows you some of those functions and describes the commands being executed Both C and BASIC examples are included The header file is gpibdecl h The C examples include init c gen_srq c srqagi c srqnat c learnstr c sicl_IO c natl_IO c The BASIC examples include init bas srq bas lrn_str bas The sample program listings are included at the end of this chapter ...

Page 97: ...stants specifies include files and calls various functions initialize Initializes the GPIB or LAN interface and oscilloscope and sets up the oscilloscope and the ACQuire subsystem acquire_data Digitizes the waveform to capture data auto_measurements Performs simple parametric measurements transfer_data Brings waveform data and voltage timing information the preamble into the computer The BASIC pro...

Page 98: ...ation of atof atoi include gpibdecl h prototypes global declarations constants void initialize void initialize the oscilloscope void acquire_data void digitize waveform void auto_measurements void perform built in automatic measurements void transfer_data void transfers waveform data from oscilloscope to PC int convert_data int int converts data to time voltage values void store_csv FILE int store...

Page 99: ...sicl_IO c or natl_IO c if init_IO initialize the oscilloscope and interface and set up SRQ initialize acquire_data capture the data perform automated measurements on acquired data auto_measurements transfer waveform data to the PC from oscilloscope transfer_data close_IO close interface and device sessions end main The init_IO routine initializes the oscilloscope and interface so that the oscillos...

Page 100: ...ize void write_IO RST reset oscilloscope initialize to known state write_IO CLS clear status registers and output queue write_IO SYSTem HEADer OFF turn off system headers initialize time base parameters to center reference 2 ms full scale 200 us div and 20 us delay write_IO TIMebase REFerence CENTer RANGe 2e 3 POSition 20e 6 initialize Channel1 1 6V full scale 200 mv div offset 400mv write_IO CHAN...

Page 101: ...n of new data It will initialize data buffers acquire new data and ensure that acquisition criteria are met before acquisition of data is stopped The captured data is then available for measurements storage or transfer to a PC Note that the display is automatically turned off by the DIGitize command and must be turned on to view the captured data write_IO DIGitize CHANnel1 write_IO CHANnel1 DISPla...

Page 102: ...The result flag is zero if the measurement was successfully completed otherwise a non zero value is returned which indicates why the measurement failed The second method simply requires that you check the return value of the measurement Any measurement not made successfully will return with the value 9 999E37 This could indicate that either the measurement was unable to be performed or that insuff...

Page 103: ...RESULTS OFF frequency float 0 vpp float 0 turn off results write_IO MEASure SENDvalid OFF write_IO MEASure FREQuency CHANnel1 frequency channel 1 bytes_read read_IO freq_str 16L read in value and result flag frequency float atof freq_str if frequency 9 99e37 printf nFrequency could not be measured n else printf nThe frequency of channel 1 is f Hz n frequency write_IO MEASure VPP CHANnel1 bytes_rea...

Page 104: ...OURce CHANnel1 waveform data source channel 1 write_IO WAVeform FORMat BYTE setup transfer format write_IO WAVeform XINCrement request values to allow interpretation of raw data bytes_read read_IO xinc_str 32L xinc atof xinc_str write_IO WAVeform XORigin bytes_read read_IO xorg_str 32L xorg atof xorg_str write_IO WAVeform YINCrement bytes_read read_IO yinc_str 32L yinc atof yinc_str write_IO WAVef...

Page 105: ... time_division convert_data time_division MAX_LENGTH store_csv fp MAX_LENGTH Store data to disk input last of waveform data bytes_read read_IO data Acquired_length bytes_read 1 Convert data to voltage and time time_division convert_data time_division bytes_read 1 store_csv fp bytes_read 1 Store data to disk fclose fp close file end transfer_data An example header resembles the following when the i...

Page 106: ...waveform data to time voltage information using the values that describe the waveform These values are stored in global arrays for use by other routines int convert_data int time_division int length int i for i 0 i Acquired_length i calculate time info time_value i time_division xinc xorg calculate volt info volts i data i yinc yorg time_division return time_division end convert_data The data valu...

Page 107: ... about the waveform as time voltage pairs in a comma separated variable file format void store_csv FILE fp int length int i if fp NULL for i 0 i length i write time volt pairs to file fprintf fp e lf n time_value i volts i else printf Unable to open file pairs csv n end store_csv The time and voltage information of the waveform is stored with the time stored first followed by a comma and the volta...

Page 108: ... program initializes the 8000A oscilloscope runs an autoscale then generates and responds to a Service Request from the oscilloscope The program assumes an 8000A at address 7 an interface card at interface select code 7 and a waveform source attached to channel 1 include stdio h location of printf include gpibdecl h void initialize void void setup_SRQ void void create_SRQ void void main void if in...

Page 109: ...efault configuration Using RST ensures that the oscilloscope is in a known state before you configure it It ensures very consistent and repeatable results Without RST a program may run one time but it may give different results in following runs if the oscilloscope is configured differently For example if the trigger mode is normally set to edge the program may function properly But if someone put...

Page 110: ... none Description This routine initializes the device to generate Service Requests It sets the Service Request Enable Register Event Status Bit and the Standard Event Status Enable Register to allow SRQs on Command Execution Device Dependent or Query errors void setup_SRQ void Enable Service Request Enable Register Event Status Bit write_IO SRE 32 Enable Standard Event Status Enable Register enabl...

Page 111: ...quested to allow time for the SRQ to be generated The ID string will contain a leading character which is the response placed in the output queue by the interrupted query void create_SRQ void char buf 256 0 read buffer for id string int bytes_read 0 ifdef AGILENT Setup the Agilent interrupt handler ionsrq scope srq_agilent else Setup the National interrup handler ibnotify scope RQS srq_national NU...

Page 112: section include gpibdecl h srqagi c learnstr c sicl_IO c natl_IO c Listings of the BASIC sample programs in this section include init bas srq bas lrn_str bas Read the README File Before Using the Sample Programs Before using the sample programs be sure to read the README file on the disk that contains the sample programs ...

Page 113: ...rface define AGILENT Uncomment if using LAN or Agilent interface card define NATL Uncomment if using National interface card define WIN31 For National card ONLY select windows version define WIN95 ifdef WIN95 include windows h include file for Windows 95 else include windecl h include file for Windows 3 1 endif ifdef AGILENT include d siclnt c sicl h Change the path for the sicl h location else in...

Page 114: ...os_mode 0 endif GLOBALS ifdef AGILENT INST bus INST scope else int bus int scope endif define TRUE 1 define FALSE 0 extern int srq_asserted GPIB prototypes void init_IO void void write_IO char void write_lrnstr char long int read_IO char unsigned long unsigned char read_status void close_IO void void gpiberr void ifdef AGILENT extern void SICLCALLBACK srq_agilent INST else extern int __stdcall srq...

Page 115: ... open interface Return value none Description This routine services the scope when an SRQ is generated An error file is opened to receive error data from the scope void SICLCALLBACK srq_agilent INST id FILE fp unsigned char statusbyte 0 int i 0 int more_errors 0 char error_str 64 0 int bytes_read srq_asserted TRUE statusbyte read_status if statusbyte SRQ_BIT fp fopen error_list wb open error file ...

Page 116: ...or string s n error_str write error msg to std IO if fp NULL fprintf fp Error string s n error_str write error msg to file if error_str 0 0 write_IO CLS Clear event registers and queues except output more_errors FALSE if fp NULL fclose fp end while more_errors else printf SRQ not generated by scope n scope did not cause SRQ srq_asserted FALSE end srq_agilent ...

Page 117: ...ope include stdio h location of printf fopen fclose fwrite getchar include gpibdecl h void initialize void void store_learnstring void void change_setup void void get_learnstring void void main void if init_IO initialize device and interface Note routine found in sicl_IO c or natl_IO c initialize the oscilloscope and interface and set up SRQ initialize store_learnstring request learnstring and sto...

Page 118: ... void write_IO RST reset oscilloscope initialize to known state write_IO CLS clear status registers and output queue write_IO SYSTem HEADer ON turn on system headers initialize Timebase parameters to center reference 2 ms full scale 200 us div and 20 us delay write_IO TIMebase REFerence CENTer RANGe 5e 3 POSition 20e 6 initialize Channel1 1 6v full scale 200 mv div offset 400mv write_IO CHANnel1 R...

Page 119: ...t 0 write_IO SYSTem SETup request learnstring actualcnt read_IO setup MAX_LRNSTR fp fopen learn2 wb if fp NULL fwrite setup sizeof unsigned char int actualcnt fp printf Learn string stored in file Learn2 n fclose fp else printf Error in file open n end store_learnstring Function name change_setup Parameters none Return value none Description This routine places the oscilloscope into local mode to ...

Page 120: ... known as a learnstring from a disk file called Learn2 It then restores the system setup to the oscilloscope void get_learnstring void FILE fp unsigned char setup MAX_LRNSTR unsigned long count 0 fp fopen learn2 rb if fp NULL count fread setup sizeof unsigned char MAX_LRNSTR fp fclose fp write_lrnstr setup count send learnstring write_IO RUN end get_learnstring ...

Page 121: ...f initialization Description This routine initializes the SICL environment It sets up error handling opens both an interface and device session sets timeout values clears the interface by pulsing IFC and clears the instrument by performing a Selected Device Clear int init_IO ionerror I_ERROR_EXIT set up interface error handling open interface session for verifying SRQ line bus iopen INTERFACE if b...

Page 122: ...ope bus else scope iopen DEVICE_ADDR open the scope device session if scope 0 printf Scope session invalid n return FALSE itimeout scope 20000 set device timeout to 20 sec iclear scope perform Selected Device Clear on oscilloscope endif return TRUE end init_IO ...

Page 123: ...g actualcnt unsigned long length int send_end 1 length strlen buffer iwrite scope buffer length send_end actualcnt end write_IO Function name write_lrnstr Parameters char buffer which is a pointer to the character string to be output long length which is the length of the string to be output Return value none Description This routine outputs a learnstring to the oscilloscope device session using t...

Page 124: ...oscilloscope device session using SICL commands int read_IO void buffer unsigned long length int reason unsigned long actualcnt iread scope buffer length reason actualcnt return int actualcnt Function name check_SRQ Parameters none Return value integer indicating if bus SRQ line was asserted Description This routine checks for the status of SRQ on the bus and returns a value to indicate the status...

Page 125: ...E ireadstb uses serial poll to read status byte this should clear bit 6 to allow another SRQ ireadstb scope statusbyte return statusbyte end read_status Function name close_IO Parameters none Return value none Description This routine closes device and interface sessions for the SICL environment and calls the routine _siclcleanup which de allocates resources used by the SICL environment void close...

Page 126: ...ile void gpiberr char buffer printf Error string s n buffer end gpiberr Function name init_IO Parameters none Return value none Description This routine initializes the NI environment It sets up error handling opens both an interface and device session sets timeout values clears the interface by pulsing IFC and clears the instrument by performing a Selected Device Clear void init_IO void bus ibfin...

Page 127: ...he device scope if ibsta ERR gpiberr ibclr error end init_IO Function name write_IO Parameters void buffer which is a pointer to the character string to be output Return value none Description This routine outputs strings to the oscilloscope device session void write_IO void buffer long length length strlen buffer ibwrt scope buffer long length if ibsta ERR gpiberr ibwrt error end write_IO ...

Page 128: buffer long length ibwrt scope buffer long length if ibsta ERR gpiberr ibwrt error end write_lrnstr Function name read_IO Parameters char buffer which is a pointer to the character string to be input unsigned long length which indicates the max length of the string to be input Return value integer which indicates the actual number of bytes read Description This routine inputs strings from the o...

Page 129: ...short control_lines 0 iblines bus control_lines if control_lines BusSRQ srq_asserted TRUE else srq_asserted FALSE return srq_asserted end check_SRQ Function name read_status Parameters none Return value unsigned char indicating the value of status byte Description This routine reads the oscilloscope status byte and returns the status unsigned char read_status void unsigned char statusbyte Always r...

Page 130: ...mple Programs natl_IO c Sample Program Function name close_IO Parameters none Return value none Description This routine closes device session void close_IO void ibonl scope 0 close device session end close_IO ...

Page 131: ...ct code 7 an 90 8000A oscilloscope at address 7 and the 8000A cal waveform connected to Channel 1 100 110 120 130 COM Io Scope Path Interface 140 COM Raw_data INTEGER Data 4095 150 COM Converted_data REAL Time 4095 Volts 4095 160 COM Variables REAL Xinc Xorg Yinc Yorg 170 COM Variables INTEGER Record_length 180 190 200 CALL Initialize 210 CALL Acquire_data 220 CALL Auto_msmts 230 CALL Transfer_dat...

Page 132: ...OM Variables REAL Xinc Xorg Yinc Yorg 510 COM Variables INTEGER Record_length 520 Interface 7 530 ASSIGN Scope TO 707 540 RESET Interface 550 CLEAR Scope 560 OUTPUT Scope RST 570 OUTPUT Scope CLS 580 OUTPUT Scope SYSTem HEADer OFF 590 Initialize Timebase center reference 2 ms full scale 200 us div 20 us delay 600 OUTPUT Scope TIMebase REFerence CENTer RANGe 2e 3 POSition 20e 6 610 Initialize Chann...

Page 133: ... stopped The captured 830 data is then available for measurements storage or transfer to a 840 PC Note that the display is automatically turned off by the DIGitize 850 command and must be turned on to view the captured data 860 870 880 SUB Acquire_data 890 COM Io Scope Path Interface 900 OUTPUT Scope DIGitize CHANnel1 910 OUTPUT Scope CHANnel1 DISPlay ON 920 SUBEND 930 940 950 960 970 980 Subprogr...

Page 134: ...ammer s Manual for descriptions of result 1190 indicators The second method simply requires that you check the return value of 1200 the measurement Any measurement not made successfully will return with the value 1210 9 999e37 This could indicate that either the measurement was unable to be 1220 performed or that insufficient waveform data was available to make the measurement 1230 1240 METHOD ONE...

Page 135: ...0 PRINT 1530 END IF 1540 1550 1560 METHOD TWO 1570 1580 OUTPUT Scope MEASure SENDvalid OFF turn off results 1590 OUTPUT Scope MEASure VPP CHANnel1 Query volts peak to peak 1600 ENTER Scope Vpp 1610 IF Vpp 9 99E 37 THEN 1620 PRINT 1630 PRINT VPP is Vpp 1640 PRINT 1650 ELSE 1660 PRINT 1670 PRINT Automated vpp measurement error Vpp 1680 PRINT 1690 END IF 1700 OUTPUT Scope MEASure FREQuency CHANnel1 1...

Page 136: ...t WORD 2030 request values needed to convert raw data to real 2040 OUTPUT Scope WAVeform XINCrement 2050 ENTER Scope Xinc 2060 OUTPUT Scope WAVeform XORigin 2070 ENTER Scope Xorg 2100 OUTPUT Scope WAVeform YINCrement 2110 ENTER Scope Yinc 2120 OUTPUT Scope WAVeform YORigin 2130 ENTER Scope Yorg 2160 2170 request data 2180 OUTPUT Scope WAVeform DATA 2190 ENTER Scope USING 1A First_chr ignore leadin...

Page 137: ... 1 2480 Time I I Xinc Xorg 2490 Volts I Data I Yinc Yorg 2500 NEXT I 2510 SUBEND 2520 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 Subprogram name Store_csv 2580 Parameters none 2590 Return value none 2600 Description This routine stores the time and voltage information about the waveform 2610 as time voltage pairs in a comma separated variable file format 2620 2630 2640 SUB Store_csv 2650 COM Io Scope Path Interface...

Page 138: I Volts I 2780 NEXT I 2790 SUBEND 2800 2810 2820 2830 2840 2850 Subprogram name Close 2860 Parameters none 2870 Return value none 2880 Description This routine closes the IO paths 2890 2900 2910 SUB Close 2920 COM Io Scope Path Interface 2930 2940 RESET Interface 2950 ASSIGN Path TO 2960 SUBEND ...

Page 139: ...he oscilloscope 60 70 80 COM Io Scope Interface 90 COM Variables Temp 100 CALL Initialize 110 CALL Setup_srq 120 ON INTR Interface CALL Srq_handler Set up routine to handle interrupt 130 ENABLE INTR Interface 2 Enable SRQ Interrupt for Interface 140 CALL Create_srq 150 CALL Close 160 END 170 The BASIC programming language can be used to set up and transfer data to your PC However because of the li...

Page 140: ...strument is reset to a known state and the interface is 300 cleared System headers are turned off to allow faster throughput 310 and immediate access to the data values requested by the queries 320 330 340 SUB Initialize 350 COM Io Scope Interface 360 ASSIGN Scope TO 707 370 Interface 7 380 RESET Interface 390 CLEAR Scope 400 OUTPUT Scope RST 410 OUTPUT Scope CLS 420 OUTPUT Scope SYSTem HEADer OFF...

Page 141: ...uest Enable Register Event Status Bit 550 and the Standard Event Status Enable REgister to allow SRQs on 560 Command or Query errors 570 580 590 SUB Setup_srq 600 COM Io Scope Interface 610 OUTPUT Scope SRE 32 Enable Service Request Enable Registers Event Status bit 620 630 Enable Standard Event Status Enable Register 640 enable bit 5 Command Error value 32 650 bit 2 Query Error value 4 660 OUTPUT...

Page 142: ...10 sent to demonstrate how to handle multiple errors in the error queue 820 830 840 850 SUB Create_srq 860 COM Io Scope Interface 870 DIM Buf 256 880 OUTPUT Scope CHANnel2 DISPlay 890 OUTPUT Scope CHANnel2 DISPlay OFF send query interrupt 900 OUTPUT Scope CHANnel DISPlay OFF send illegal header 910 Do some stuff to allow time for SRQ to be recognized 920 930 OUTPUT Scope IDN Request IDN to verify ...

Page 143: ...en cleared All event registers and 1130 queues except the output queue are cleared before control is returned 1140 to the main program 1150 1160 1170 1180 SUB Srq_handler 1190 COM Io Scope Interface 1200 DIM Error_str 64 1210 INTEGER Srq_asserted More_errors 1220 Status_byte SPOLL Scope 1230 IF BIT Status_byte 6 THEN 1240 More_errors 1 1250 WHILE More_errors 1260 OUTPUT Scope SYSTem ERROR STRING 1...

Page 144: ...0 1430 1440 1450 1460 Subprogram name Close 1470 Parameters none 1480 Return value none 1490 Description This routine resets the interface 1500 1510 1520 1530 SUB Close 1540 COM Io Scope Interface 1550 1560 RESET Interface 1570 SUBEND 1580 1590 1600 ...

Page 145: ...TTACHED TO 80 CHANNEL 1 90 100 110 COM Io Scope Path Interface 120 COM Variables Max_length 130 CALL Initialize 140 CALL Store_lrnstr 150 CALL Change_setup 160 CALL Get_lrnstr 170 CALL Close 180 END 190 200 210 220 230 BEGIN SUBROUTINES 240 250 260 Subprogram name Initialize 270 Parameters none 280 Return value none 290 Description This routine initializes the path descriptions and resets the 300 ...

Page 146: ...cope SYSTem HEADer ON 470 OUTPUT Scope AUToscale 480 SUBEND 490 500 510 520 530 540 Subprogram name Store_lrnstr 550 Parameters none 560 Return value none 570 Description This routine creates a file in which to store the learnstring 580 configuration Filename Lrn_strg It requests the learnstring 590 and inputs the configuration to the PC Finally it stores the 600 configuration to the file 610 620 ...

Page 147: ..._setup 890 COM Io Scope Path Interface 900 910 PRINT 920 PRINT Please adjust setup and press Continue to resume 930 PAUSE 940 SUBEND 950 960 970 980 990 Subprogram name Get_lrnstr 1000 Parameters none 1010 Return value none 1020 Description This subprogram loads a learnstring from the 1030 file Lrn_strg to the oscilloscope 1040 1050 1060 SUB Get_lrnstr 1070 COM Io Scope Path Interface 1080 COM Var...

Page 148: ...ubprogram name Close 1200 Parameters none 1210 Return value none 1220 Description This routine resets the interface and closes all I O paths 1230 1240 1250 1260 SUB Close 1270 COM Io Scope Path Interface 1280 1290 RESET Interface 1300 ASSIGN Path TO 1310 SUBEND 1320 1330 ...

Page 149: ...7 Acquire Commands ...

Page 150: ...s in this subsystem select the type of data the number of averages and the number of data points These ACQuire commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes AVERage AVERage COUNt COMPlete COMPlete STATe INTerpolate MODE POINts memory depth POINts AUTO SEGMented COUNt SEGMented INDex SEGMented TTAGs SRATe sampling rate SRATe AUTO ...

Page 151: PDETect mode The MTESt AVERage command performs the same function as this command Example This example turns averaging on 10 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE AVERAGE ON 20 END Query ACQuire AVERage The ACQuire AVERage query returns the current setting for averaging Returned Format ACQuire AVERAGE 1 0 NL Example This example places the current settings for averaging into the string variable Setting then print...

Page 152: ...t be averaged for each time bucket to be considered complete The number of time buckets that must be complete for the acquisition to be considered complete is specified by the ACQuire COMPlete command 10 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE AVERAGE COUNT 16 20 END Query ACQuire AVERAGE COUNt The ACQuire AVERage COUNt query returns the currently selected count value Returned Format ACQuire AVERage COUNt value NL val...

Page 153: ...ta in the record is replaced by new data when ACQuire AVERage is off Hence the complete mode really has no effect and the behavior of the oscilloscope is the same as when the completion criteria is set to 100 this is the same as in PDETect mode When ACQuire AVERage is on all of the previous data in the record is replaced by new data The range of the ACQuire COMPlete command is 0 to 100 and indicat...

Page 154: ...00 representing the percentage of time buckets that must be full before an acquisition is considered complete Example This example reads the completion criteria and places the result in the variable Percent Then it prints the content of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE COMPLETE 30 ENTER 707 Percent 40 PRINT Percent 50 END ...

Page 155: ... set the acquire mode of the oscilloscope by using the ACQuire MODE command ON Turns the COMPlete mode on Then you can specify the completion percent OFF When off the oscilloscope makes measurements on waveforms after each acquisition cycle regardless of how complete they are The waveform record is not cleared after each measurement Instead previous data points will be replaced by new samples as t...

Page 156: ...Terpolate command turns the sin x x interpolation filter on or off when the oscilloscope is in one of the real time sampling modes Query ACQuire INTerpolate The ACQuire INTerpolate query returns the current state of the sin x x interpolation filter control Returned Format ACQuire INTerpolate 1 0 NL ...

Page 157: ...e rate determines the number of data points per data region From each data region four sample points are chosen to be displayed for each time column The four sample points chosen from each data region are the minimum voltage value sample the maximum voltage value sample a randomly selected sample an equally spaced sample The number of samples per data region is calculated using the equation The re...

Page 158: ...Example This example sets the acquisition mode to Real Time Normal 10 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE MODE RTIME 20 END Query ACQuire MODE The ACQuire MODE query returns the current acquisition sampling mode Returned Format ACQuire MODE RTIMe ETIMe REPetitive PDETect HRESolution SEGMented NL Example This example places the current acquisition mode in the string variable Mode then prints the contents of the var...

Page 159: ...ery the points value with the WAVeform POINts query or WAVeform PREamble query to determine the actual number of acquired points You can set the points value to AUTO which allows Infiniium to select the optimum memory depth and display update rate points_value An integer representing the memory depth The range of points available for a channel depends on the oscilloscope settings of Sampling Mode ...

Page 160: ...on Averaging Standard Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 512500 16 to 256250 16 to 512500 16 to 256250 16 to 512500 16 to 256250 16 to 512500 16 to 256250 040 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 16 to 2097152 16 to 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 8200000 16 to 4100000 16 t...

Page 161: ... 16 to 4100000 16 to 2097152 16 to 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 2097152 16 to 1048576 160 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 32800000 16 to 16400000 16 to 32800000 16 to 16400000 16 to 32800000 16 to 16400000 2097152 1048576 320 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel ...

Page 162: ...0 256250 040 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 16 to 512500 16 to 512500 16 to 2050000 16 to 1025000 2097152 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 8200000 16 to 4100000 16 to 1025000 16 to 1025000 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 2097152 1048576 160 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 2050000 16 to 205...

Page 163: ...0 16 to 2050000 16 to 2050000 2097152 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 8200000 16 to 8200000 16 to 2050000 16 to 2050000 16 to 4100000 16 to 4100000 2097152 1048576 160 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 16400000 16 to 16400000 16 to 4100000 16 to 4100000 16 to 8200000 16 to 8200000 2097152 1048576 320 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 32800...

Page 164: ... Full Channel Mode 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 2097152 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 8200000 16 to 4100000 16 to 8200000 16 to 4100000 16 to 8200000 16 to 4100000 2097152 1048576 160 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 ...

Page 165: ...o 8200000 16 to 4100000 2097152 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 2097152 1048576 160 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 32800000 16 to 16400000 16 to 32800000 16 to 16400000 16 to 32800000 16 to 16400000 2097152 1048576 320 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 6560...

Page 166: ...7152 1048576 040 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 16 to 512500 16 to 512500 16 to 2050000 16 to 1025000 2097152 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 8200000 16 to 4100000 16 to 1025000 16 to 1025000 16 to 4100000 16 to 2050000 2097152 1048576 160 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 16400000 16 to 8200000 16 to 2050000 16 to...

Page 167: 512500 16 to 1025000 16 to 1025000 2097152 1048576 040 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 4100000 16 to 4100000 16 to 1025000 16 to 1025000 16 to 2050000 16 to 2050000 2097152 1048576 080 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to 8200000 16 to 8200000 16 to 2050000 16 to 2050000 16 to 4100000 16 to 4100000 2097152 1048576 160 Option Half Channel Mode Full Channel Mode 16 to...

Page 168: ...uire POINts points_value NL Example This example checks the current setting for memory depth and places the result in the variable Length Then the program prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE POINTS 30 ENTER 707 Length 40 PRINT Length 50 END See Also WAVeform DATA ...

Page 169: ...nd Example This example sets the automatic memory depth control to off 10 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE POINTS AUTO OFF 20 END Query ACQuire POINts AUTO The ACQuire POINts AUTO query returns the automatic memory depth control state Returned Format ACQuire POINts AUTO 1 0 NL Example This example checks the current setting for automatic memory depth control and places the result in the variable State Then the ...

Page 170: ... 10 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE SEGMented COUNt 1000 20 END Query ACQuire SEGMented COUNt The ACQuire SEGMented COUNT query returns the number of segments control value Returned Format ACQuire SEGMented COUNt segments NL Example This example checks the current setting for segmented memory count control and places the result in the variable Segments Then the program prints the contents of the variable to th...

Page 171: ...number of the segment that you want to display Example This example sets the segmented memory index number control to 1000 10 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE SEGMented INDex 1000 20 END Query ACQuire SEGMented INDex The ACQuire SEGMented INDex query returns the segmented memory index number control value Returned Format ACQuire SEGMented INDex index NL Example This example checks the current setting for segmen...

Page 172: ... TTAGs ON 20 END Query ACQuire SEGMented TTAGs The ACQuire SEGMented TTAGs query returns the segmented memory time tags control value Returned Format ACQuire SEGMented TTAGs 1 0 NL Example This example checks the current setting for segmented memory time tags control and places the result in the variable timetags Then the program prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTP...

Page 173: ...ate You can send any value but the value is rounded to the next fastest sample rate Interaction between ACQuire SRATe and ACQuire POINts If you assign a sample rate value with ACQuire SRATe or a points value using ACQuire POINts the following interactions will occur Manual means you are setting a non AUTO value for SRATe or POINts Table 7 9 Available Sample Rate Values in Sa s Example This example...

Page 174: ...ion sample rate Returned Format ACQuire SRATe AUTO rate NL Example This example places the current sample rate in the string variable Sample then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Sample 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE SRATE 30 ENTER 707 Sample 40 PRINT Sample 50 END ...

Page 175: ...real time or peak detect sampling the control will show the new value Example This example changes the sampling rate to manual 10 OUTPUT 707 ACQUIRE SRATE AUTO OFF 20 END Query ACQuire SRATe AUTO The ACQuire SRATe AUTO query returns the current acquisition sample rate Returned Format ACQuire SRATe AUTO 1 0 NL Example This example places the current sample rate in the variable Sample then prints th...

Page 176: ...7 28 Acquire Commands SRATe AUTO ...

Page 177: ...8 Bus Commands ...

Page 178: ...8 2 Bus Commands The BUS modes and commands described in this chapter include BIT M BITS CLEar CLOCk DISPlay LABel READout The BUS commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 179: ...n The digital subsystem must be enabled for this command will work See ENABle command in the root subsystem M An integer 0 15 N An integer 1 4 Example This example includes bit 1 as part of the bus 1 definition 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 BUS1 BIT1 ON 30 END Query BUS N BIT M The BUS N BIT M query returns the value indicating whether the specified bit is included or excluded from th...

Page 180: ... See ENABle command in the root subsystem N An integer 1 4 channel_list The channel range is from 0 to 15 in the following format Example This example includes bits 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 as part of the bus 1 definition 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 BUS1 BITS 1 2 4 9 ON 30 END Query BUS N BITS The BUS N BITS query returns the definition for the specified bus Return format BUS N BITS chan...

Page 181: command excludes all of the digital channels from the selected bus definition N An integer 1 4 Example This example excludes all the digital channels from the bus 1 definition 10 Output 707 BUS1 CLEAR 20 END The BUS commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 182: ...M An integer 0 15 N An integer 1 4 O An integer 1 4 Example This example sets the clock to channel 1 for bus 1 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 BUS1 CLOCK CHANNEL1 30 END Query BUS N CLOCK The BUS N CLOCk query returns the channel being used for the specified bus Return format BUS N CLOCk CHANnel O DIGital M NONE NL The BUS commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 183: ... O An integer 1 4 Example This example sets the clock edge to falling for bus 1 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 BUS1 CLOCK SLOPE FALLING 30 END Query BUS N CLOCK SLOPe The BUS N CLOCk SLOPe query returns the clock edge being used for the specified bus Return format BUS N CLOCk RISing FALLing EITHer NL The BUS commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 184: ...bled before this command will work See the ENABle command in the root subsystem N An integer 1 4 Example This example enables the viewing of bus 1 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 BUS1 ON 30 END Query BUS N DISPlay The BUS N DISPlay query returns the display value of the selected bus Returned Format BUS N 1 0 NL The BUS commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 185: ... less characters as a quoted ASCII string Example This example sets the bus 1 label to Data 10 Output 707 BUS1 LABEL Data 20 END Query BUS N LABel The BUS N LABel query returns the name of the specified bus Return format BUS N LABel quoted_string NL The BUS commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes Label strings are 16 characters or less and may contain any commonly used ASCII characters Labels...

Page 186: displayed in the bus waveform N An integer 1 4 Example This example sets the bus read out to decimal 10 Output 707 BUS1 READOUT DECIMAL 20 END Query BUS N READout The BUS N READout query returns the format of the readout control Return format BUS N READout HEX DECimal SYMBol NL The BUS commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 187: ...9 Calibration Commands ...

Page 188: ...his chapter briefly explains the calibration of the oscilloscope It is intended to give you and the calibration lab personnel an understanding of the calibration procedure and how the calibration subsystem is intended to be used ...

Page 189: ... ambient temperature since the last calibration has changed more than 10 C The temperature change since the last calibration is shown on the calibration status screen which is found under the Utilities Calibration dialog It is the line labeled Calibration Temp _ C To perform the oscilloscope calibration you need a BNC to BNC cable such as the 8120 1840 cable When you initiate the calibration instr...

Page 190: ...even if a probe calibration is not performed For passive probes or nonidentified probes the oscilloscope adjusts the vertical scale factors only if a probe calibration is performed If you do not perform a probe calibration but want to use a passive probe enter the attenuation factor in the Probe Cal dialog under the Channel dialog If the probe being calibrated has an attenuation factor that allows...

Page 191: ...n subsystem allow you to change the output of the front panel Aux Out connector adjust the skew of the channels and check the status of the calibration These CALibration commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes OUTPut SKEW STATus ...

Page 192: volts adjustable from 2 4 V to 2 4 V DC Example This example puts a DC voltage of 2 0 volts on the oscilloscope front panel Aux Out connector 10 OUTPUT 707 CALIBRATE OUTPUT DC 2 0 20 END Query CALibrate OUTPut The CALibrate OUTPut query returns the current setup Returned Format CALibrate OUTPut AC TRIGOUT DC dc_value Example This example places the current selection for the DC calibration to be...

Page 193: ...mmand to compensate for differences in the electrical lengths of input paths due to cabling and probes N An integer 1 2 for two channel oscilloscopes Infiniium Oscilloscope models An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models skew_value A real number in seconds Example This example sets the oscilloscope channel 1 skew to 0 1 s 10 OUTPUT 707 CALIBRATE SKEW CHANNEL1 0 1 20 END Query CAL...

Page 194: ...s fail and a 1 indicates unused This matches the status in the Calibration dialog box in the Utilities menu Returned Format CALibrate STATus status status Frame Status Channel1 Vertical Channel1 Trigger Channel2 Vertical Channel2 Trigger Channel3 Vertical Channel3 Trigger 1 for two channel oscilloscopes Channel4 Vertical Channel4 Trigger 1 for two channel oscilloscopes Aux Trigger Ext Trigger for ...

Page 195: ...10 Channel Commands ...

Page 196: ...l commands and queries are implemented BWLimit DISPlay INPut OFFSet PROBe PROBe ATTenuation only for the 1154A probe PROBe EADapter only for the 1153A 1154A and 1159A probes PROBe ECoupling only for the 1153A 1154A and 1159A probes PROBe EXTernal PROBe EXTernal GAIN PROBe EXTernal OFFSet PROBe EXTernal UNITs PROBe GAIN only for the 1154A probe PROBe ID PROBe SKEW PROBe STYPe only for 113xA series ...

Page 197: ...Oscilloscope models Example This example sets the internal low pass filter to ON for channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 BWLIMIT ON 20 END Query CHANnel N BWLimit The CHANnel N BWLimit query returns the state of the low pass filter for the specified channel Returned Format CHANnel N BWLimit 1 0 NL Example This example places the current setting of the low pass filter in the variable Limit then prints...

Page 198: ...ets channel 1 display to on 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 DISPLAY ON 20 END Query CHANnel N DISPlay The CHANnel N DISPlay query returns the current display condition for the specified channel Returned Format CHANnel N DISPlay 1 0 NL Example This example places the current setting of the channel 1 display in the variable Display then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 7...

Page 199: ...ameters available in this command for Infiniium are DC DC coupling 1 MΩ input impedance DC50 DCFifty DC coupling 50Ω input impedance AC AC 1 MΩ input impedance LFR1 LFR2 AC 1 MΩ input impedance Example This example sets the channel 1 input to DC50 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 INPut DC50 20 END Query CHANnel N INPut The CHANnel N INPut query returns the selected channel input parameter Returned Format CH...

Page 200: ... other measurement units such as amperes if you have specified other units using the CHANnel N UNITs command Example This example sets the offset for channel 1 to 0 125 in the current measurement units 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 OFFSET 125E 3 20 END Query CHANnel N OFFSet The CHANnel N OFFSet query returns the current offset value for the specified channel Returned Format CHANnel N OFFSet offset_value...

Page 201: ...sets the mode for the probe attenuation This mode also determines the units that may be used for a subsequent command For example if you select RATio mode then the attenuation factor must be given in In DECibel mode you can specify the units for the argument as dB N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models attenuation _factor ...

Page 202: ...the current attenuation setting for channel 1 in the string variable Atten then the program prints the contents 10 DIM Atten 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE 30 ENTER 707 Atten 40 PRINT Atten 50 END If you use a string variable the query returns the attenuation value and the factor decibel or ratio If you use an integer variable the query returns the attenuation value You must th...

Page 203: ...annel If the 1154A probe is not connected to a channel you will get a settings conflict error N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Example This example sets the probe attenuation for channel 1 to divide by 10 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE ATTENUATION DIV10 20 END Query CHANnel N PROBe ATTenuation The CHANnel N PROBe ATTen...

Page 204: ...nnel If one of these probes is not connected to the channel you will get a settings conflict error N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Example This example sets the external adapter for channel 1 to divide by 10 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EADAPTER DIV10 20 END Parameter Description NONE Use this setting when there is ...

Page 205: ...annel Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe EDApter NONE DIV10 DIV20 DIV100 NL Example This example places the external adapter value of the specified channel in the string variable Adapter then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Adapter 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EADAPTER 30 ENTER 707 Adapter 40 PRINT Adapter 50 END ...

Page 206: ...d to your probe as follows This command is only available when an 1153A 1154A or 1159A probe is connected to a channel If one of these probes is not connected to the channel you will get a settings conflict error N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Example This example sets the external coupling adapter for channel 1 to...

Page 207: ...ified channel Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe ECoupling NONE AC NL Example This example places the external coupling adapter value of the specified channel in the string variable Adapter then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Adapter 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE ECOUPLING 30 ENTER 707 Adapter 40 PRINT Adapter 50 END ...

Page 208: ... EXTERNAL ON 20 END Query CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal The CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal query returns the current external probe mode for the specified channel Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal 1 0 NL Example This example places the current setting of the external probe mode on channel 1 in the variable Mode then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEAD...

Page 209: ... and also determinestheunitsthat maybeusedforasubsequent command Forexample if you select RATio mode then the attenuation factor must be given in ratio gain units In DECibel mode you can specify the units for the argument as dB N An integer 1 4 gain_factor A real number from 0 001 to 10000 for the RATio gain units or from 60 dB to 80 dB for the DECibel gain units Example This example sets the prob...

Page 210: ...cted channel Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal GAIN gain_factor NL Example This example places the external gain value of the probe on the specified channel in the variable Gain then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL ON 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL GAIN 30 ENTER 707 Gain 40 PRINT Gain 50 END ...

Page 211: ...value of the probe amplifier When CHANnel N PROBe STYPe DIFFerential is selected the CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal OFFSet command changes the offset value of the channel amplifier N An integer 1 4 offset_value A real number for the offset value at center screen Usually expressed in volts but can be in other measurement units such as amperes if you have specified other units using the CHANnel N PROBe EX...

Page 212: ... Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal OFFSet offset_value NL Example This example places the external offset value of the probe on the specified channel in the variable Offset then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL ON 30 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL OFFSET 40 ENTER 707 Offset 50 PRINT Offset ...

Page 213: ...annel probe external commands and channel commands such as CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal OFFSet and CHANnel N RANGe See the Probe Setup dialog box for more information N An integer 1 4 Example This example sets the external units for the probe on channel 1 to amperes 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL ON 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL UNITS AMPERE 30 END CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal command must ...

Page 214: ...Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal UNITs VOLT AMPere WATT UNKNown NL Example This example places the external vertical units for the probe on the specified channel in the string variable Units then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Units 50 20 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL ON 30 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE EXTERNAL UNITS 40 ENTER 707 Units 50 PRINT Units ...

Page 215: ...Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Example This example sets the probe gain for channel 1 to times 10 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE GAIN X10 20 END Query CHANnel N PROBe GAIN The CHANnel N PROBe GAIN query returns the current probe gain setting for the selected channel Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe GAIN X1 X10 NL This command is only available when 1...

Page 216: ...eger 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Returned Format CHANnel N PROBe ID probe_id probe_id A string of up to 9 alphanumeric characters Some of the possible returned values are 1131A 1132A 1134A 1147A 1153A 1154A 1156A 1157A 1158A 1159A AutoProbe E2621A E2622A E2695A E2697A HP1152A HP1153A NONE Probe Unknown ...

Page 217: ...10 23 Channel Commands PROBe ID Example This example reports the probe type connected to channel 1 if one is connected 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE ID 20 END ...

Page 218: ... different channels N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models skew_value A real number for the skew value in the range 100 µs to 100 µs Example This example sets the probe skew for channel 1 to 10 µs 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE SKEW 10E 6 20 END Query CHANnel N PROBe SKEW The CHANnel N PROBe SKEW query returns the current pr...

Page 219: ... command changes the offset value of the probe amplifier When differential is selected the CHANnel N PROBe EXTernal OFFset command changes the offset value of the channel amplifier N An integer 1 4 Example This example sets the probe mode to single ended 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 PROBE STYPE SINGLE 20 END Query CHANnel N PROBe STYPe The CHANnel N PROBe STYPe query returns the current probe mode setti...

Page 220: ...her Infiniium Oscilloscope models range_value A real number for the full scale voltage of the specified channel number Example This example sets the full scale range for channel 1 to 500 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 RANGE 500E 3 20 END Query CHANnel N RANGe The CHANnel N RANGe query returns the current full scale vertical axis setting for the selected channel Returned Format CHANnel N RANGe range_val...

Page 221: ...scale of the channel in units per division Example This example sets the scale value for channel 1 to 500 mV div 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 SCALE 500E 3 20 END Query CHANnel N SCALe The CHANnel N SCALe query returns the current scale setting for the specified channel Returned Format CHANnel N SCALe scale_value NL Example This example places the current scale value in the number variable Setting then p...

Page 222: ...Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Example This example sets the units for channel 1 to amperes 10 OUTPUT 707 CHANNEL1 UNITS AMPERE 20 END Query CHANnel N UNITs The CHANnel N UNITs query returns the current units setting for the specified channel Returned Format CHANnel N UNITs VOLT AMPere WATT UNKNown NL Example This example places the vertical units for the s...

Page 223: ...11 Common Commands ...

Page 224: ...ey are sent over the GPIB as separate program messages or within other program messages These common commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes CLS Clear Status ESE Event Status Enable ESR Event Status Register IDN Identification Number LRN Learn OPC Operation Complete OPT Option PSC Power on Status Clear RCL Recall RST Reset SAV Save SRE Service Request Enable STB Status ...

Page 225: ... the oscilloscope sets the acquire type clears the status information then sets the number of averages without leaving the selected subsystem Status Registers The following two status registers used by common commands have an enable mask register By setting bits in the enable register you can select the status information for use Refer to the chapter Status Reporting for a complete discussion of s...

Page 226: ...tus Command CLS The CLS command clears all status and error registers Example This example clears the status data structures of the oscilloscope 10 OUTPUT 707 CLS 20 END See Also Refer to the Status Reporting chapter for a complete discussion of status ...

Page 227: ...ey is pressed the Event Summary bit ESB in the Status Byte Register is also set 10 OUTPUT 707 ESE 64 20 END Query ESE The ESE query returns the current contents of the Standard Event Status Enable Register Returned Format mask NL mask An integer 0 to 255 the plus sign is also returned representing a mask value for the bits enabled in the Standard Event Status Register as shown in Table 11 2 Exampl...

Page 228: ...ion of status Bit Weight Enables Definition 7 128 PON Power On Indicates power is turned on 6 64 Not Used Permanently set to zero 5 32 CME Command Error Indicates whether the parser detected an error 4 16 EXE Execution Error Indicates whether a parameter was out of range or was inconsistent with the current settings 3 8 DDE Device Dependent Error Indicates whether the device was unable to complete...

Page 229: NL status An integer 0 to 255 representing the total bit weights of all bits that are high at the time you read the register Example This example places the current contents of the Standard Event Status Register in the numeric variable Event then prints the value of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 ESR 20 ENTER 707 Event 30 PRINT Event 40 END Table 11 3 lists each bit in the ...

Page 230: 5 32 CME 0 no command errors 1 a command error has been detected 4 16 EXE 0 no execution error 1 an execution error has been detected 3 8 DDE 0 no device dependent errors 1 a device dependent error has been detected 2 4 QYE 0 no query errors 1 a query error has been detected 1 2 RQC 0 request control NOT used always 0 0 1 OPC 0 operation is not complete 1 operation is complete 0 False Low 1 T...

Page 231: ...e same for all identical oscilloscopes The last five digits are the serial suffix which is assigned sequentially and is different for each oscilloscope Rev Specifies the software version of the oscilloscope and is the revision number Options Comma separated list of the installed options Returned Format Agilent Technologies DSO8104A USXXXXXXXX A XX XX Example This example places the oscilloscope s ...

Page 232: ...illoscope s address and asks for the learn string then determines the string length according to the IEEE 488 2 block specification It then reads the string and the last EOF character 10 Set up the oscilloscope s address and 20 ask for the learn string 30 ASSIGN Scope TO 707 40 OUTPUT Scope LRN 50 60 Search for the sign 70 80 Find_pound_sign 90 ENTER Scope USING A Thischar 100 IF Thischar THEN Fin...

Page 233: ...Gform are ON the SYSTem SETup command performs the same function as the LRN query Otherwise LRN and SETup are not interchangeable LRN Returns Prefix to Setup Block The LRN query always returns SYSTem SETup as a prefix to the setup block The SYSTem HEADer command has no effect on this response ...

Page 234: ...oscope s output queue when all pending selected device operations have finished Returned Format 1 NL Example This example places an ASCII character 1 in the oscilloscope s output queue when the AUToscale operation is complete Then the value in the output queue is placed in the numeric variable Complete 10 OUTPUT 707 AUTOSCALE OPC 20 ENTER 707 Complete 30 PRINT Complete 40 END The OPC query allows ...

Page 235: ...ture Once implemented an option name will be appended to the end of the returned string delimited by a comma Returned Format 001 002 640 320 160 080 040 EZP CLK EZJ SDA LSS EBW NRD ERC NL See on line help system in the Help About dialog box for the installed options list Example This example places all options into the string variable Options then prints the option name to the computer s screen 10...

Page 236: ...Register must be set to 128 decimal and the Service Request Enable Register must be set to 32 decimal This allows the Power On PON bit to set the SRQ line when the oscilloscope is ready to receive commands Example This example sets the PSC flag to 0 which sets the SRQ line during the boot process 10 OUTPUT 707 PSC 0 SRE 32 ESE 128 20 END Query The PSC query returns the value of the PSC flag Return...

Page 237: ... Registers 0 through 9 are general purpose registers and can be used by the RCL command register An integer 0 through 9 specifying the save recall register that contains the oscilloscope setup you want to recall Example This example restores the oscilloscope to the oscilloscope setup stored in register 3 10 OUTPUT 707 RCL 3 20 END See Also SAV Save An error message appears on the oscilloscope s di...

Page 238: ... does change the SYSTem HEADer or the SYSTem LONGform settings but does change the completion criteria ACQuire COMPlete to 90 Example This example resets the oscilloscope to a known state 10 OUTPUT 707 RST 20 END The default values for all of the Infiniium controls is located in the Infiniium Help System under Default Setup ...

Page 239: ...ores the current state of the oscilloscope in a save register register An integer 0 through 9 specifying the register used to save the current oscilloscope setup Example This example stores the current oscilloscope setup to register 3 10 OUTPUT 707 SAV 3 20 END See Also RCL Recall ...

Page 240: ...ble 11 4 Example This example enables a service request to be generated when a message is available in the output queue When a message is available the MAV bit is high 10 OUTPUT 707 SRE 16 20 END Query SRE The SRE query returns the current contents of the Service Request Enable Register Returned Format mask NL mask An integer 0 to 255 representing a mask value for the bits enabled in the Service R...

Page 241: ... 1 in the Service Request Enable Register enables the corresponding bit in the Status Byte Register A 0 disables the bit Table 11 4 Service Request Enable Register Bits Bit Weight Enables 7 128 OPER Operation Status Register 6 64 Not Used 5 32 ESB Event Status Bit 4 16 MAV Message Available 3 8 Not Used 2 4 MSG Message 1 2 USR User Event Register 0 1 TRG Trigger ...

Page 242: ...le reads the contents of the Status Byte into the numeric variable Value then prints the value of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 STB 20 ENTER 707 Value 30 PRINT Value 40 END In response to a serial poll SPOLL Request Service RQS is reported on bit 6 of the status byte Otherwise the Master Summary Status bit MSS is reported on bit 6 MSS is the inclusive OR of the bitwise combin...

Page 243: ...vice 1 oscilloscope is requesting service 5 32 ESB 0 no event status conditions have occurred 1 an enabled event status condition has occurred 4 16 MAV 0 no output messages are ready 1 an output message is ready 3 8 0 not used 2 4 MSG 0 no message has been displayed 1 message has been displayed 1 2 USR 0 no enabled user event conditions have occurred 1 an enabled user event condition has occurred ...

Page 244: ...aveform display if the trigger conditions are met according to the current settings Example This example starts the data acquisition for the active waveform display according to the current settings 10 OUTPUT 707 TRG 20 END Trigger Conditions Must Be Met When you send the TRG command in Single trigger mode the trigger conditions must be met before the oscilloscope will acquire data ...

Page 245: ... the numeric variable Results The program then prints the results to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 TST 20 ENTER 707 Results 30 PRINT Results 40 END If a test fails refer to the troubleshooting section of the service guide The self test takes approximately 3 minutes to complete When using timeouts in your program a 200 second duration is recommended Disconnect Inputs First You must disconnect...

Page 246: ...11 24 Common Commands WAI Wait WAI Wait Command WAI The WAI command has no function in the oscilloscope but is parsed for compatibility with other instruments Example Output 707 WAI ...

Page 247: ...12 Digital Commands ...

Page 248: ...12 2 Digital Commands The DIGital modes and commands described in this chapter include DISPlay LABel SIZE THReshold The DIGital commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 249: ...k See ENABle command in the root subsystem N An integer 0 15 Example This example turns on the display of bit 5 for the digital channels 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 DIGITAL5 DISPLAY ON 30 END Query DIGital N DISPlay The DIGital N DISPlay query returns the value of the display setting for the selected digital channel Returned Format DIGital N DISPlay 1 0 NL The DIGital commands only ...

Page 250: ... less characters as a quoted ASCII string Example This example sets the label for bit 7 to Clock 10 Output 707 DIGital7 LABel Clock 20 END Query DIGital N LABel The DIGital N LABel query returns the name of the specified digital channel Return format DIGital N LABel quoted_string NL The DIGital commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes Label strings are 16 characters or less and may contain any...

Page 251: ...See ENABle command in the root subsystem N An integer 0 15 Example This example changes the size to medium for all displayed digital channels or buses 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 DIGITAL5 SIZE MEDIUM 30 END Query DIGital N SIZE The DIGital CHANnel SIZE query returns the size of the displayed digital channels Returned Format DIGital N SIZE SMALl MEDium LARGe NL The DIGital commands o...

Page 252: ... digital data as high above the threshold or low below the threshold The voltage values for the predefined thresholds are CMOS50 2 5 V CMOS30 1 65 V CMOS25 1 25 V ECL 1 3 V PECL 3 7 V TTL 1 4 V N An integer 0 15 value A real number representing the voltage value which distinguishes a 1 logic level from a 0 logic level Waveform voltages greater than the threshold are 1 logic levels while waveform v...

Page 253: ...igital Commands THReshold Query DIGital N THREShold The DIGital N THReshold query returns the threshold value for the specified pod Return format DIGital N THReshold CMOS50 CMOS30 CMOS25 ECL PECL TTL value NL ...

Page 254: ...12 8 ...

Page 255: ...13 Disk Commands ...

Page 256: files These DISK commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes CDIRectory DELete DIRectory LOAD MDIRectory PWD SAVe IMAGe SAVe LISTing SAVe MEASurements SAVe SETup SAVe WAVeform SEGMented Enclose File Name in Quotation Marks When specifying a file name you must enclose it in quotation marks Filenames are Not Case Sensitive The filename that you use is not case sensitive ...

Page 257: which can include the subdirectory designation You must separate the directory name and any subdirectories with a backslash Example This example sets the present working directory to C SCOPE DATA 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK CDIRECTORY C SCOPE DATA 20 END Directories Not Allowed You can execute the command CDIR A but the following commands are not allowed DISK CDIR C DISK CDIR C SCOPE BIN DISK CDIR C SC...

Page 258: ... An error is displayed on the oscilloscope screen if the requested file does not exist The default path is C SCOPE DATA file_name A character quoted ASCII string which can include subdirectories with the name of the file Example This example deletes FILE1 SET from the disk 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK DELETE FILE1 SET 20 END ...

Page 259: ... n The specifier that is returned before the directory listing indicating the number of lines in the listing directory The list of filenames and directories Each line is separated by a NL Example This example displays a number then displays a list of files and directories in the current directory The number indicates the number of lines in the listing 10 DIM A 80 20 INTEGER Num_of_lines 30 OUTPUT ...

Page 260: ...V TSV TXT or SET as a suffix after the filename If no file suffix is specified the default is wfm The present working directory is assumed or you can specify the entire path For example you can load the standard setup file SETUP0 SET using the command DISK LOAD C SCOPE SETUPS SETUP0 SET Or you can use DISK CDIRectory to change the present working directory to C SCOPE SETUPS then just use the file ...

Page 261: ...n error is displayed if the requested subdirectory does not exist directory A quoted ASCII string which can include subdirectories You must separate the directory name and any subdirectories with a backslash Example 1 This example creates the directory CPROGRAMS in the C SCOPE DATA directory 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK MDIRECTORY C SCOPE DATA CPROGRAMS 20 END Example 2 This example creates the directory CP...

Page 262: ...r of 1 to 4 Digital channels are stored from 1 to 16 file_name A quoted ASCII string with a maximum of 254 characters including the entire path name if used The filename assumes the present working directory if a path does not precede the file name format CSV BINary TSV XYPairs YVALues The BINary format saves the preamble and data in a binary format which is described in the on line help system Th...

Page 263: ...t revision 0 Always zero type RAW type AVERage type VHIStogram HHIStogram INTerpolate DIGital PDETect start 0 Always zero points The number of data points or data pairs contained in the waveform data count 1 n The number of count columns n depends on the number of sources being stored For the AVERAGE waveform type the count value is the fewest number of hits for all time buckets This value may be ...

Page 264: ...e value is zero then no data has been acquired X units 1 n The number of X units columns n depends on the number of sources being store The X units is the unit of measure for each time value of the acquired data Y display range 1 n The number of Y display range columns n depends on the number of sources being store The Y display range is the Y axis duration of the waveform which is displayed For v...

Page 265: and year time A string containing the time in the format HH MM SS where HH is the hour 0 to 23 MM is the minutes 0 to 59 and SS is the seconds 0 to 59 max bandwidth limit min bandwidth limit The band pass consists of two values that are an estimation of the maximum and minimum bandwidth limits of the source waveform The bandwidth limit is computed as a function of the selected coupling and filt...

Page 266: ...anged by the DISK CDIRectory command the DISK PWD query will return an empty string Returned Format DISK PWD present_working_directory NL Example This example places the present working directory in the string variable Wdir then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Wdir 200 20 OUTPUT 707 DISK PWD 30 ENTER 707 Wdir 40 PRINT Wdir 50 END ...

Page 267: ...g on the selected file format If you do not include the format in the command the file is saved in the format which is shown in the Save Screen dialog box The default path is C SCOPE DATA file_name A quoted ASCII string with a maximum of 254 characters including the entire path name if used format BMP GIF TIF JPEG PNG Examples OUTPUT 707 DISK SAVE IMAGE FILE1 BMP SCR ON INVERT or OUTPUT 707 DISK S...

Page 268: ...D or MSO8000 series oscilloscopes when a digital bus is enabled file_name A quoted ASCII string with a maximum of 254 characters including the entire path name if used The filename assumes the present working directory if a path does not precede the file name The default path is C SCOPE DATA Example This example saves the digital list to LIST1 on the disk in the TSV format 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK SAVE ...

Page 269: ...ts shown in the measurements tab at the bottom of the oscilloscope screen in a comma seperated variables CSV file format The csv extension is supplied by the oscilloscope The default path is C SCOPE DATA file_name A quoted ASCII string with a maximum of 254 characters including the entire path name if used Example OUTPUT 707 DISK SAVE MEASURMENTS FILE1 ...

Page 270: ... have a set extension file_name A quoted ASCII string with a maximum of 254 characters including the entire path name if used The filename assumes the present working directory if a path does not precede the file name The default path is C SCOPE SETUP Example This example saves the channel 1 waveform to SETUP1 on the disk 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK SAVE SETUP SEUP1 20 END ...

Page 271: on the 5483xD and MSO8000 series Infiniium oscilloscopes Must use the BIN CSV INTernal TSV or TXT format POD2 Bits 8 through 15 of the digital channels only available on the 5483xD and MSO8000 series Infiniium oscilloscopes Must use the BIN CSV INTernal TSV or TXT format PODALL Bits 0 through 15 of the digital channels only available on the 5483xD and MSO8000 series Infiniium oscilloscopes Mu...

Page 272: ...ds SAVe WAVeform TXT file_name txt header ON 1 OFF 0 Example This example saves the channel 1 waveform to FILE1 on the disk in the CSV format with header on 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK SAVE WAVEFORM CHANNEL1 FILE1 CSV ON 20 END ...

Page 273: ...ach time bucket in the waveform record when the waveform was created using an acquisition mode like averaging For example when averaging a count of four would mean every waveform data point in the waveform record has been averaged at least four times Count is ignored when it is read back into the scope The default value is 0 SegmentsisusedinsteadofCountwhenthedata is acquired using the Segmented a...

Page 274: ... value of the first data point in the data record For time domain waveforms it is the time of the first point This value is treated as a double precision 64 bit floating point number If the value is zero then no data has been acquired XUnits The number of X units columns n depends on the number of sources being store The X units is the unit of measure for each time value of the acquired data YDisp...

Page 275: ...acquired waveform Frame A string containing the model number and serial number of the scope in the format of MODEL SERIAL Date The date when the waveform was acquired The default value is 27 DEC 1996 Time The time when the waveform was acquired The default value is 01 00 00 00 Max bandwidth An estimation of the maximum bandwidth of the waveform The default value is 0 Min bandwidth An estimation of...

Page 276: ...Tags The Time Tags only occur when the data was acquired using the Segmented acquisition mode with time tags enabled and the file format is TXT The number of columns depends on the number of Segments being saved Data The data values follow this header entry ...

Page 277: ...waveform header contains information about the type of waveform data that is stored following the waveform data header which is located after each waveform header Because it is possible to store more than one waveform in the file there will be a waveform header and a waveform data header for each waveform Header Size An integer 4 byte signed which is the number of bytes in the header Waveform Type...

Page 278: ...the value is zero then no data has been acquired X Display Origin A double 8 bytes which is the X axis value at the left edge of the display For time domain waveforms it is the time at the start of the display This value is treated as a double precision 64 bit floating point number If the value is zero then no data has been acquired X Increment A double 8 bytes which is the duration between data p...

Page 279: ...e Y units is the unit of measure of each voltage value of the acquired waveform Y units definitions are 0 Unkown 1 Volt 2 Second 3 Constant 4 Amp 5 Decibel Date A 16 character array which is the date when the waveform was acquired The default value is 27 DEC 1996 Time A 16 character array which is the time when the waveform was acquired The default value is 01 00 00 00 Frame A 24 character array w...

Page 280: ... integer 4 byte signed which is the size of the waveform data header Buffer Type A short 2 byte signed which is the type of waveform data that is stored in the file The following shows what each value means 0 Unknown data 1 Normal 32 bit float data 2 Maximum float data 3 Minimum float data 4 Time float data 5 Counts 32 bit float data 6 Digital unsigned 8 bit char data Bytes Per Point A short 2 byt...

Page 281: ... Functions to convert a bin file to csv file Description Structures and Enumerations to describe Infiniium Public Waveform File using these structures assumes a 32 Bit x86 Compiler typedef struct char Cookie 2 char Version 2 int FileSize int NumberOfWaveforms tPBFileHeader const char PB_COOKIE 2 A G const char PB_VERSION 2 1 0 define DATE_TIME_STRING_LENGTH 16 define FRAME_STRING_LENGTH 24 define ...

Page 282: ...gmentIndex tPBWaveformHeader typedef struct int HeaderSize short BufferType short BytesPerPoint int BufferSize tPBWaveformDataHeader typedef enum PB_UNKNOWN PB_NORMAL PB_PEAK_DETECT PB_AVERAGE PB_HORZ_HISTOGRAM PB_VERT_HISTOGRAM PB_LOGIC ePBWaveformType typedef enum PB_DATA_UNKNOWN PB_DATA_NORMAL PB_DATA_MAX PB_DATA_MIN PB_DATA_TIME PB_DATA_COUNTS PB_DATA_LOGIC ePBDataType ...

Page 283: ... success 0 if waveformHeader read in header size headerSize 0 fread headerSize 1 sizeof headerSize inputFile create header buffer headerBuffer char malloc headerSize if headerBuffer rewind back the headerSize fseek inputFile int sizeof headerSize SEEK_CUR Now read in the entire header fread headerBuffer 1 headerSize inputFile Now set dataHeader from headerBuffer any extra information stored in the...

Page 284: ...fer char malloc headerSize if headerBuffer rewind back the headerSize fseek inputFile int sizeof headerSize SEEK_CUR Now read in the entire header fread headerBuffer 1 headerSize inputFile Now set dataHeader from headerBuffer any extra information stored in the file will be ignored memcpy char dataHeader headerBuffer sizeof tPBWaveformDataHeader success 1 Just is case WaveformType has been enhance...

Page 285: ...rything is the expected format int actualNumberOfPoints actualNumberOfPoints dataHeader BufferSize dataHeader BytesPerPoint if dataHeader BytesPerPoint 1 dataHeader BufferType PB_DATA_LOGIC actualNumberOfPoints waveformHeader Points Now let s read in the logic data pLogicData unsigned char malloc dataHeader BufferSize if pLogicData fread pLogicData 1 dataHeader BufferSize inputFile if pLogicData N...

Page 286: ...erOfPoints dataHeader BufferSize dataHeader BytesPerPoint validDataType dataHeader BufferType PB_DATA_NORMAL dataHeader BufferType PB_DATA_MIN dataHeader BufferType PB_DATA_MAX if bufferType NULL bufferType dataHeader BufferType if dataHeader BytesPerPoint 4 validDataType actualNumberOfPoints waveformHeader Points Now let s read in the data pWaveformData float malloc dataHeader BufferSize if pWave...

Page 287: ...ected format int actualNumberOfPoints actualNumberOfPoints dataHeader BufferSize dataHeader BytesPerPoint if dataHeader BytesPerPoint 4 dataHeader BufferType PB_DATA_COUNTS actualNumberOfPoints waveformHeader Points Now let s read in the histogram count data int pHistogramData int malloc dataHeader BufferSize if pHistogramData fread pHistogramData 1 dataHeader BufferSize inputFile if pHistogramDat...

Page 288: ...ader to generate a CSV file suitable for reading into a spreadsheet application double ComputeTimeFromIndex int index const tPBWaveformHeader waveformHeader return double index waveformHeader XIncrement waveformHeader XOrigin int OutputNormalData FILE inputFile const tPBWaveformHeader waveformHeader FILE outputFile int success 0 float waveformData ReadAnalogWaveform inputFile waveformHeader NULL i...

Page 289: ...ogic Data int i for i 0 i waveformHeader Points i double time ComputeTimeFromIndex i waveformHeader fprintf outputFile e x x n time podData2 i podData1 i success 1 Client is responsible for freeing memory free podData1 free podData2 else Only a single pod unsigned char podData ReadLogicWaveform inputFile waveformHeader if podData Output Time and Logic Data int i for i 0 i waveformHeader Points i d...

Page 290: ...nt success 0 int histogramData ReadHistogramWaveform inputFile waveformHeader if histogramData Output Time and Count Data int i for i 0 i waveformHeader Points i double time ComputeTimeFromIndex i waveformHeader fprintf outputFile e i n time histogramData i success 1 Client is responible for cleanup free histogramData return success ...

Page 291: ...Type if bufferType PB_DATA_MIN minData tempData maxData ReadAnalogWaveform inputFile waveformHeader bufferType else if bufferType PB_DATA_MAX maxData tempData minData ReadAnalogWaveform inputFile waveformHeader bufferType if maxData minData Output Time and Voltage Data int i for i 0 i waveformHeader Points i double time ComputeTimeFromIndex i waveformHeader fprintf outputFile e f f n time minData ...

Page 292: ...GE PB_HORZ_HISTOGRAM PB_VERT_HISTOGRAM PB_LOGIC fprintf outputFile s s waveformHeader WaveformLabel waveformTable waveformHeader WaveformType Segmented Memory waveforms will have a SegmentIndex 1 if waveformHeader SegmentIndex 0 fprintf outputFile d waveformHeader SegmentIndex fprintf outputFile d s s s n waveformHeader Points waveformHeader Frame waveformHeader Date waveformHeader Time ...

Page 293: ...ile int success 0 int w tPBWaveformHeader waveformHeader if ReadWaveformHeader inputFile waveformHeader write out basic summary OutputSummary waveformHeader outputFile ignore the waveform data for w 0 w waveformHeader NWaveformBuffers w success IgnoreWaveformData inputFile return success ...

Page 294: ...MAL case PB_AVERAGE success OutputNormalData inputFile waveformHeader outputFile break case PB_PEAK_DETECT success OutputPeakDetectData inputFile waveformHeader outputFile break case PB_HORZ_HISTOGRAM case PB_VERT_HISTOGRAM success OutputHistogramData inputFile waveformHeader outputFile break case PB_LOGIC success OutputLogicData inputFile waveformHeader outputFile break default case PB_UNKNOWN fo...

Page 295: ...OKIE 0 fileHeader Cookie 1 PB_COOKIE 1 int w if argc 2 fileHeader NumberOfWaveforms Not enough output files were provided Use stdout to summarize input file printf Infiniium Public Waveform File version c c n fileHeader Version 0 fileHeader Version 1 for w 0 w fileHeader NumberOfWaveforms w SummarizeWaveform inputFile stdout else for w 0 w fileHeader NumberOfWaveforms w FILE outputFile fopen argv ...

Page 296: ...13 42 Disk Commands BIN Header Format printf Invalid Infiniium Public Waveform File n fclose inputFile else printf Unable to open s n argv 1 return 0 ...

Page 297: ...he SEGMented mode and segments must be acquired Example This example sets the disk segmented memory store method to CURRent 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK SEGMENTED CURRENT 20 END Query DISK SEGMented The DISK SEGMented query returns disk segmented memory store method value Returned Format DISK SEGMented ALL CURRent NL Example This example places the disk store method in the string variable Method then prints...

Page 298: ...els only available on the 5483xD Infiniium oscilloscopes Must use the TEXT format POD2 Bits 8 through 15 of the digital channels only available on the 5483xD Infiniium oscilloscopes Must use the TEXT format PODALL Bits 0 through 15 of the digital channels only available on the 5483xD Infiniium oscilloscopes Must use the TEXT format file_name A quoted ASCII string with a maximum of 254 characters i...

Page 299: ...e The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value depends on the maximum memory depth size An integer value which is the amount of data in memory that you want to save to a file The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value depends on the maximum memory depth Example This example stores the current oscilloscope setup to FILE1 on the disk 10 OUTPUT 707 DISK STORE SETUP FILE1 20 END ...

Page 300: ...13 46 Disk Commands STORe Obsolete ...

Page 301: ...14 Display Commands ...

Page 302: ...lay of data text and graticules and the use of color These DISPlay commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes CGRade CGRade LEVels COLumn CONNect DATA DCOLor Default COLor GRATicule LABel LINE PERSistence ROW SCOLor Set COLor STRing TEXT ...

Page 303: ... that use the database are histograms mask testing and color grade persistence When any one of these three features is turned on the oscilloscope starts building the database The database is the size of the graticule area and varies in size Behind each pixel is a 21 bit counter Each counter is incremented each time a pixel is hit by data from a channel or function The maximum count saturation for ...

Page 304: ...ay CGRade query returns the current color grade state Returned Format DISPlay CGRade CG N NL Example This example returns the current color grade state 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY CGRADE 30 ENTER 707 Cgrade 40 PRINT Cgrade 50 END ...

Page 305: ...ors The values are returned in the following order White minimum value White maximum value Yellow minimum value Yellow maximum value Orange minimum value Orange maximum value Red minimum value Red maximum value Pink minimum value Pink maximum value Blue minimum value Blue maximum value Green minimum value Green maximum value Returned Format DISPlay CGRade LEVels color format NL color format intens...

Page 306: ...T 707 DISPLAY CGRADE LEVELS 30 ENTER 707 Cgrade 40 PRINT Cgrade 50 END Colors start at green minimum maximum then blue pink red orange yellow white The format is a string where commas separate minimum and maximum values The largest number in the string can be 2 076 151 An example of a possible returned string is as follows 1 414 415 829 830 1658 1659 3316 3317 6633 6634 13267 13268 26535 ...

Page 307: ...sets the starting column for subsequent DISPlay STRing and DISPlay LINE commands to column 10 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY COLUMN 10 20 END Query DISPlay COLumn The DISPlay COLumn query returns the column where the next DISPlay LINE or DISPlay STRing starts Returned Format DISPlay COLumn value NL Example This example returns the current column setting to the string variable Setting then prints the conten...

Page 308: is also known as linear interpolation DISPlay CONNect is force to off when color grade DISPlay CGRade persistence is on Example This example turns on the connect the dots feature 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY CONNECT ON 20 END Query DISPlay CONNect The DISPlay CONNect query returns the status of the connect the dots feature Returned Format DISPlay CONNect 1 0 NL ...

Page 309: ...ssion turned ON and inversion set to NORMal type The bitmap type BMP JPG GIF TIF PNG screen_mode The display setting SCReen GRATicule Selecting GRATicule displays a 10 by 8 unit display graticule on the screen See also DISPlay GRATicule compression The file compression feature ON OFF inversion The inversion of the displayed file NORMal INVert Returned Format DISPlay DATA binary_block_data NL binar...

Page 310: ...It also resets the grid intensity color_name CGLevel1 CGLevel2 CGLevel3 CGLevel4 CGLevel5 CGLevel6 CGLevel7 CHANnel1 CHANnel2 CHANnel3 CHANnel4 DBACkgrnd GRID MARKers MEASurements MIConsCGLevel1 MTPolygons STEXt WBACkgrnd TINPuts WOVerlap TSCale WMEMories WINText WINBackgrnd Example This example sends the DISPlay DCOLor command 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY DCOLOR 20 END ...

Page 311: ...DISPlay GRATicule INTensity command Otherwise you can use the grid to estimate waveform measurements such as amplitude and period When printing the grid intensity control does not affect the hard copy To remove the grid from a printed hard copy you must turn off the grid before printing intensity _value A integer from 0 to 100 indicating the percentage of grid intensity You can divide the waveform...

Page 312: ... or the number of viewing areas depending on the query you request Returned Format DISPlay GRATicule GRID FRAMe NL DISPlay GRATicule INTensity value NL DISPlay GRATicule NUMBer 4 2 0 NL Example This example places the current display graticule setting in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 ...

Page 313: ...10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY LABEL ON 20 END Query DISPlay LABel The DISPlay LABel query returns the current state of the labels Returned Format DISPlay LABel 1 0 NL Example This example places the current label state into the string variable Setting variable then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY LABEL 30 ENTER 707 Set...

Page 314: ...e current row and column location 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY LINE Infiniium Test 20 END This example writes the message Infiniium Test to the screen using C Quotation marks are included because the string is delimited printf Infiniium Test You may write text up to column 94 If the characters in the string do not fill the line the rest of the line is blanked If the string is longer than the space availa...

Page 315: ...le sets the persistence to infinite 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY PERSISTENCE INFINITE 20 END Query DISPlay PERSistence The DISPlay PERSistence query returns the current persistence value Returned Format DISPlay PERSistence MINimum INFinite NL Example This example places the current persistence setting in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM ...

Page 316: ...SPlay STRing and DISPlay LINE commands The range of values 0 to 23 Example This example sets the starting row for subsequent DISPlay STRing and DISPlay LINE commands to 10 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY ROW 10 20 END Query DISPlay ROW The DISPlay ROW query returns the current value of the row Returned Format DISPlay ROW row_number NL Example This example places the current value for row in the string varia...

Page 317: ...Grade Level 2 waveform display element CGLevel3 Color Grade Level 3 waveform display element CGLevel4 Color Grade Level 4 waveform display element CGLevel5 Color Grade Level 5 waveform display element CGLevel6 Color Grade Level 6 waveform display element CGLevel7 Color Grade Level 7 waveform display element CHANnel1 Channel 1 waveform display element CHANnel2 Channel 2 waveform display element CHA...

Page 318: ...0 luminosity is the maximum color brightness A 0 luminosity is pure black Example This example sets the hue to 50 the saturation to 70 and the luminosity to 90 for the markers 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY SCOLOR MARKERS 50 70 90 20 END STEXt Display element for status messages displayed in the upper left corner of the display underneath the menu bar Changing this changes the memory bar s color WBACkgrnd ...

Page 319: ...urned Format DISPlay SCOLor color_name hue saturation luminosity NL Example This example places the current settings for the graticule color in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY SCOLOR GRATICULE 30 ENTER 707 Setting 40 PRINT Setting 50 END ...

Page 320: ... settings If the column limit is reached the excess text is discarded The DISPlay STRing command does not increment the row value but DISPlay LINE does string _argument Any series of ASCII characters enclosed in quotation marks Example This example writes the message Example 1 to the oscilloscope s display starting at the current row and column settings 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY STRING Example 1 20 EN...

Page 321: ...nds TEXT TEXT Command DISPlay TEXT BLANk The DISPlay TEXT command blanks the user text area of the screen Example This example blanks the user text area of the oscilloscope s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 DISPLAY TEXT BLANK 20 END ...

Page 322: ...14 22 ...

Page 323: ...15 External Trigger Commands ...

Page 324: ...the Infiniium Oscilloscopes BWLimit INPut PROBe PROBe ATTenuation only for the 1154A probe PROBe EADapter only for the 1153A 1154A and 1159A probes PROBe ECoupling only for the 1153A 1154A and 1159A probes PROBe EXTernal PROBe EXTernal GAIN PROBe EXTernal UNITs PROBe GAIN only for the 1154A probe PROBe ID PROBe SKEW RANGe UNITs The EXTernal commands only apply to the two channel Infiniium Oscillos...

Page 325: ... low pass filter to ON for the external trigger 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL BWLIMIT ON 20 END Query EXTernal BWLimit The EXTernal BWLimit query returns the state of the low pass filter for the external trigger Returned Format EXTernal BWLimit 1 0 NL Example This example places the current setting of the low pass filter in the variable Limit then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s scr...

Page 326: ...eters available in this command for Infiniium are listed below DC dc coupling 1 MΩ input impedance DC50 DCFifty dc coupling 50Ω input impedance AC ac 1 MΩ input impedance LFR1 LFR2 ac 1 MΩ input impedance Example This example sets the external trigger input to DC50 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL INPUT DC50 20 END Query EXTernal INPut The EXTernal INPut query returns the state of the external trigger input...

Page 327: ...on _factor A real number from 0 0001 to 1 000 and 80 dB to 60 dB representing the probe attenuation factor the factor depends on the units Example This example sets the probe attenuation factor of the external trigger to 10 and the units to decibel 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE 10 DEC 20 END Query EXTernal PROBe The EXTernal PROBe query returns the current probe attenuation setting for the external...

Page 328: ... sets the probe attenuation to divide by 10 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE ATTENUATION DIV10 20 END Query EXTernal PROBe ATTenuation The EXTernal PROBe ATTenuation query returns the current probe attenuation setting Returned Format EXTernal PROBe ATTenuation DIV1 DIV10 NL This command is only available for the 1154A probe If one of these probes is not connected to the external trigger you will get a...

Page 329: ... the external adapter to divide by 10 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE EADAPTER DIV10 20 END Parameter Description NONE Use this setting when there is no adapter connected to the end of your probe DIV10 Use this setting when you have a divide by 10 adapter connected to the end of your probe DIV20 Use this setting when you have a divide by 20 adapter connected to the end of your probe 1159A probe only ...

Page 330: ...r value Returned Format EXTernal PROBe EDApter NONE DIV10 DIV20 DIV100 NL Example This example places the external adapter value in the string variable Adapter then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Adapter 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL EADAPTER 30 ENTER 707 Adapter 40 PRINT Adapter 50 END ...

Page 331: ...xternal coupling adapter control to match the adapter connected to your probe as follows Example This example sets the external coupling adapter for external trigger to ac 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE ECOUPLING AC 20 END Parameter Description NONE Use this setting when there is no adapter connected to the end of your probe AC Use this setting when you have an ac coupling adapter connected to the e...

Page 332: ... external trigger Returned Format EXTernal PROBe ECoupling NONE AC NL Example This example places the external coupling adapter value of the external trigger in the string variable Adapter then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Adapter 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE ECOUPLING 30 ENTER 707 Adapter 40 PRINT Adapter 50 END ...

Page 333: ...20 END Query EXTernal PROBe EXTernal The EXTernal PROBe EXTernal query returns the current external probe mode for the external trigger Returned Format EXTernal PROBe EXTernal 1 0 NL Example This example places the current setting of the external probe mode on the external trigger in the variable Mode then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF...

Page 334: ...nuation and also determinestheunitsthat maybeusedforasubsequent command Forexample if you select RATio mode then the attenuation factor must be given in ratio gain units In DECibel mode you can specify the units for the argument as dB gain_factor A real number from 0 001 to 10000 for the RATio gain units or from 60 dB to 80 dB for the DECibel gain units Example This example sets the probe external...

Page 335: ...external trigger Returned Format EXTernal PROBe EXTernal GAIN gain_factor NL Example This example places the external gain value of the probe on the external trigger in the variable Gain then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE EXTERNAL ON 20 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE EXTERNAL GAIN 30 ENTER 707 Gain 40 PRINT Gain 50 END ...

Page 336: ...trigger You can specify Y axis units of VOLTs AMPs WATTs or UNKNown See the Probe Setup dialog box for more information Example This example sets the external units for the probe on the external trigger to amperes 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE EXTERNAL ON 20 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE EXTERNAL UNITS AMPERE 30 END EXTernal PROBe EXTernal command must be set to ON before issuing this command or query ...

Page 337: ...ger Returned Format EXTernal PROBe EXTernal UNITs VOLT AMPere WATT UNKNown NL Example This example places the external vertical units for the probe on the external trigger in the string variable Units then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Units 50 20 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE EXTERNAL ON 30 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE EXTERNAL UNITS 40 ENTER 707 Units 50 PRINT Unit...

Page 338: ...watts and unknown are set using the EXTernal UNITs command Example This example sets the probe gain to times 10 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE GAIN X10 20 END Query EXTernal PROBe GAIN The EXTernal PROBe GAIN query returns the probe gain setting Returned Format EXTernal PROBe GAIN X1 X10 NL This command is only available for the 1154A probe If one of these probes is not connected to the external tri...

Page 339: ...XTernal PROBe ID probe_id probe_id A string of up to 9 alphanumeric characters Some of the possible returned values are 1131A 1132A 1134A 1147A 1154A 1156A 1157A 1158A 1159A 1165A AutoProbe E2621A E2622A E2695A E2697A HP1152A HP1153A NONE Probe Unknown Example This example reports the probe type connected to external trigger if one is connected 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTernal PROBE ID 20 END ...

Page 340: ... A real number from 100E 6 to 100E 6 Example This example sets the external probe skew to 10 microseconds 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL PROBE SKEW 10E 6 20 END Query EXTernal PROBe SKEW The EXTernal PROBe SKEW query returns the current skew setting for the external trigger Returned Format EXTernal PROBe SKEW skew_value NL See Also For information on skew see the Calibration Commands chapter ...

Page 341: to 1V 5V or 25V for 50 Ω impedance and 1 5 or 8 coressponding to 1V 5V or 8V for 1 MΩ impedance Example This example sets the vertical range for the external trigger to 5V 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL RANGE 5 20 END Query EXTernal RANGe The EXTernal RANGe query returns the current vertical axis setting for the external trigger Returned Format EXTernal RANGe range value NL Example This example places ...

Page 342: and EXTernal PROBe UNITs commands Example This example sets the units for the external trigger to amperes 10 OUTPUT 707 EXTERNAL UNITS AMPERE 20 END Query EXTernal UNITs The EXTernal UNITs query returns the current units setting for the external trigger Returned Format EXTernal UNITs VOLT AMPere WATT UNKNown NL Example This example places the vertical units for the external trigger in the strin...

Page 343: ...16 Function Commands ...

Page 344: ...aling and position values of the functions using the HORizontal RANge and HORizontal POSition queries in this subsystem If a channel is not on but is used as an operand that channel will acquire waveform data If the operand waveforms have different memory depths the function uses the shorter of the two FUNCtion N ABSolute ADD AVERage COMMonmode DIFF Differentiate DISPlay DIVide FFT FREQuency FFT R...

Page 345: ...le This is because operations are performed based on the displayed waveform data position and the time relationship of the data records cannot be considered When the time scale is not valid delta time pulse parameter measurements have no meaning and the unknown result indicator is displayed on the screen Constant operands take on the same time scale as the associated waveform operand ...

Page 346: ...Sus operand Any allowable source for the selected FUNCtion including channels waveform memories 1 4 and functions 1 4 If the function is applied to a constant the source returns the constant The channel number is An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Example This example returns the currently defined source for function 1 ...

Page 347: ...integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory Example This example turns on the absolute value command using channel 3 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE ABSOLUTE CHANNEL3 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another function subject to the following constraints F4 can have F1 F2 or F3 as a source F3 can have F1 or F2 as a source F2 can have F1 as a sourc...

Page 348: ...ther Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 1 to add channel 1 to channel 2 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 ADD CHANNEL1 CHANNEL2 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another function subject to the f...

Page 349: models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 averages An integer 2 to 4096 specifing the number of waveforms to be averaged Example This example sets up function 1 to average channel 1 using 16 averages 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 AVERAGE CHANNEL1 16 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function ...

Page 350: ...ion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 1 to view the commonmode voltage value of channel 1 and channel 2 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 COMMONMODE CHANNEL1 CHANNEL2 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another function subject to the ...

Page 351: ... other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 2 to take the discrete derivative of the waveform on channel 2 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 DIFF CHANNEL2 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another ...

Page 352: ...ction 1 on 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 DISPLAY ON 20 END Query FUNCtion N DISPlay The FUNCtion N DISPlay query returns the displayedstatus of the specified function Returned Format FUNCtion N DISPlay 1 0 NL Example This example places the current state of function 1 in the variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 F...

Page 353: ...Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 2 to divide the waveform on channel 1 by the waveform in waveform memory 4 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 DIVIDE CHANNEL1 WMEMORY4 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for an...

Page 354: ...r the FFT when FUNCtion N FFTMagnitude is defined for the selected function N An integer 1 4 representing the selected function center _frequency _value A real number for the value in Hertz from 1E12 to 1E12 Query FUNCtion N FFT FREQuency The FUNCtion N FFT FREQuency query returns the center frequency value Returned Format FUNCtion N FFT FREQuency center_frequency_value NL ...

Page 355: ...function resolution _value Resolution frequency The FFT resolution is determined by the sample rate and memory depth settings The FFT resolution is calculated using the following equation FFT Resolution Sample Rate Effective Memory Depth The effective memory depth is the highest power of 2 less than or equal to the number of sample points across the display The memory bar in the status area at the...

Page 356: ...ilters to the FFTs Each window is useful for certain classes of input waveforms The RECTangular window is essentially no window and all points are multiplied by 1 This window is useful for transient waveforms and waveforms where there are an integral number of cycles in the time record The HANNing window is useful for frequency resolution and general purpose use It is good for resolving two freque...

Page 357: ...he FFT function Returned Format FUNCtion N FFT WINDow RECTangular HANNing FLATtop NL Example This example places the current state of the function 1 FFT window in the string variable WND then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM WND 50 20 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 FFT WINDOW 30 ENTER 707 WND 40 PRINT WND 50 END ...

Page 358: ... integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 1 to compute the FFT of waveform memory 3 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 FFTMAGNITUDE WMEMORY3 20 END Functions Us...

Page 359: ...nteger 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 1 to compute the FFT of waveform memory 3 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 FFTPHASE WMEMORY3 20 END Functions Used as ...

Page 360: ...nteger 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 1 to compute the FFT of waveform memory 3 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 FFTPHASE WMEMORY3 20 END Functions Used as ...

Page 361: ...selected function source CHANnel n FUNCtion n WMEMory n CHANnel n is An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory bandwidth A real number in the range of 50 to 50E9 Example This example sets up function 2 to compute a high pass filte...

Page 362: ...selects manual mode N An integer 1 4 representing the selected function position _value A real number for the position value in time in seconds from 1E12 to 1E12 Query FUNCtion N HORizontal POSition The FUNCtion N HORizontal POSition query returns the current time value at center screen of the selected function Returned Format FUNCtion N HORizontal POSition position NL Example This example places ...

Page 363: current X axis units usually seconds from 1E 12 to 50E12 Query FUNCtion N HORizontal RANGe The FUNCtion N HORizontal RANGe query returns the current time range setting of the specified function Returned Format FUNCtion N HORizontal RANGe range NL Example This example places the current horizontal range setting of function 2 in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents to the computer ...

Page 364: ...for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 1 to compute the integral of waveform memory 3 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 INTEGRATE WMEMORY3 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another func...

Page 365: ... for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 2 to invert the waveform on channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 INVERT CHANNEL1 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another function subjec...

Page 366: ...he selected function source CHANnel n FUNCtion n WMEMory n CHANnel n is An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory bandwidth A real number in the range of 50 to 50E9 Example This example sets up function 2 to compute a low pass fil...

Page 367: ...t_value CHANnel n is An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example creates a function function 1 that is a magnified version of channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 MAGNIF...

Page 368: ...ion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 2 to compute the maxmum of each time bucket for channel 4 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 MAXIMUM CHANNEL4 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another function subject to the following constraint...

Page 369: ...r all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 2 to compute the maximum of each time bucket for channel 2 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 MAXIMUM CHANNEL2 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for anot...

Page 370: ...for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example sets up function 2 to compute the minimum of each time bucket for channel 4 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION2 MINIMUM CHANNEL4 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for an...

Page 371: ... for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example defines a function that multiplies channel 1 by waveform memory 1 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 MULTIPLY CHANNEL1 WMEMORY1 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for a...

Page 372: ...ed to being within the vertical range that can be represented by the function data Example This example sets the offset voltage for function 1 to 2 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 OFFSET 2E 3 20 END Query FUNCtion N OFFSet The FUNCtion N OFFSet query returns the current offset value for the selected function Returned Format FUNCtion N OFFSet offset_value NL Example This example places the current setti...

Page 373: ...5 Example This example sets the full scale range for function 1 to 400 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 RANGE 400E 3 20 END Query FUNCtion N RANGe The FUNCtion N RANGe query returns the current full scale range setting for the specified function Returned Format FUNCtion N RANGe full_scale_range NL Example This example places the current range setting for function 2 in the numeric variable Value then pri...

Page 374: ...resenting the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 points An integer odd numbers from 3 to 4001 specifing the number of smoothing points Example This example sets up function 1 using assigning smoothing operator to channel 1 using 5 smoothing points 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 SMOOTH CHANNEL1 5 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a s...

Page 375: ...ger 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory Example This example turns on the square root function using channel 3 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SQRT CHANNEL3 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another function subject to the following constraints F4 can have F1 F2 or F3 as a source F3 can have F1 or F2 as a source F2 can have F1 as a source F1 canno...

Page 376: ...integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory Example This example turns on the square value command using channel 3 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SQUARE CHANNEL3 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for another function subject to the following constraints F4 can have F1 F2 or F3 as a source F3 can have F1 or F2 as a source F2 can have F1 as a source F1...

Page 377: ... for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example defines a function that subtracts waveform memory 1 from channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCTION1 SUBTRACT CHANNEL1 WMEMORY1 20 END Functions Used as Operands A function may be used as a source for ...

Page 378: ...n integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscopes An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion n and WMEMory n are An integer 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory float_value is A real number from 1E6 to 1E6 Example This example defines function 1 as an X versus Y display Channel 1 is the X axis and waveform memory 2 is the Y axis 10 OUTPUT 707 FUNCT...

Page 379: ...ting the selected function Query FUNCtion N VERTical The FUNCtion N VERTical query returns the current vertical scaling mode of the specified function Returned Format FUNCtion N VERTical AUTO MANual NL Example This example places the current state of the vertical tracking of function 1 in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 5...

Page 380: ...s units normally volts The offset value is limited only to being within the vertical range that can be represented by the function data Query FUNCtion N VERTical OFFset The FUNCtion N VERTical OFFSet query returns the current offset value of the selected function Returned Format FUNCtion N VERTical OFFset offset_value NL Example This example places the current offset setting for function 2 in the ...

Page 381: ...ion full_scale _range A real number for the full scale vertical range from 100E 18 to 10E15 Query FUNCtion N VERTical RANGe The FUNCtion N VERTical RANGe query returns the current range setting of the specified function Returned Format FUNCtion N VERTical RANGe range NL Example This example places the current vertical range setting of function 2 in the numeric variable Value then prints the conten...

Page 382: ...16 40 ...

Page 383: ...17 Hardcopy Commands ...

Page 384: ...ommands set various parameters for printing the screen The print sequence is activated when the root level command PRINt is sent These HARDcopy commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes AREA DPRinter FACTors IMAGe PRINTers ...

Page 385: ...d Example This example selects the graticule for printing 10 OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY AREA GRATICULE 20 END Query HARDcopy AREA The HARDcopy AREA query returns the current setting for the area of the screen to be printed Returned Format HARDcopy AREA GRATicule SCReen NL Example This example places the current selection for the area to be printed in the string variable Selection then prints the contents...

Page 386: ...epresenting the attached printer The HARDcopy DPRinter command specifies a number or string for the printer attached to the oscilloscope The printer string must exactly match the character strings in the File Print Setup dialog boxes or the strings returned by the HARDcopy PRINters query Examples This example sets the default printer to the second installed printer returned by the HARDcopy PRINter...

Page 387: ... the hard copy printer in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY DPRinter 30 ENTER 707 Setting 40 PRINT Setting 50 END Programs Must Wait After Changing the Default Printer It takes several seconds to change the default printer Any programs that try to set the default printer must wai...

Page 388: ...Example This example turns on the setup factors 10 OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY FACTORS ON 20 END Query HARDcopy FACTors The HARDcopy FACTors query returns the current setup factors setting Returned Format HARDcopy FACTors 1 0 NL Example This example places the current setting for the setup factors in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setti...

Page 389: ...rd copy image output to normal 10 OUTPUT 707 HARDCOPY IMAGE NORMAL 20 END Query HARDcopy IMAGe The HARDcopy IMAGe query returns the current image setting Returned Format HARDcopy IMAGe NORMal INVert NL Example This example places the current setting for the hard copy image in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension v...

Page 390: ...s next to the printer that is the currently selected default printer The printer_data return string has the following format printer_number printer_string DEFAULT Example This example places the number of installed printers into the variable Count loops through it that number of times and prints the installed printer names to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707...

Page 391: ...18 Histogram Commands ...

Page 392: ... a horizontal histogram that measures the jitter on an edge These HISTogram commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes AXIS MODE SCALe SIZE WINDow DEFault WINDow SOURce WINDow X1Position LLIMit WINDow X2Position RLIMit WINDow Y1Position BLIMit WINDow Y2Position TLIMit Histograms and the database The histograms mask testing and color grade persistence use a specific databas...

Page 393: ...tion the waveforms vertically with the channel offset By separating the waveforms you can avoid overlapping data in the database caused by multiple waveforms Even if the display is set to show only the most recent acquisition the database keeps track of all pixel hits while the database is building Remember that color grade persistence mask testing and histograms all use the same database Suppose ...

Page 394: ...easure voltage related information like noise Example This example defines a vertical histogram 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM AXIS VERTICAL 20 END Query HISTogram AXIS The HISTogram AXIS query returns the currently selected histogram type Returned Format HISTogram AXIS VERTical HORizontal NL Example This example returns the histogram type and prints it to the computer s screen 10 DIM Axis 50 20 OUTPUT 7...

Page 395: ...ple sets the histogram mode to track the waveforms 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM MODE WAVEFORM 20 END Query HISTogram MODE The HISTogram MODE query returns the currently selected histogram mode Returned Format HISTogram MODE OFF WAVeform MEASurement NL Example This example returns the result of the mode query and prints it to the computer s screen 10 DIM Mode 10 20 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM MODE 30 ENTER 707...

Page 396: ...r the vertical mode Example This example sets the histogram size to 3 5 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM SCALE SIZE 3 5 20 END Query HISTogram SCALe SIZE The HISTogram SCALe SIZE query returns the correct size of the histogram Returned Format HISTogram SCALe SIZE size NL Example This example returns the result of the size query and prints it to the computer s screen 10 DIM Size 50 20 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM S...

Page 397: ... WINDow DEFault command positions the histogram markers to a default location on the display Each marker will be positioned one division off the left right top and bottom of the display Example This example sets the histogram window to the default position 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM WINDOW DEFAULT 20 END ...

Page 398: ... 1 2 3 or 4 For functions 1 or 2 Example This example sets the histogram window s source to Channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM WINDOW SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query HISTogram WINDow SOURce The HISTogram WINDow SOURce query returns the currently selected histogram window source Returned Format HISTogram WINDow SOURce CHANnelN FUNCtionN WMEMoryN NL Example This example returns the result of the window ...

Page 399: ...ogram window source x1_position A real number that represents the left boundary of the histogram window Example This example sets the X1 position to 200 microseconds 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM WINDOW X1POSITION 200E 6 20 END Query HISTogram WINDow X1Position HISTogram WINDow LLIMit The HISTogram WINDow X1Position query returns the value of the X1 histogram window marker Returned Format HISTogram WIND...

Page 400: ...histogram window source x2_position A real number that represents the right boundary of the histogram window Example This example sets the X2 marker to 200 microseconds 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM WINDOW X2POSITION 200E 6 20 END Query HISTogram WINDow X2Position HISTogram WINDow RLIMit The HISTogram WINDow X2Position query returns the value of the X2 histogram window marker Returned Format HISTogram W...

Page 401: ...togram window source y1_position A real number that represents the bottom boundary of the histogram window Example This example sets the position of the Y1 marker to 250 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM WINDOW Y1POSITION 250E 3 20 END Query HISTogram WINDow Y1Position HISTogram WINDow BLIMit The HISTogram WINDow Y1Position query returns the value of the Y1 histogram window marker Returned Format HISTogr...

Page 402: ...togram window source y2_position A real number that represents the top boundary of the histogram window Example This example sets the position of the Y2 marker to 250 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 HISTOGRAM WINDOW Y2POSITION 250E 3 20 END Query HISTogram WINDow Y2Position HISTogram WINDow TLIMit The HISTogram WINDow Y2Position query returns the value of the Y2 histogram window marker Returned Format HISTogram ...

Page 403: ...19 InfiniiScan ISCan Commands ...

Page 404: ... queries control the InfiniiScan feature of the oscilloscope InfiniiScan provides several ways of searching through the waveform data to find unique events The ISCan subsystem contains the following commands DELay MEASurement MODE NONMonotonic RUNT SERial ...

Page 405: ...ime that the InfiniiScan trigger is delayed from the hardware trigger Example The following example causes the oscilloscope to delay by 1 µs 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN DELay 1E 06 20 END Query ISCan DELay The query returns the current set delay value Returned Format ISCan DELay OFF delay_time NL Example The following example returns the current delay value and prints the result to the controller s screen...

Page 406: ...urement LIMit and ISCan MEASurement ULIMit commands OUTSide OUTside causes the oscilloscope to fail a test when the measurement results exceed the parameters set by the ISCan MEASurement LLIMit and the ISCan MEASurement ULIMit commands Example The following example causes the oscilloscope to trigger when the measurements are outside the lower or upper limits 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN MEASUREMENT FAIL OU...

Page 407: ...D If for example you chose to measure volts peak peak and want the smallest acceptable signal swing to be one volt you could use the above command then set the measurement limit to trigger when the signal is outside the specified limit Query ISCan MEASurement LLIMit The query returns the current value set by the command Returned Format ISCan MEASurement LLIMit lower_value NL Example The following ...

Page 408: ...b area of the screen Example The following example selects the first measurement as the source for the limit testing commands 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN MEASUREMENT MEAS1 20 END Query ISCan MEASurement The query returns the currently selected measurement source Returned Format ISCan MEASurement MEAS1 MEAS2 MEAS3 MEAS4 MEAS5 NL Example The following example returns the currently selected measurement sourc...

Page 409: ...ASurement command selects the measurement used Example The following example turns off the limit test function 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN MEASUREMENT TEST OFF 20 END Query ISCan MEASurement TEST The query returns the state of the TEST control Returned Format ISCan MEASurement TEST 1 0 NL Example The following example returns the current state of the measurement limit test trigger and prints the result to...

Page 410: ...e measuring the maximum voltage of a signal with Vmax and that voltage should not exceed 500 mV You can use the above program and set the ISCan MEASurement FAIL OUTside command to specify that the oscilloscope will trigger when the voltage exceeds 500 mV Query ISCan MEASurement ULIMit The query returns the current upper limit of the limit test Returned Format ISCan MEASurement ULIMit upper_value N...

Page 411: ...edge trigger mode RUNT Sets the Runt trigger mode SERial Sets the Serial trigger mode Example The following example selects the runt trigger 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN MODE RUNT 20 END Query ISCan MODE The query returns the currently selected IniniiScan trigger mode Returned Format ISCan MEASurement OFF MEASurement NONMonotonic RUNT SERial ZoneQualify NL ZoneQualify is the Zone Qualify mode which cannot ...

Page 412: ...falling edges RISing Sets the edge used by the Non monotonic edge trigger to rising edges Example The following example selects the falling edge non monotonic trigger 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN NONMONOTONIC EDGE FALLING 20 END Query ISCan NONMonotonic EDGE The query returns the currently selected edge type for the Non Monotonic Edge trigger Returned Format ISCan NONMonotonic EDGE EITHer FALLing RISing NL...

Page 413: ...the hysteresis value used by the Non monotonic trigger mode to 10 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN NONMONOTONIC HYSTERESIS 1E 2 20 END Query ISCan NONMonotonic HYSTersis The query returns the hysteresis value used by the Non monotonic Edge trigger mode Returned Format ISCan NONMonotonic HYSTeresis value NL Example The following example returns and prints the value of the hysteresis 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEAD...

Page 414: ...urce used by the Non monotonic trigger mode to channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN NONMONOTONIC SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query ISCan NONMonotonic SOURce The query returns the source used by the Non monotonic Edge trigger mode Returned Format ISCan NONMonotonic SOURce CHANnel N NL Example The following example returns the currently selected source for the Non monotonic Edge trigger mode 10 DIM SOURCE 50 20...

Page 415: ...ets the hysteresis value used by the Runt trigger mode to 10 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN RUNT HYSTERESIS 1E 2 20 END Query ISCan RUNT HYSTersis The query returns the hysteresis value used by the Runt trigger mode Returned Format ISCan RUNT HYSTeresis value NL Example The following example returns and prints the value of the hysteresis 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 I...

Page 416: ...level limit to 1 0 V 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN RUNT LLEVel 1 0 20 END Query ISCan RUNT LLEVel The query returns the lower level limit set by the command Returned Format ISCan RUNT LLEVel lower_level NL Example The following example returns the current lower level used by the Runt trigger and prints the result to the controller s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 I...

Page 417: ...e sets the source used by the Runt trigger mode to channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN RUNT SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query ISCan RUNT SOURce The query returns the source used by the Runt trigger mode Returned Format ISCan RUNT SOURce CHANnel N NL Example The followingexample returnsthe currentlyselected sourceforthe Runt trigger mode 10 DIM SOURCE 50 20 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN RUNT SOURCE 30 ENTER 707 SOURCE 40 ...

Page 418: ...he Runt trigger mode to 500 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN RUNT ULEVEL 500E 3 20 END Query ISCan RUNT ULEVel The query returns the current upper level value used by the Runt trigger Returned Format ISCan RUNT ULEVel upper_level NL Example The following example returns the current upper level used by the Runt trigger and prints the result to the controller s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response ...

Page 419: ...n the binary format Example The following example sets the pattern used by the Serial trigger to 101100 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN SERIAL PATTERN 101100 20 END Query ISCan SERial PATTern The query returns the pattern used by the Serial trigger mode Returned Format ISCan SERial PATTern pattern NL Example The following example returns the currently selected pattern for the Serial trigger mode 10 DIM PATTER...

Page 420: ...ts the source used by the Serial trigger mode to channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN SERIAL SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query ISCan SERial SOURce The query returns the source used by the Serial trigger mode Returned Format ISCan SERial SOURce CHANnel N NL Example The following example returns the currently selected source for the Serial trigger mode 10 DIM SOURCE 50 20 OUTPUT 707 ISCAN SERIAL SOURCE 30 ENTER...

Page 421: ...20 Limit Test Commands ...

Page 422: ... automatically compares measurement results with pass or fail limits The limit test tracks up to four measurements The action taken when the test fails is also controlled with commands in this subsystem The Limit Test subsystem contains the following commands FAIL LLIMit Lower Limit MEASurement RESults TEST ULIMit Upper Limit ...

Page 423: ...he parameters set by the LLTESt LIMit and LTESt ULIMit commands OUTSide FAIL OUTside causes the oscilloscope to fail a test when the measurement results exceed the parameters set by LTESt LLIMit and LTESt ULIMit commands Example The following example causes the oscilloscope to fail a test when the measurements are outside the lower and upper limits 10 OUTPUT 707 LTEST FAIL OUTSIDE 20 END Query LTE...

Page 424: ...D If for example you chose to measure volts peak peak and want the smallest acceptable signal swing to be one volt you could use the above command then set the limit test to fail when the signal is outside the specified limit Query LTESt LLIMit The query returns the current value set by the command Returned Format LTESt LLIMit lower_value NL Example The following example returns the current lower ...

Page 425: ...t to right Example The following example selects the first measurement as the source for the limit testing commands 10 OUTPUT 707 LTEST MEASUREMENT MEAS1 20 END Query LTESt MEASurement The query returns the currently selected measurement source Returned Format LTESt MEASurement MEAS1 MEAS2 MEAS3 MEAS4 MEAS5 NL Example The following example returns the currently selected measurement source for the ...

Page 426: ...m_meas NL fail_min A real number representing the total number of measurements that have failed the minimum limit fail_max A real number representing the total number of measurements that have failed the maximum limit num_meas A real number representing the total number of measurements that have been made Example The following example returns the values for the limit test of measurement 1 10 DIM R...

Page 427: ...ple turns off the limit test function 10 OUTPUT 707 LTEST TEST OFF 20 END Query LTESt TEST The query returns the state of the TEST control Returned Format LTESt TEST 1 0 NL Example The following example returns the current state of the limit test and prints the result to the controller s screen 10 DIM TEST 50 20 OUTPUT 707 LTEST TEST 30 ENTER 707 TEST 40 PRINT TEST 50 END The result of the MEAS RE...

Page 428: ...e you are measuring the maximum voltage of a signal with Vmax and that voltage should not exceed 500 mV You can use the above program and set the LTESt FAIL OUTside command to specify that the limit subsystem will fail a measurement when the voltage exceeds 500 mV Query LTESt ULIMit The query returns the current upper limit of the limit test Returned Format LTESt ULIMit upper_value NL Example The ...

Page 429: ...21 Marker Commands ...

Page 430: ...TDELta TSTArt TSTOp VDELta VSTArt VSTOp X1Position X2Position X1Y1source X2Y2source XDELta Y1Position Y2Position YDELta Guidelines for Using Queries in Marker Modes In Track Waveforms mode use MARKer CURSor to track the position of the waveform In Manual Markers and Track Measurements Markers modes use other queries such as the TSTArt and TSTOp and VSTArt and VSTOp queries If you use MARKer CURSor...

Page 431: ...surement unit marker 1 to the string variable Position The program then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Position 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER CURSOR START 30 ENTER 707 Position 40 PRINT Position 50 END C A U T I O N The MARKer CURSor query may change marker mode and results In Track Waveforms mode use MARKer CURSor to track the position of the wave...

Page 432: ...ker position values ON 1 Shows marker position values OFF 0 Turns off marker position values Query MARKer MEASurement READout The MARKer MEASurement READout query returns the current display of the marker position values Returned Format MARKer MEASurement READout 1 0 NL Example This example displays the marker position values 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER MEASUREMENT READOUT ON 20 END ...

Page 433: ...easurement Example This example sets the marker mode to waveform 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER MODE WAVEFORM 20 END Query MARKer MODE The MARKer MODE query returns the current marker mode Returned Format MARKer MODE OFF MANual WAVeform MEASurement NL Example This example places the current marker mode in the string variable Selection then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM ...

Page 434: ... computer s screen Notice that this example uses the MARKer XDELta query instead of the MARKer TDELta query 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER XDELTA 30 ENTER 707 Time 40 PRINT Time 50 END Use MARKer XDELta Instead of MARKer TDELta The MARKer TDELta query performs the same function as the MARKer XDELta query The MARKer TDELta query is provided for compatibili...

Page 435: ...hat this example uses the X1Position command instead of TSTArt 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X1POSITION 90E 9 20 END Query MARKer TSTArt The MARKer TSTArt query returns the time at the Ax marker Returned Format MARKer TSTArt Ax_position NL Use MARKer X1Position Instead of MARKer TSTArt The MARKer TSTArt command and query perform the same function as the MARKer X1Position command and query The MARKer TSTArt...

Page 436: ... query instead of the MARKer TSTArt query 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X1POSITION 30 ENTER 707 Setting 40 PRINT Setting 50 END Do Not Use TST as the Short Form of TSTArt and TSTOp The short form of the TSTArt command and query does not follow the defined convention for short form commands Because the short form TST is the same for TSTArt and TSTOp sendi...

Page 437: ...nds Example This example sets the Bx marker at 190 ns Notice that this example uses the X2Position command instead of TSTOp 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X2POSITION 190E 9 20 END Use MARKer X2Position Instead of MARKer TSTOp The MARKer TSTOp command and query perform the same function as the MARKer X2Position command and query The MARKer TSTOp command is provided for compatibility with programs written for...

Page 438: ...puter s screen Notice that this example uses the MARKer X2Position query instead of the MARKer TSTOp query 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X2POSITION 30 ENTER 707 Setting 40 PRINT Setting 50 END Do Not Use TST as the Short Form of TSTArt and TSTOp The short form of the TSTOp command and query does not follow the defined convention for short form commands B...

Page 439: ...By to the numeric variable Volts then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen Notice that this example uses the MARKer YDELta query instead of the MARKer VDELta query 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER YDELTA 30 ENTER 707 Volts 40 PRINT Volts 50 END Use MARKer YDELta Instead of MARKer VDELta The MARKer VDELta query performs the same funct...

Page 440: ...xample sets Ay to 10 mV Notice that this example uses the Y1Position command instead of VSTArt 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER Y1POSITION 10E 3 20 END Query MARKer VSTArt The MARKer VSTArt query returns the current measurement unit level of Ay Returned Format MARKer VSTArt Ay_position NL Use MARKer Y1Position Instead of MARKer VSTArt The MARKer VSTArt command and query perform the same function as the MARKer...

Page 441: ...ery instead of the MARKer VSTArt query 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER Y1POSITION 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END Do Not Use VST as the Short Form of VSTArt and VSTOp The short form of the VSTArt command and query does not follow the defined convention for short form commands Because the short form VST is the same for VSTArt and VSTOp sending VST ...

Page 442: 100 mV Notice that this example uses the MARKer Y2Position command instead of MARKer VSTOp 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER Y2POSITION 100E 3 20 END Query MARKer VSTOp The MARKer VSTOp query returns the current measurement unit level at By Returned Format MARKer VSTOp By_position NL Use MARKer Y2Position Instead of MARKer VSTOp The MARKer VSTOp command and query perform the same function as the MARKer Y2Po...

Page 443: ...instead of the MARKer VSTOp query 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER Y2POSITION 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END Do Not Use VST as the Short Form of VSTArt and VSTOp The short form of the VSTOp command and query does not follow the defined convention for short form commands Because the short form VST is the same for VSTArt and VSTOp sending VST produc...

Page 444: ...Ax marker to 90 ns 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X1POSITION 90E 9 20 END Query MARKer X1Position The MARKer X1Position query returns the time at the Ax marker position Returned Format MARKer X1Position Ax_position NL Example This example returns the current setting of the Ax marker to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OF...

Page 445: ...le sets the Bx marker to 90 ns 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X2POSITION 90E 9 20 END Query MARKer X2Position The MARKer X2Position query returns the time at Bx marker in seconds Returned Format MARKer X2Position Bx_position NL Example This example returns the current position of the Bx marker to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTE...

Page 446: ...models FUNCtion N and WMEMory N are Integers 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory Example This example selects channel 1 as the source for markers Ax and Ay 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X1Y1SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query MARKer X1Y1source The MARKer X1Y1source query returns the current source for markers Ax and Ay Returned Format MARKer X1Y1source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N NL Examp...

Page 447: ...models FUNCtion N and WMEMory N are Integers 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory Example This example selects channel 1 as the source for markers Bx and By 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER X2Y2SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query MARKer X2Y2source The MARKer X2Y2source query returns the current source for markers Bx and By Returned Format MARKer X2Y2source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N NL Examp...

Page 448: MARKer XDELta time NL time Time difference between Ax and Bx time markers in seconds Example This example returns the current time between the Ax and Bx time markers to the numeric variable Time then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER XDELTA 30 ENTER 707 Time 40 PRINT Time 50 END ...

Page 449: ...V 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER Y1POSITION 10E 3 20 END Query MARKer Y1Position The MARKer Y1Position query returns the current measurement unit level at the Ay marker position Returned Format MARKer Y1Position Ay_position NL Example This example returns the current setting of the Ay marker to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM ...

Page 450: ...V 10 OUTPUT 707 MARKER Y2POSITION 100E 3 20 END Query MARKer Y2Position The MARKer Y2Position query returns the current measurement unit level at the By marker position Returned Format MARKer Y2Position By_position NL Example This example returns the current setting of the By marker to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM...

Page 451: ...Returned Format MARKer YDELta value NL value Measurement unit difference between Ay and By Example This example returns the voltage difference between Ay and By to the numeric variable Volts then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MARKER YDELTA 30 ENTER 707 Volts 40 PRINT Volts 50 END ...

Page 452: ...21 24 ...

Page 453: ...22 Mask Test Commands ...

Page 454: ...hat falls within the boundaries of one or more polygons is recorded as a failure These MTESt commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes ALIGn AlignFIT AMASk CREate AMASk SOURce AMASk SAVE STORe AMASk UNITs AMASk XDELta AMASk YDELta AUTO AVERage AVERage COUNt COUNt FAILures COUNt FWAVeforms COUNt WAVeforms DELete ENABle FOLDing Clock Recovery software only HAMPlitude IMPeda...

Page 455: ...22 3 PROBe IMPedance RUMode RUMode SOFailure SCALe BIND SCALe X1 SCALe XDELta SCALe Y1 SCALe Y2 SOURce STARt STOP STIMe TITLe TRIGger SOURce ...

Page 456: ...s the mask to the current waveform on the display The type of mask alignment performed depends on the current setting of the Use File Setup When Aligning control See the MTESt AUTO command for more information Example This example aligns the current mask to the current waveform 10 Output 707 MTEST ALIGN 20 END ...

Page 457: ...ocess An X in a column indicates that the control can be adjusted for each of the alignment types of Table 21 1 Table 22 1 Available Alignment Types Alignment Type Waveform Type Horizontal Position 0 Level Voltage 1 Level Voltage Vertical Offset Invert Waveform EYEAMI AMI X X X EYECMI CMI X X X EYENRZ NRZ X X X FANWidth Negative X X X FAPeriod Full Period X X FAPWidth Positive X X X FYNWidth Negat...

Page 458: ...type to be EYEAMI 10 Output 707 MTEST ALIGNFIT EYEAMI 20 END Query MTESt AlignFIT The MTEST AlignFIT query returns the alignment type used for the mask Returned Format MTESt AlignFIT EYEAMI EYECMI EYENRZ FANWidth FAPeriod FAPWidth FYNWidth FYPWidth NONE NWIDth PWIDth TMAX TMIN NL ...

Page 459: ...ASk YDELta and AMASk UNITs commands The mask only encompasses the portion of the waveform visible on the display so you must ensure that the waveform is acquired and displayed consistently to obtain repeatable results The MTESt SOURce command selects the channel and should be set before using this command Example This example creates an automask using the current XDELta and YDELta units settings 1...

Page 460: ...lts Then you can define AMASk XDELta in terms of volts and AMASk YDELta in terms of seconds number An integer 1 through 2 for the two channel Infiniium oscilloscope An integer 1 through 4 for all other Infiniium oscilloscope models Example This example sets the automask source to Channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AMASK SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query MTESt AMASk SOURce The MTESt AMASk SOURce query return...

Page 461: ... been generated an error occurs filename An MS DOS compatible name of the file a maximum of 254 characters long including the path name if used The filename assumes the present working directory if a path does not precede the file name The default save path is C SCOPE MASKS Example This example saves the automask generated mask to a file named FILE1 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AMASK SAVE FILE1 20 END ...

Page 462: ...f a screen division The mask test subsystem maintains separate XDELta and YDELta settings for CURRent and DIVisions Thus XDELta and YDELta are not converted to new values when the UNITs setting is changed Example This example sets the measurement units for automasking to the current CHANnel UNITs setting 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AMASK UNITS CURRENT 20 END Query MTESt AMASk UNITs The AMASk UNITs query r...

Page 463: ...zontal tolerance This value is interpreted based on the setting specified by the AMASk UNITs command thus if you specify 250 E3 the setting for AMASk UNITs is CURRent and the current setting specifies time in the horizontal direction the tolerance will be 250 ms If the setting for AMASk UNITs is DIVisions the same xdelta_value will set the tolerance to 250 millidivisions or 1 4 of a division Examp...

Page 464: the AMASk UNITs query Returned Format MTESt AMASk XDELta xdelta_value NL Example This example gets the measurement system units and X settings for automasking from the oscilloscope and prints the results on the computer screen 10 DIM Automask_units 10 20 DIM Automask_xdelta 20 30 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AMASK UNITS 40 ENTER 707 Automask_units 50 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AMASK XDELTA 60 ENTER 707 Automask_xdel...

Page 465: ...ling mask testing ydelta_value A value for the vertical tolerance This value is interpreted based on the setting specified by the AMASk UNITs command thus if you specify 250 E3 the setting for AMASk UNITs is CURRent and the current setting specifies voltage in the vertical direction the tolerance will be 250 mV If the setting for AMASk UNITs is DIVisions the same ydelta_value will set the toleranc...

Page 466: the AMASk UNITs query Returned Format MTESt AMASk YDELta ydelta_value NL Example This example gets the measurement system units and Y settings for automasking from the oscilloscope and prints the results on the computer screen 10 DIM Automask_units 10 20 DIM Automask_ydelta 20 30 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AMASK UNITS 40 ENTER 707 Automask_units 50 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AMASK YDELTA 60 ENTER 707 Automask_ydel...

Page 467: ...ees that the aligned mask and any subsequent mask tests meet the requirements of the standard When disabled the alignment is performed using the current oscilloscope settings This may be useful when troubleshooting problems during the design phase of a project Example This example enables the Use File Settings When Aligning control 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AUTO ON 20 END Query MTESt AUTO The MTESt AUTO...

Page 468: ...and performs the same function as this command Averaging is not available in PDETect mode Example This example turns averaging on 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST AVERAGE ON 20 END Query MTESt AVERage The MTESt AVERage query returns the current setting for averaging Returned Format MTESt AVERage 1 0 NL Example This example places the current settings for averaging into the string variable Setting then prints t...

Page 469: ...hat 16 data values must be averaged for each time bucket to be considered complete The number of time buckets that must be complete for the acquisition to be considered complete is specified by the MTESt COMPlete command 10 OUTPUT 707 MTESt COUNT 16 20 END Query MTESt COUNt The MTESt COUNt query returns the currently selected count value Returned Format MTESt COUNt value NL value An integer 2 to 4...

Page 470: ... is unused number An integer 1 through 8 designating the region for which you want to determine the failure count Returned Format MTESt COUNt FAILures REGion number number_of_failures NL number_of_ failures The number of failures that have occurred for the designated region Example This example determines the current failure count for region 3 and prints it on the computer screen 10 DIM Mask_failu...

Page 471: ...g was turned on before the histogram or color grade persistence and No mask changes have occurred including scaling changes editing or new masks The value 9 999E37 is returned if mask testing is not enabled or if you have modified the mask Returned Format MTESt COUNt FWAVeforms number_of_failed_waveforms NL number_ of_failed_ waveforms The total number of failed waveforms for the current test run ...

Page 472: ...f mask testing is not enabled Returned Format MTESt COUNt WAVeforms number_of_waveforms NL number_of_ waveforms The total number of waveforms for the current test run Example This example determines the number of waveforms acquired in the current test run and prints the result on the computer screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 MTEST COUNT WAVEFORMS 30 ENTER 707 Mask_waveforms 40 ...

Page 473: ... 21 Mask Test Commands DELete DELete Command MTESt DELete The MTESt DELete command clears the currently loaded mask Example This example clears the currently loaded mask 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST DELETE 20 END ...

Page 474: the mask test features 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST ENABLE ON 20 END Query MTESt ENABle The MTESt ENABle query returns the current state of mask test features Returned Format MTESt ENABle 1 0 NL Example This example places the current value of the mask test state in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 MTEST ENABLE 30 ...

Page 475: ...ata Example This example enables the display of the real time eye 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST FOLDING ON 20 END Query MTESt FOLDing The MTESt FOLDing query returns the current state of clock recovery folding Returned Format MTESt FOLDing 1 0 NL Example 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST FOLDING 20 ENTER 707 Value 30 PRINT Value 40 END This command is only available when the E2688A Clock Recovery Software is installed ...

Page 476: that compliance mask testing be done for both bit types Example This example sets bit type to transition bits 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST FOLDING BITS TRANSITION 20 END Query MTESt FOLDing BITS The MTESt FOLDing BITS query returns the current setting of the real time eye bits Returned Format MTESt FOLDing BITS BOTH DEEMphasis TRANsition NL Example 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST FOLDING BITS 20 ENTER 707 Value 30 ...

Page 477: as allowed by the pulse standard Example This example sets the maximum pulse amplitude to 3 6 volts 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST HAMPLITUDE 3 6 20 END Query MTESt HAMPlitude The MTESt HAMPlitude query returns the current value of the maximum pulse amplitude Returned Format MTESt HAMPlitude upper_limit NL upper_limit A real number that represents the maximum amplitude in volts of a pulse as allowed by th...

Page 478: ...d is not the correct probe for the selected impedance a warning dialog box appears when the mask test is started from the human interface This command is meant to be used in the setup section of a mask file NONE Disables the probe impedance check IMP75 Enables the probe impedance check for the E2622A probe IMP100 Enables the probe impedance check for the E2621A probe with the switch set to the 100...

Page 479: ...impedance Returned Format MTESt IMPedance NONE IMP75 IMP100 IMP110 IMP120 NL Example This example returns the current value of the mask test impedance and prints the result to the computer screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MTEST IMPEDANCE 30 ENTER 707 Impedance 40 PRINT Impedance 50 END ...

Page 480: ... level and mask offset are also adjusted Not all masks support negative going pulse testing and for these masks the command is ignored Example This example inverts the mask for testing negative going pulses 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST INVERT ON 20 END Query MTESt INVert The MTESt INVert query returns the current inversion setting Returned Format MTESt INVert 1 0 NL ...

Page 481: as allowed by the pulse standard Example This example sets the minimum pulse amplitude to 2 4 volts 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST LAMPLITUDE 2 4 20 END Query MTESt LAMPlitude The MTESt LAMPlitude query returns the current value of the minimum pulse amplitude Returned Format MTESt LAMPlitude lower_limit NL lower_limit A real number that represents the minimum amplitude in volts of a pulse as allowed by th...

Page 482: ... for mask files is C SCOPE MASKS To use a different path specify the complete path and file name filename An MS DOS compatible name of the file a maximum of 254 characters long including the path name if used Example This example loads the mask file named 140md_itu_1 msk 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST LOAD c scope masks 140md_itu_1 msk 20 END ...

Page 483: ...ry returns the number of regions that define the mask Returned Format MTESt NREGions regions NL regions An integer from 0 to 8 Example This example returns the number of mask regions 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 MTEST NREGIONS 30 ENTER 707 Regions 40 PRINT Regions 50 END ...

Page 484: ...21A and E2622A probes for the current mask test channel Returned Format MTESt PROBe IMPedance impedance NL impedance An unquoted string 75 100 110 120 or NONE Example This example returns the impedance setting for the probe 10 DIM Impedance 20 20 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 30 OUTPUT 707 MTEST PROBE IMPEDANCE 40 ENTER 707 Impedance 50 PRINT Impedance 60 END ...

Page 485: is used when you want a measurement to run continually and not to stop after a fixed number of failures For example you may want the Mask Test to run overnight and not be limited by a number of failures TIME TIME sets the amount of time in minutes that a mask test will run before it terminates time A real number 0 1 to 1440 0 WAVeforms WAVeforms sets the maximum number of waveforms that are req...

Page 486: ... Returned Format MTESt RUMode FORever TIME time WAVeforms number_of_waveforms NL Example This example gets the current setting of the mask test run until mode from the oscilloscope and prints it on the computer screen 10 DIM MTEST_Runmode 50 20 OUTPUT 707 MTEST RUMODE 30 ENTER 707 MTEST_Runmode 40 PRINT MTEST_Runmode 50 END ...

Page 487: ...criteria When a mask test is run and a mask violation is detected the mask test is stopped and the acquisition system is stopped Example This example enables the Stop On Failure run until criteria 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST RUMODE SOFAILURE ON 20 END Query MTESt SOFailure The MTESt SOFailure query returns the current state of the Stop on Failure control Returned Format MTESt SOFailure 1 0 NL ...

Page 488: ...evel or the 0 Level control changes the vertical height of the mask If the Bind 1 0 Levels control is enabled the 1 Level and the 0 Level controls track each other Adjusting either the 1 Level or the 0 Level control shifts the position of the mask up or down without changing its size If the Bind 1 0 Levels control is disabled adjusting either the 1 Level or the 0 Level control changes the vertical...

Page 489: ...eprogramming to handle different data rates For example if you halve the period of the waveform of interest you need only to adjust the XDELta value to set up the mask for the new waveform x1_value A time value specifying the location of the X1 coordinate which will then be treated as X 0 for mask regions coordinates Example This example sets the X1 coordinate at 150 ms 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST SCALE X...

Page 490: ...e same locations with respect to X1 and X Thus in many applications it is best if you define XDELta as a pulse width or bit period Then a change in data rate without corresponding changes in the waveform can easily be handled by changing X The X coordinate of polygon vertices is normalized using this equation X X x X X1 xdelta_value A time value specifying the distance of the X2 marker with respec...

Page 491: ... returns the current value of X Returned Format MTESt SCALe XDELta xdelta_value NL Example This example gets the value of X from the oscilloscope and prints it on the computer screen 10 DIM Scale_xdelta 50 20 OUTPUT 707 MTEST SCALE XDELTA 30 ENTER 707 Scale_xdelta 40 PRINT Scale_xdelta 50 END ...

Page 492: ... mV and Y2 to 1 V a Y value of 0 100 in a vertex is at 190 mV y1_value A voltage value specifying the point at which Y 0 Example This example sets the Y1 marker to 150 mV 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST SCALE Y1 150E 3 20 END Query MTESt SCALe Y1 The SCALe Y1 query returns the current setting of the Y1 marker Returned Format MTESt SCALe Y1 y1_value NL Example This example gets the setting of the Y1 marker fro...

Page 493: ...1 to 100 mV and Y2 to 1 V a Y value of 0 100 in a vertex is at 190 mV y2_value A voltage value specifying the location of the Y2 marker Example This example sets the Y2 marker to 2 5 V 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST SCALE Y2 2 5 20 END Query MTESt SCALe Y2 The SCALe Y2 query returns the current setting of the Y2 marker Returned Format MTESt SCALe Y2 y2_value NL Example This example gets the setting of the Y2...

Page 494: ...els M An integer 1 4 Example This example selects channel 1 as the mask test source 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query MTESt SOURce The MTESt SOURce query returns the channel which is configured by the commands contained in the current mask file Returned Format MTESt SOURce CHANnel N FUNCtion M NL Example This example gets the mask test source setting and prints the result on the com...

Page 495: ...St STARt STOP command starts or stops the mask test The MTESt STARt command also starts the oscilloscope acquisition system The MTESt STOP command does not stop the acquisition system Example This example starts the mask test and acquisition system 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST START 20 END ...

Page 496: ...n integer from 1 to 120 seconds representing the time between triggers not the time that it takes to finish the alignment Example This example sets the timeout value for the Autoalign feature to 10 seconds 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST STIMe 10 20 END Query MTESt STIMe The query returns timeout value for the Autoalign feature Returned Format MTESt STIMe timeout NL Example This example gets the timeout setti...

Page 497: ...k test dialog box and mask test tab when a mask file is loaded Returned Format MTESt TITLe mask_title NL mask_title A string of up to 23 ASCII characters which is the mask title Example This example places the mask title in the string variable and prints the contents to the computer s screen 10 DIM Title 24 20 OUTPUT 707 MTEST TITLE 30 ENTER 707 Title 40 PRINT Title 50 END ...

Page 498: ...Infiniium oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium oscilloscope models Example This example sets the mask trigger source to channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 MTEST TRIGGER SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query MTESt TRIGger SOURce The query returns the currenly selected mask test trigger source Returned Format MTESt TRIGger CHANnel N EXTernal NL Example This example gets the trigger source setting and pri...

Page 499: ...23 Measure Commands ...

Page 500: ...niium Oscilloscopes AREA CGRade CROSsing CGRade DCDistortion CGRade EHEight CGRade EWIDth CGRade JITTer CGRade QFACtor CLEar SCRatch DEFine DELTatime DUTYcycle FALLtime FFT DFRequency delta frequency FFT DMAGnitude delta magnitude FFT FREQuency FFT MAGNitude FFT PEAK1 FFT PEAK2 FFT THReshold FREQuency HISTogram HITS HISTogram M1S HISTogram M2S HISTogram M3S HISTogram MAX HISTogram MEAN ...

Page 501: ...ram PP HISTogram STDDev NWIDth OVERshoot PERiod PHASe PREShoot PWIDth QUALifier M RESults RISetime SCRatch CLEar SENDvalid SETuptime SLEWrate SOURce STATistics TEDGe TMAX TMIN TVOLt VAMPlitude VAVerage VBASe VLOWer VMAX VMIDdle VMIN VPP VRMS VTIMe VTOP VUPPer ...

Page 502: ...and in the mask test subsystem E2681A EZJIT Jitter Analysis Software commands The following MEASure commands are available when the E2681A EZJIT Jitter Analysis Software is installed CTCDutycycle CTCJitter CTCNwidth CTCPwidth DATarate HOLDtime JITTer HISTogram JITTer MEASurement JITTer SPECtrum JITTer STATistics JITTer TRENd NCJitter SETuptime TIEClock2 TIEData UNITinterval DUTYcycle FREQuency PER...

Page 503: ...mmand or query Measurement Error If a measurement cannot be made because of a lack of data because the source waveform is not displayed the requested measurement is not possible for example a period measurement on an FFT waveform or for some other reason the following results are returned 9 99999E 37 is returned as the measurement result If SENDvalid is ON the error code is also returned Making Me...

Page 504: ... and the result returned If the current acquisition is incomplete and the oscilloscope is stopped the measurement result will be 9 99999e 37 and the incomplete result state will be returned if SENDvalid is ON All measurements are made using the entire display except for VAVerage and VRMS which allow measurements on a single cycle Therefore if you want to make measurements on a particular cycle dis...

Page 505: ...N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example turns on the area measurement which measures between the waveform and ground Only that portion of the waveform which is in the waveform viewing area is measured 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE AREA DISPLAY 20 END Query MEASure AREA The MEASure AREA query returns the area measurement Returned Format MEASure AREA value result_state NL Example This example p...

Page 506: ... query returns the crossing level percent measurement of the current eye diagram on the color grade display Before using this command or query you must use the DISPlay CGRade command to enable the color grade persistence feature Returned Format MEASure CGRade CROSsing value result_state NL value The crossing level result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement re...

Page 507: ...20 END Query MEASure CGRade DCDistortion format The MEASure CGRade DCDistortion query returns the duty cycle distortion measurement of the color grade display Before using this command or query you must use the DISPlay CGRade command to enable the color grade persistence feature Returned Format MEASure CGRade DCDistortion value result_state NL value The duty cycle distortion result_state If SENDVA...

Page 508: ...20 END Query MEASure CGRade EHEight The MEASure CGRade EHEight query returns the eye height measurement of the color grade display Before using this command or query you must use the DISPlay CGRade command to enable the color grade persistence feature Returned Format MEASure CGRade EHEight value result_state NL value The eye height result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with ...

Page 509: ...GRade EWIDth query returns the eye width measurement of the color grade display Before using this command or query you must use the DISPlay CGRade command to enable the color grade persistence feature Returned Format MEASure CGRade EWIDth value result_state NL value The eye width result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults c...

Page 510: ...ure CGRade JITTer query returns the jitter measurement of the color grade display Before using this command or query you must use the DISPlay CGRade command to enable the color grade persistence feature Returned Format MEASure CGRade JITTer value result_state NL value The jitter result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults co...

Page 511: ... query returns the Q factor measurement of the color grade display Before using this command or query you must use the DISPlay CGRade command to enable the color grade persistence feature Returned Format MEASure CGRade QFACtor value result_state NL value The Q factor result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a ...

Page 512: CLEar SCRatch The MEASure CLEar command clears the measurement results from the screen and disables all previously enabled measurements Example This example clears the current measurement results from the screen 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE CLEAR 20 END ...

Page 513: ...URE CLOCK ON CHANNEL1 20 END Query MEASure CLOCk The MEASure CLOCk query returns the state of the recovered clock display Returned format MEASure CLOCk 1 0 NL Example This example places the current setting of the recovered clock display in the variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE CLOCK 30 ENTER 707...

Page 514: ...loop EXPFOPLL Explicit First Order PLL EXSOPLL Explicit Second Order PLL EXPlicit Explicit Clock or FIXed Constant Frequency source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 data_rate A real number for the base data rate in Hertz damping_ factor A real number for the damping factor of the PLL in bits per second loop_ bandwidth A real number for the cutoff frequency for the PLL to track mu...

Page 515: ...ata_rate loop_bandwidth damping_factor EXPFOPLL source RISing FALLing BOTH multiplier clock_freq track_freq EXPSOPLL source RISing FALLing BOTH multiplier clock_freq track_freq damping_fact EXPlict source RISing FALLing BOTH multiplier FIXed AUTO SEMI data_rate data_rate Example This example places the current setting of the clock recovery method in the variable Setting then prints the contents of...

Page 516: ...tomatic 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE CLOCk VERTical AUTO 20 END Query MEASure CLOCk VERTical The MEASure CLOCk VERTical query returns the current recovered clock vertical scale mode setting Returned format MEASure CLOCk VERTical AUTO MANual Example This example places the current setting of the recovered clock vertical scale mode in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to ...

Page 517: OFFSet The MEASure CLOCk VERTIcal OFFSet query returns the clock recovery vertical offset setting Returned format MEASure CLOCk VERTical OFFSet value NL value The clock recovery vertical offset setting Example This example places the current value of recovered clock vertical offset in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYST...

Page 518: ...ASure CLOCk VERTical RANGe The MEASure CLOCk VERTical RANGe query returns the recovered clock vertical range setting Returned Format MEASure CLOCk VERTical RANGe value NL value The recovered clock vertical range setting Example This example places the current value of recovered clock vertical range in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 O...

Page 519: ...f the waveform source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 direction RISing FALLing Specifies direction of wavcform edge to make measurement Example This example measures the cycle to cycle duty cycle on the rising edge of channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE CTCDUTYCYCLE CHANNEL1 RISING 20 END ThiscommandisonlyavailablewhentheE2681AJitterAnalysisSoftwareisinstalled ...

Page 520: ...eform result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example places the cycle to cycle duty cycle of channel 1 in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 ME...

Page 521: ...veform source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 direction RISing FALLing Specifies direction of waveform edge to make measurement Example This example measures the cycle to cycle jitter on the rising edge of channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE CTCJITTER CHANNEL1 RISING 20 END ThiscommandisonlyavailablewhentheE2681AJitterAnalysisSoftwareisinstalled ...

Page 522: ... result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example places the cycle to cycle jitter of channel 1 in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE CTC...

Page 523: ...ement Returned Format MEASure CTCNwidth value result_state NL value The cycle to cycle width jitter of the waveform result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example places the cycle to cycle width of channel 1 in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of th...

Page 524: ...ement Returned Format MEASure CTCPwidth value result_state NL value The cycle to cycle width jitter of the waveform result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example places the cycle to cycle width of channel 1 in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of th...

Page 525: ...m memory data_rate A real number specifing the data rate Example This example measures the data rate of channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE DATARATE CHANNEL1 20 END Query MEASure DATarate source Auto SEMI data_rate The MEASure DATarate query returns the measured data rate Returned Format MEASure DATarate value result_state NL value Data rate frequency in bits per second for the selected source result_...

Page 526: ...ent data rate of the channel 1 waveform in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE DATARATE CHANNEL1 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END ...

Page 527: ... Table 23 1 identifies the relationships between user defined values and other MEASure commands meas_spec DELTatime EWINdow THResholds TOPBase Table 23 1 MEASure DEFine Interactions MEASure Commands DELTatime THResholds TOPBase RISEtime x x FALLtime x x PERiod x x FREQuency x x VTOP x VBASe x VAMPlitude x PWIDth x x NWIDth x x OVERshoot x x DUTYcycle x x DELTatime x x x VRMS x x PREShoot x x VLOWe...

Page 528: ...tart stop start_after The MEASure DEFine EWINdow command is used to change the starting point and the stopping point of the window used to make the eye pattern measurements of eye height eye crossing and eye q factor In addition the number of waveform hits can be set to ensure that enough data has been collected to make accurate measurments start An integer from 1 to 100 for horizontal starting po...

Page 529: ...PERCent upper_pct middle_pct lower_pct source MEASure DEFine THResholds VOLTage upper_volts middle_volts lower_volts source source ALL CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N s an integer 1 4 upper_pct middle_pct lower_pct An integer 25 to 125 upper_volts middle_volts lower_volts A real number specifying voltage ...

Page 530: ... edge at the upper threshold level to the second negative edge at the middle threshold 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE DEFINE DELTATIME RISING 1 UPPER FALLING 2 MIDDLE 20 END If you specify one source both parameters apply to that waveform If you specify two sources the measurement is from the first positive edge on source 1 to the second negative edge on source 2 Specify the source either using MEASure SOU...

Page 531: ...lower_volts ALL CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N NL MEASure DEFine TOPBase STANdard top_volts base_volts NL ALL CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N Example This example returns the current setup for the measurement thresholds to the string variable Setup then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setup 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE DEFINE THRESHOLDS 30 ENTER 70...

Page 532: ...he trailing edge on the second source is measured Sources are specified with the MEASure SOURce command or with the optional parameter following the MEASure DELTatime command The rest of the parameters for this command are specified with the MEASure DEFine command The necessary waveform edges must be present on the display The query will return 9 99999E 37 if the necessary edges are not displayed ...

Page 533: ...e RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of delta time in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen This example assumes the source was set using MEASure SOURce 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE DELTATIME 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value ...

Page 534: ...e parameter following the MEASure DUTYcycle command source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 direction RISing FALLing Specifies direction of edge to start measurement Example This example measures the duty cycle of the channel 1 waveform 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE DUTYCYCLE CHANNEL1 20 END The direction parameter is only available when the E2681A Jitter Analysis Software is installed W...

Page 535: ...result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current duty cycle of the channel 1 waveform in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTP...

Page 536: ...SOURce command or with the optional parameter following the MEASure FALLtime command The first displayed falling edge is used for the fall time measurement To make this measurement requires 4 or more sample points on the falling edge of the waveform Fall time time at lower threshold point time at upper threshold point source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example m...

Page 537: ...t_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value for fall time in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE FALLTIM...

Page 538: ...ncy result_state NL result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Related Commands MEASure FFT PEAK1 MEASure FFT PEAK2 MEASure FFT THReshold Example This example measures the frequency difference between the peaks specified by the meas fft peak1 and meas fft peak2 for channel 4 ...

Page 539: ..._state NL result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Related Commands MEASure FFT PEAK1 MEASure FFT PEAK2 MEASure FFT THReshold Example This example measures the magnitude difference between the peaks specified by the meas fft peak1 and meas fft peak2 for channel 4 10 OUTPUT ...

Page 540: ...ment Returned Format MEASure FFT FREQuency frequency result_state NL result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example measures the frequency the peak specified by the meas fft peak1 for channel 4 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 70...

Page 541: ...T Returned Format MEASure FFT FMAGNitude magnitude result_state NL result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example measures the magnitude of the peak specified by the meas fft peak for channel 4 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 70...

Page 542: ...Rce command as FUNCtion N or WMEMory N 1st_peak _number An integer 1 to 100 specifying the number of the first peak N For functions and waveform memories 1 2 3 or 4 Query MEASure FFT PEAK1 The MEASure FFT PEAK1 query returns the peak number currently set as the first peak Returned Format MEASure FFT PEAK1 1st_peak_number NL See Also MEASure FFT THReshold Also see the example for MEASure FFT DFRequ...

Page 543: ...Rce command as FUNCtion N or WMEMory N 2nd_peak _number An integer 1 to 100 specifying the number of the second peak N For functions and waveform memories 1 2 3 or 4 Query MEASure FFT PEAK2 The MEASure FFT PEAK2 query returns the peak number currently set as the second peak Returned Format MEASure FFT PEAK1 2nd_peak_number NL See Also MEASure FFT THReshold Also see the example for MEASure FFT DFRe...

Page 544: ...d query returns the peak search threshold value Returned Format MEASure FFT THReshold threshold_value NL These MEASure commands also operate on FFT functions See Also Also see the example for MEASure FFT DFRequency in this chapter Measure Command Measurement Performed TMAX The frequency of the maximum value in the spectrum TMIN The frequency of the minimum value in the spectrum VMAX The maximum va...

Page 545: ...The algorithm is If the first edge on the screen is rising then frequency 1 time at second rising edge time at first rising edge else frequency 1 time at second falling edge time at first falling edge source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 direction RISing FALLing Specifies direction of edge for measurement Example This example measures the frequency of the channel 1 waveform 10...

Page 546: ...old levels of the waveform result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current frequency of the waveform in the numeric variable Freq then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response head...

Page 547: ...rameter following the HITS command The HISTogram HITS measurement only applies to the histogram waveform or memories containing histograms The measurement requires that the histogram feature be enabled using the HISTogram MODE command source WMEMory number HISTogram number For waveform memories WMEMory 1 2 3 or 4 Example This example measures the number of hits within the histogram stored in WMEMo...

Page 548: ...n the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the number of hits within the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE HISTOGRAM HITS WMEMORY1 30 ...

Page 549: ...r following the M1S command The HISTogram M1S measurement only applies to the histogram waveform or memories containing histograms The measurement requires that the histogram feature be enabled using the HISTogram MODE command source WMEMory number HISTogram number For waveform memories WMEMory 1 2 3 or 4 Example This example measures the percentage of points that are within one standard deviation...

Page 550: ... standard deviation of the mean of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the percentage of points within one standard deviation of the mean of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEAD...

Page 551: the M2S command The HISTogram M2S measurement only applies to the histogram waveform or memories containing histograms The measurement requires that the histogram feature be enabled using the HISTogram MODE command source WMEMory number HISTogram number For waveform memories WMEMory 1 2 3 or 4 Example This example measures the percentage of points that are within two standard deviations of the ...

Page 552: ... standard deviations of the mean of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the percentage of points within two standard deviations of the mean of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HE...

Page 553: ...he optional parameter following the M3S command The HISTogram M3S measurement only applies to the histogram waveform or memories containing histograms The measurement requires that the histogram feature be enabled using the HISTogram MODE command source WMEMory number HISTogram number For waveform memories WMEMory 1 2 3 or 4 Example This example measures the percentage of points that are within th...

Page 554: ...e standard deviations of the mean of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the percentage of points within three standard deviations of the mean of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM...

Page 555: ...ISTogram MAX value result_state NL value The maximum value of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the maximum value of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response header...

Page 556: ...ISTogram MEAN value result_state NL value The mean of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the mean of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 7...

Page 557: ... HISTogram MEDian value result_state NL value The median of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the median of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 ...

Page 558: ...ISTogram MIN value result_state NL value The minimum value of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the minimum value of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response header...

Page 559: ...AK value result_state NL value The number of hits in the histogram peak result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the number of hits in the greatest peak of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER O...

Page 560: ...ISTogram PP value result_state NL value The width of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the width of the current histogram and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 7...

Page 561: ...ate NL value The standard deviation of the histogram result_state If SENDVALID is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result Refer to the MEASure RESults command for a list of the result states Example This example returns the standard deviation of the histogram whose source is specified using the MEASure SOURce command and prints the result to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 ...

Page 562: ...clock_source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 data_source _dir RISing FALLing BOTH Selects the direction of the data source edge clock_source _dir RISing FALLing Selects the direction of the clock source edge Example This example measures the hold time from the rising edge of channel 1 to the rising edge of channel 2 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE HOLDTIME CHAN1 RIS CHAN2 RIS 20 END Thisc...

Page 563: ...mple places the current value of hold time in the numeric variable Time then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE HOLDTIME CHAN1 RIS CHAN2 RIS 30 ENTER 707 Time 40 PRINT Time 50 END See Also Refer to the MEASure RESults query for information on the results returned and how they are affected by the SE...

Page 564: ... MEASure JITTer HISTogram The MEASure JITTer HISTogram query returns the state of measurement histogram display Returned format MEASure JITTer HISTogram 1 0 Example This example places the current setting of the jitter spectrum mode in the variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE JITTER HISTOGRAM 30 ENT...

Page 565: ... MEASurement The MEASure JITTer MEASurement query returns the measurement number you are performing the jitter analysis on If no measurements are being displayed on the oscilloscope the query will return a null string Returned format MEASure JITTer MEASurement MEASurement N Example This example places the current measurement number that you are performing jitter analysis on in the string variable ...

Page 566: ... ON 20 END Query MEASure JITTer SPECtrum The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum query returns the state of jitter spectrum display Returned format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum 1 0 Example This example places the current setting of the jitter spectrum mode in the variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE JITTER SPECTRUM ...

Page 567: ...rizontal mode to automatic 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE JITTER SPECTRUM HORIZONTAL AUTO 20 END Query MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal query returns the current jitter spectrum horizontal mode setting Returned format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal AUTO MANual Example This example places the current setting of the jitter trend horizontal mode in the string varia...

Page 568: ...ry MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal POSition The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal POSition query returns the current jitter spectrum horizontal center frequency position setting Returned format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal POSition value NL value The jitter spectrum horizontal center frequency setting Example This example places the current setting of the jitter trend horizontal center f...

Page 569: ...ND Query MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal RANGe The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal RANGe query returns the current jitter spectrum horizontal range setting Returned format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal RANGe value NL value The jitter spectrum horizontal range setting Example This example places the current setting of the jitter trend horizontal range in the variable Value then prints th...

Page 570: ...e to automatic 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE JITTER SPECTRUM VERTICAL AUTO 20 END Query MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTical The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTical query returns the current jitter spectrum vertical mode setting Returned format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTical AUTO MANual Example This example places the current setting of the jitter spectrum vertical mode in the string variable Setting then prin...

Page 571: JITTer SPECtrum VERTical OFFSet The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTIcal OFFSet query returns the jitter spectrum vertical offset time Returned format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTical OFFSet value result_state NL value The jitter vertical spectrum offset time setting Example This example places the current value of jitter spectrum vertical offset in the numeric variable Value then prints the conten...

Page 572: ... END Query MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTical RANGe The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTIcal RANGe query returns the jitter spectrum range time setting Returned Format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum VERTical RANGe value result_state NL value The jitter spectrum vertical range setting Example This example places the current value of jitter spectrum vertical range in the numeric variable Value then prints the co...

Page 573: ...ry MEASure JITTer SPECtrum WINDow The MEASure JITTer SPECtrum WINDow query returns the current jitter spectrum window mode setting Returned format MEASure JITTer SPECtrum WINDow RECTangular HANNing FLATtop NL Example This example places the current setting of the jitter spectrum window mode in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 7...

Page 574: ...t edge on screen Example This example turns the jitter measurement statistics on 10 OUTPUT 707 JITTer STATISTICS ON 20 END Query MEASure JITTer STATistics The MEASure JITTer STATistics query returns the state of jitter statistics Returned format MEASure JITTer STATistics 1 0 Example This example places the current setting of the jitter statistics mode in the variable Setting then prints the conten...

Page 575: ...TPUT 707 MEASURE JITTER TREND ON 20 END Query MEASure JITTer TRENd The MEASure JITTer TRENd query returns the state of jitter trend display Returned format MEASure JITTer TRENd 1 0 Example This example places the current setting of the jitter trend mode in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTPUT 707 MEA...

Page 576: ...707 MEASURE JITTer TREND SMOOTH ON 20 END Query MEASure JITTer TRENd SMOoth The MEASure JITTer TRENd SMOoth query returns the current jitter trend smoothing mode setting Returned format MEASure JITTer TRENd SMOoth 1 0 Example This example places the current setting of the jitter trend smoothing mode in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10...

Page 577: ...TS 7 20 END Query MEASure JITTer TREND SMOoth POINts The MEASure JITTer TRENd SMOoth POINts query returns the current setting for jitter trend smoothing points Returned format MEASure JITTer TRENd SMOoth POINts value NL value The jitter offset smoothing points setting Example This example places the current value of jitter trend smoothing points in the numeric variable Value then prints the conten...

Page 578: ...o automatic 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE JITTer TRENd VERTical AUTO 20 END Query MEASure JITTer TRENd VERTical The MEASure JITTer TRENd VERTical query returns the current jitter trend vertical mode setting Returned format MEASure JITTer TRENd VERTical AUTO MANual Example This example places the current setting of the jitter trend vertical mode in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of th...

Page 579: ...ry MEASure JITTer TRENd VERTical OFFSet The MEASure JITTer TRENd VERTIcal OFFSet query returns the jitter trend vertical offset setting Returned format MEASure JITTer TRENd VERTical OFFSet value NL value The jitter vertical trend offset setting Example This example places the current value of jitter trend vertical offset in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the...

Page 580: ... RANGe query returns the jitter trend vertical range setting Returned Format MEASure JITTer TRENd VERTical RANGe value NL value The jitter trend vertical range setting result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of jitter trend ver...

Page 581: ...ed function or waveform memory direction RISing FALLing specifies direction of wavcform edge to make measurement n An integer 1 to 99 the number of cycles in a group start An integer 1 to n 1 typically 1 the cycle to start measuring Example This example measures the N cycle jitter on channel 1 rising edge 5 cycles in a group starting on the first cycle of the waveform 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE NCJITTE...

Page 582: ...esult_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of N cycle jitter in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE...

Page 583: ...ASure SOURce command or with the optional parameter following the MEASure NWIDth command The algorithm is If the first edge on the screen is rising then nwidth time at the second rising edge time at the first falling edge else nwidth time at the first rising edge time at the first falling edge source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example measures the width of the ...

Page 584: ... the waveform result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current width of the first negative pulse on the screen in the numeric variable Width then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Res...

Page 585: ...e command or with the optional parameter following the MEASure OVERshoot command The algorithm is If the first edge on the screen is rising then overshoot Local Vmax Vtop Vamplitude else overshoot Vbase Local Vmin Vamplitude source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example measures the overshoot of the first edge on the screen 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE OVERSHOOT CHANNEL1 ...

Page 586: ...esult_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of overshoot in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE OVER...

Page 587: ...gorithm is If the first edge on the screen is rising then period time at the second rising edge time at the first rising edge else period time at the second falling edge time at the first falling edge source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 direction RISing FALLing Specifies direction of edge to start measurement Example This example measures the period of the waveform 10 OUTPUT ...

Page 588: ...esult_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current period of the waveform in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE ...

Page 589: ...specified edge of the second source is measured If one source is specified the phase is always 0 0E0 00 source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 direction RISing FALLing Specifies direction of edge to measure Example This example measures the phase between channel 1 and channel 2 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE PHASE CHANNEL1 CHANNEL2 20 END The direction parameter is only available when th...

Page 590: ...t edge on the first source to the first edge edge on the second source result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current phase angle value between channel 1 and channel 2 in the variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the co...

Page 591: ...ce command or with the optional parameter following the MEASure PREShoot command The algorithm is If the first edge on the screen is rising then preshoot Vbase Local Vmin Vamplitude else preshoot Local Vmax Vtop Vamplitude source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example measures the preshoot of the waveform on the screen 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE PRESHOOT CHANNEL1 20 END...

Page 592: ...tate If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of preshoot in the numeric variable Preshoot then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE PRESHOOT ...

Page 593: ...MEASure SOURce command or with the optional parameter following the MEASure PWIDth command The algorithm is If the first edge on the screen is rising then pwidth time at the first falling edge time at the first rising edge else pwidth time at the second falling edge time at the first rising edge source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example measures the width of th...

Page 594: ...ult_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the value of the width of the first positive pulse on the screen in the numeric variable Width then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response header...

Page 595: ... Example This example sets the level qualifier 2 condition to HIGH 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE QUALIFIER2 CONDITION HIGH 20 END Query MEASure QUALifier M CONDition The MEASure QUALifier M CONDition query returns the condition being used of the level qualifier Returned Format MEASure QUALifier M CONDition source NL Example This example places the current condition of level qualifier for timing measuremen...

Page 596: ...END Query MEASure QUALifier M SOURce The MEASure QUALifier M SOURce query returns the source being used of the level qualifier for timing measurements Returned Format MEASure QUALifier M SOURce source NL Example This example places the current source of level qualifier for timing measurements in the source variable and displays it on the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response h...

Page 597: ...E QUALIFIER2 STATE ON 20 END Query MEASure QUALifier M STATe The MEASure QUALifier M STATe query returns the state of the level qualifier for timing measurements Returned Format MEASure QUALifier M SOURce 1 0 NL Example This example places the current state of the level qualifier for timing measurements in the state variable and displays it on the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF ...

Page 598: ...ous result by a comma There is a maximum of five continuous measurements that can be continuously displayed at a time Returned Format MEASure RESults result_list NL result_list A list of the measurement results separated with commas The following shows the order of values received for a single measurement Min max mean std dev and of meas are only returned if the MEASure STATistics is ON The result...

Page 599: ...veform 13 Result invalid Upper threshold not on waveform 14 Result invalid Upper and lower thresholds are too close 15 Result invalid Top not on waveform 16 Result invalid Base not on waveform 17 Result invalid Completion criteria not reached 18 Result invalid Measurement invalid for this type of waveform 19 Result invalid waveform is not displayed 20 Result invalid Waveform is clipped high 21 Res...

Page 600: ...asurement or must be in jitter mode to make this measurement 40 Current measurement is not on screen 41 Not enough points available to recover the clock 42 The loop bandwidth of the PLL is too high to recover the clock 43 RJDJ pattern not found in data 45 Clock recovery mode is not permitted 46 Too much jitter to make a RJDJ separation ...

Page 601: ...threshold point time at lower threshold point To make this measurement requires 4 or more sample points on the rising edge of the waveform Sources are specified with the MEASure SOURce command or with the optional parameter following the RISetime command With standard thresholds selected the lower threshold is at the 10 point and the upper threshold is at the 90 point on the rising edge source CHA...

Page 602: ...SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of rise time in the numeric variable Rise then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE RISETIME CHANNEL1 30...

Page 603: ...SCRatch CLEar The MEASure SCRatch command clears the measurement results from the screen This command performs the same function as MEASure CLEar Example This example clears the current measurement results from the screen 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SCRATCH 20 END ...

Page 604: ...y returns the state of the send valid control Returned Format MEASure SENDvalid 0 1 NL Example This example places the current mode for SENDvalid in the string variable Mode then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Mode 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SENDVALID 30 ENTER 707 Mode 40 PRINT Mode 50 END See Also Refer to the MEASure RESults query for informa...

Page 605: ...el N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 data_source _dir RISing FALLing BOTH Selects the direction of the data source edge BOTH selects both edges to be measured clock_source _dir RISing FALLing Selects the direction of the clock source edge Example This example measures the setup time from the rising edge of channel 1 to the rising edge of channel 2 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SETUPTIME CHAN1 RIS...

Page 606: ...fied clock and data source Returned Format MEASure SETuptime value NL value Setup time in seconds Example This example places the current value of setup time in the numeric variable Time then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SETUPTIME CHAN1 RIS CHAN2 RIS 30 ENTER 707 Time 40 PRINT Time 50 END ...

Page 607: ...LEWrate data_source The MEASure SLEWrate query returns the measured slew rate for the specified source Returned Format MEASure SLEWrate value NL value Slew rate in volts per second Example This example places the channel 1 value of slew rate in the numeric variable Time then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT ...

Page 608: ...fied source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example selects channel 1 as the source for measurements 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE SOURCE CHANNEL1 20 END Query MEASure SOURce The MEASure SOURce query returns the current source selection Returned Format MEASure SOURce source source NL Example This example places the currently specified sources in the string variable Source t...

Page 609: ...S ON 20 END Query MEASure STATistics The MEASure STATistics query returns the current statistics mode Returned Format MEASure STATistics 0 1 NL Example This example places the current mode for statistics in the string variable Mode then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Mode 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE STATISTICS 30 ENTER 707 Mode 40 PRINT Mode 50 ...

Page 610: ...optional parameter following the MEASure TEDGe command meas_thres _txt UPPer MIDDle or LOWer to identify the threshold slope minus for falling plus for rising none the slope is optional if no slope is specified plus is assumed occurrence An integer value representing the edge of the occurrence The desired edge must be present on the display Edges are counted with 1 being the first edge from the le...

Page 611: ...h the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example returns the time interval between the trigger event and the 90 threshold on the second rising edge of the source waveform to the numeric variable Time The contents of the variable are then printed to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 2...

Page 612: ...op bandwidth If CLOCk is given clock recovery is specified with the MEASure CLOCk METHod command is used source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 direction RISing FALLing BOTH Specifies direction of clock edge BOTH selects the first edge from the left hand side of the waveform viewing area frequency A real number for the ideal clock frequency for the clock time interval error band...

Page 613: ...clock time interval error value result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of the clock time interval error in the variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20...

Page 614: ...rst order PLL clock recovery is used at a given data rate and loop bandwidth If CLOCk is given clock recovery as specified with the MEASure CLOCk METHod is used source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4s data_rate A real number for the ideal data rate for clock recovery bandwidth A real number for the loop bandwidth of the PLL clock recovery method Example This example measures the...

Page 615: ...a time interval error value result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current value of the data time interval error in the variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF 20 OUTP...

Page 616: ...oltage occurred Returned Format MEASure TMAX time result_state NL time Time at which the first maximum voltage occurred or frequency where the maximum FFT amplitude occurred result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example returns the time at which the first ma...

Page 617: ...ed or the frequency where the minimum FFT amplitude occurred Returned Format MEASure TMIN time result_state NL time Time at which the first minimum voltage occurred result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example returns the time at which the first minimum vol...

Page 618: ...sured slope The direction of the waveform change when the specified voltage is crossed rising or falling If no sign is present is assumed occurrence The number of the crossing to be reported if one the first crossing is reported if two the second crossing is reported etc The desired crossing must be present on the display Occurences are counted with 1 being the first occurance from the left of the...

Page 619: ...ansition through 250 Volts on the third rising occurance of the source waveform to the numeric variable Time The contents of the variable are then printed to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE TVOLT 250 3 CHANNEL1 30 ENTER 707 Time 40 PRINT Time 50 END ...

Page 620: ...eform memory data_rate A real number representing the data rate Example This example measures the unit interval of channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE UNITINTERVAL CHANNEL1 20 END Query MEASure UNITinterval source AUTO SEMI data_rate The MEASure UNITinterval query returns the measured unit interval Returned Format MEASure UNITinterval value result_state NL value Unit interval of the source result_stat...

Page 621: ...nt unit interval of the channel 1 waveform in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE UNITINTERVAL CHANNEL1 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END ...

Page 622: ...END Query MEASure VAMPlitude source The MEASure VAMPlitude query returns the calculated difference between the top and base voltage of the specified source Returned Format MEASure VAMPlitude value result_state NL value Calculated difference between the top and base voltage result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this...

Page 623: ...ollowing the MEASure VAVerage command CYCLe The CYCLe parameter instructs the average measurement to measure the average voltage across the first period on the display DISPlay The DISPlay parameter instructs the average measurement to measure all the data on the display source CHANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Example This example calculates the average voltage over the displayed ...

Page 624: ...e result_state NL value The calculated average voltage result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current average voltage in the numeric variable Average then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEA...

Page 625: ... MEASure VBASe query returns the measured voltage value at the base of the specified source Returned Format MEASure VBASe value result_state NL value Voltage at the base of the waveform result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example returns the current voltag...

Page 626: ... threshold of the selected source Returned Format MEASure VLOWer value result_state NL value Voltage value at the lower threshold result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example returns the measured voltage at the lower threshold of the waveform to the numeric...

Page 627: ...MAX query returns the measured absolute maximum voltage or maximum FFT amplitude present on the selected source waveform Returned Format MEASure VMAX value result_state NL value Absolute maximum voltage present on the waveform result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Exampl...

Page 628: ...ANnel N FUNCtion N WMEMory N N is an integer 1 4 Returned Format MEASure VMIDdle value result_state NL value The middle voltage present on the waveform result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example returns the measured middle voltage on the waveform to the n...

Page 629: ... returns the measured absolute minimum voltage or minimum FFT amplitude present on the selected source waveform Returned Format MEASure VMIN value result_state NL value Absolute minimum voltage present on the waveform result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This ex...

Page 630: ...ected source 10 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE VPP CHANNEL1 20 END Query MEASure VPP source The MEASure VPP query returns the specified source peak to peak voltage Returned Format MEASure VPP value result_state NL value Peak to peak voltage of the selected source result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of...

Page 631: ...rameter instructs the RMS measurement to measure all the data on the display Generally RMS voltage is measured across one waveform or cycle however measuring multiple cycles may be accomplished with the DISPLay option The DISPlay parameter is also useful when measuring noise AC The AC parameter is used to measure the RMS voltage subtracting the DC component DC TheDCparameterisusedtomeasureRMSvolta...

Page 632: ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the current AC RMS voltage over one period of the waveform in the numeric variable Voltage then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 MEASURE...

Page 633: FFT Query MEASure VTIMe time source The MEASure VTIMe query returns the measured voltage or amplitude Returned Format MEASure VTIMe value result_state NL value Voltage at the specified time When the source is an FFT function the returned value is the vertical value at the horizontal setting passed in the VTIMe time parameter The time parameter is in Hertz when an FFT function is the source resu...

Page 634: ...source The MEASure VTOP query returns the measured voltage at the top of the specified source Returned Format MEASure VTOP value result_state NL value Voltage at the top of the waveform result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the value of the vo...

Page 635: ... VUPPer source The MEASure VUPPer query returns the measured upper threshold value of the selected source Returned Format MEASure VUPPer value result_state NL value Voltage at the upper threshold result_state If SENDvalid is ON the result state is returned with the measurement result See the MEASure RESults table in this chapter for a list of the result states Example This example places the value...

Page 636: ...23 138 Measure Commands VUPPer ...

Page 637: ...24 Pod Commands ...

Page 638: ...24 2 Pod Commands The POD modes and commands described in this chapter include DISPlay THReshold PSKew The POD commands only apply to the MSO Oscilloscopes ...

Page 639: ...system must be enabled before this command will work See ENABle command in the root subsystem N An integer 1 2 Example This example turns on the view of pod 2 10 Output 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 Output 707 POD2 ON 30 END Query POD N DISPlay The POD N DISPlay query returns the current digital display setting for the selected pod Returned Format POD N DISPlay 1 0 NL The POD commands only apply to the MS...

Page 640: ...efined thresholds are CMOS50 2 5 V CMOS30 1 65 V CMOS25 1 25 V ECL 1 3 V PECL 3 7 V TTL 1 4 V N An integer 1 2 value A real number representing the voltage value which distinguishes a 1 logic level from a 0 logic level Waveform voltages greater than the threshold are 1 logic levels while waveform vlotages less than the threshold are 0 logic levels The range of the threshold voltage is from 8 volts...

Page 641: differences between the analog and digital channels value A real number representing the probe skew between the analog and digital channels The range of probe skew is from 100 µs to 100 µs Example This example sets the probe skew to 1 ps 10 Output 707 POD1 PSKew 1E 12 20 END Query POD N PSKew The POD N PSKew query returns the probe skew value Return format POD N PSKew value NL The POD commands ...

Page 642: ...24 6 ...

Page 643: ...25 Root Level Commands ...

Page 644: ...g a root level command the parser is positioned at the root of the command tree Theserootlevel commandsandqueriesareimplementedinthe Infiniium Oscilloscopes ADER Acquisition Done Event Register AER Arm Event Register ATER Auto Trigger Event Register AUToscale BLANk CDISplay DIGitize DISable ENABle MTEE Mask Test Enable Register MTER Mask Test Event Register MODel OPEE Operation Status Enable OPER ...

Page 645: ...25 3 STORe SETup STORe WAVeform TER Trigger Event Register VIEW ...

Page 646: ...vent Register and returns 1 or 0 After the Acquisition Done Event Register is read the register is cleared The returned value 1 indicates an acquisition completed event has occurred and 0 indicates an acquisition completed event has not occurred Once the Done bit is set it is cleared only by doing ADER or by sending a CLS command Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Page 647: ...alue 1 indicates a trigger armed event has occurred and 0 indicates a trigger armed has not occurred Once the AER bit is set it is cleared only by doing AER or by sending a CLS command Returned Format 1 0 NL Arm Event Returns AER will allow the Arm Event to return either immediately if you have armed but not triggered or on the next arm if you have already triggered However CLS is always required ...

Page 648: ...ery ATER The ATER query reads the Auto Trigger Event Register and returns 1 or 0 After the Auto Trigger Event Register is read the register is cleared The returned value 1 indicates an auto trigger event has occurred and 0 indicates an auto trigger event has not occurred Returned Format 1 0 NL ...

Page 649: ... channel starting with channel 4 then channel 3 channel 2 and channel 1 until a trigger waveform is detected If waveforms cannot be found on any vertical input the oscilloscope is returned to its former state Autoscale sets the following Channel Display Scale and Offset Trigger Sweep Mode Edge Source Level Slope Hysteresis and Holdoff Acquisition Sampling Rate and Memory Depth Time Base Scale and ...

Page 650: ...el range is from 0 to 15 in the following format digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGtal15 POD1 Bits 0 through 7 are turned off POD2 Bits 8 through 15 are turned off Example This example turns off digital channels 1 through 5 and digital channel 8 10 OUTPUT 707 BLANK 1 5 8 20 END 1 5 7 9 channels 1 5 7 and 9 are turned of...

Page 651: ...ments If the oscilloscope is stopped all currently displayed data is erased If the oscilloscope is running all of the data in active channels and functions is erased however new data is displayed on the next acquisition Waveform memories are not erased Example This example clears the oscilloscope display 10 OUTPUT 707 CDISPLAY 20 END ...

Page 652: ...e the only waveforms acquired and the display waveforms of the specified channels and functions are turned off When you select as a source any of the digital channels or pods all of the digital channels are digitized If you use the DIGitize command with no parameters the digitize operation is performed on the channels or functions that are being displayed in the Infiniium waveform viewing area In ...

Page 653: ...ds Example This example acquires data on channel 1 and function 2 10 OUTPUT 707 DIGITIZE CHANNEL1 FUNCTION2 20 END The ACQuire subsystem commands set up conditions such as COUNt for the next DIGitize command The WAVeform subsystem commands determine how the data is transferred out of the oscilloscope and how to interpret the data ...

Page 654: ...mand DISable DIGital The DISable DIGital command disables the display of the digital channels This command disables the use of the DIGital subsystem commands Example This example disables the digital subsystem 10 OUTPUT 707 DISABLE DIGITAL 20 END ...

Page 655: ... ENABle DIGital The ENABle DIGital command enables the display of the digital channels This command must be used before the DIGital subsystem commands can be used Example This example enables the digital subsystem 10 OUTPUT 707 ENABLE DIGITAL 20 END ...

Page 656: ...ue stored in the Mask Test Enable Register Returned Format MTEE enable_mask Example Suppose your application requires an interrupt whenever a Mask Test Fail occurs in the mask test register You can enable this bit to generate the summary bit by sending OUTPUT 707 MTEE 2 Whenever an error occurs the oscilloscope sets the MASK bit in the Operation Status Register Because the bits in the Operation St...

Page 657: whenever the mask test failed Bit 2 Mask Low Amplitude bit is set whenever the signal is below the mask amplitude Bit 3 Mask High Amplitude bit is set whenever the signal is above the mask amplitude Bit 4 Mask Align Complete bit is set whenever the mask align is complete Bit 5 Mask Align Fail bit is set whenever the mask align failed Disabled Mask Test Event Register Bits Respond but Do Not Gen...

Page 658: 25 1 Model The model number of the oscilloscope Table 25 1 MODel Returned Format Example This example places the model number in a string variable Model then prints the contents of the variable on the computer s screen 10 Dim Model 13 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 MODEL 30 ENTER 707 Model 40 PRINT MODEL 50 END HEADER LONGFORM RESPONSE ON OFF ON OFF X X Model X X Model X X MOD Model X X MOD...

Page 659: Enable register Each bit that is set to a 1 enables that bit to set bit 7 in the status byte register and potentially causes an SRQ to be generated Bit 5 Wait for Trig is used Other bits are reserved Query OPEE The query returns the current value contained in the Operation Status Enable register as a decimal number Returned Format OPEE value NL ...

Page 660: ...he Operation Status Register as a decimal number This register contains the WAIT TRIG bit bit 5 and the OVLR bit bit 11 The WAIT TRIG bit is set by the Trigger Armed Event Register and indicates that the trigger is armed The OVLR bit is set by the Overload Event Register Returned Format value NL ...

Page 661: ...Event Enable Register value which enables or disables reading of the overload protection bits for all of the channel inputs enable_mask The overload enable mask is an integer representing a channel as follows Bit 0 Channel 1 Bit 1 Channel 2 Bit 2 Channel 3 Bit 3 Channel 4 Bits 7 4 are not used and are set to zero 0 Query OVLEnable The OVLEnable query returns the current value contained in the Over...

Page 662: ...nt Register Before the bits in this register can be read the OVLEnable command must be set to enable the bits for each channel The integer value returned by this query represents the channels as follows Bit 0 Channel 1 Bit 1 Channel 2 Bit 2 Channel 3 Bit 3 Channel 4 Bits 7 4 are not used and are set to zero 0 Returned Format value NL ...

Page 663: ...the screen to a printer or other device destination specified in the HARDcopy subsystem You can specify the selection of the output and the printer using the HARDcopy subsystem commands Example This example outputs a copy of the screen to a printer or a disk file 10 OUTPUT 707 PRINT 20 END ...

Page 664: ...etup memory number an integer 0 through 9 The RECall SETup command recalls a setup that was saved in one of the oscilloscope s setup memories You can save setups using either the STORe SETup command or the front panel Examples This command recalls a setup from setup memory 2 10 OUTPUT 707 RECall SETup 2 20 END ...

Page 665: ...e is running it acquires waveform data according to its current settings Acquisition runsrepetitively untilthe oscilloscope receivesa STOP command oruntilthere is only one acquisition if Trigger Sweep is set to Single Example This example causes the oscilloscope to acquire data repetitively 10 OUTPUT 707 RUN 20 END ...

Page 666: ...ned for the IDN query described in the Common Commands chapter serial _number A ten character alphanumeric serial number enclosed with quotation marks Example This example sets the serial number for the oscilloscope to US12345678 10 OUTPUT 707 SERIAL US12345678 20 END Query SERial The query returns the current serial number string for the oscilloscope Returned Format SERial US12345678 Example This...

Page 667: ...lloscope tomakea single acquisitionwhen the next trigger event occurs Example This example sets up the oscilloscope to make a single acquisition when the next trigger event occurs 10 OUTPUT 707 SINGLE 20 END See Also TRIGger SWEep AUTO TRIGgered SINGle for how to turn the single sweep off ...

Page 668: ...r off A return value of 1 means on and a return value of 0 means off Digital channels will only be displayed on screen if the digital subsystem is on N An integer 1 4 M DIGital M is an integer 0 15 for MSO Infiniium Oscilloscopes L POD L and BUS L is an integer 1 2 for MSO Infiniium Oscilloscopes Returned Format STATus 0 1 NL Example This example returns and prints the current status of channel 1 ...

Page 669: ... STOP STOP Command STOP The STOP command causes the oscilloscope to stop acquiring data To restart the acquisition use the RUN or SINGle command Example This example stops the current data acquisition 10 OUTPUT 707 STOP 20 END ...

Page 670: ...p_memory_num setup _memory_num Setup memory number an integer 0 through 9 The STORe SETup command saves the current oscilloscope setup in one of the setup memories Example This example stores the current oscilloscope setup to setup memory 0 10 OUTPUT 707 STORE SETUP 0 20 END ...

Page 671: ...ow much data is stored If you select ALL all of the data in the waveform record is referenced If you select MAIN only the data in the main time base range is referenced The first value corresponds to the first time bucket in the main time base range and the last value corresponds to the last time bucket in the main time base range If WINDow is selected only data in the delayed view is referenced T...

Page 672: ...eform meets the trigger criteria Returned Format 1 0 NL Example This example checks the current status of the Trigger Event Register places the status in the string variable Current then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Current 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 TER 30 ENTER 707 Current 40 PRINT Current 50 END Once this bit is set you can clear it only by readin...

Page 673: ...igital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 POD1 Bits 0 through 7 are turned on POD2 Bits 8 through 15 are turned on Example This example turns on channel 1 10 OUTPUT 707 VIEW CHANNEL1 20 END See Also The BLANk command turns off a channel function histogram digital channel or waveform memory 1 5 7 9 channels 1 5 7 and 9 are...

Page 674: ...25 32 ...

Page 675: ...26 Self Test Commands ...

Page 676: ... the self test dialog and run the oscilloscope s self tests These SELFtest commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes CANCel SCOPETEST Enclose File Name in Quotation Marks When specifying a file name you must enclose it in quotation marks ...

Page 677: ...elf Test Commands CANCel CANCel Command SELFtest CANCel The SELFtest CANCel command stops the currenly running selftest Example This example stops the currently running selftest 10 OUTPUT 707 SELF CANC 20 END ...

Page 678: ...ring as follows Scope Self Tests time_stamp The time stamp follows the test name and test status and is the part of the returned string that includes the date and time in the format 29 AUG 2001 10 13 35 Example This example places the current status of the self test in the string variable Txt then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Txt 64 20 OUTPUT 707 SELF SCOPETE...

Page 679: ...27 System Commands ...

Page 680: ...trings and enable reading and writing to the advisory line of the oscilloscope You can also set and read the date and time in the oscilloscope using the SYSTem subsystem commands These SYSTem commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes DATE DEBug DSP ERRor HEADer LOCK LONGform PRESet SETup TIME ...

Page 681: ...92 to 2035 month Specifies the month in the format 1 2 12 JAN FEB MAR day Specifies the day in the format 1 31 Example This example sets the date to July 1 1997 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM DATE 1 7 97 20 END Query SYSTem DATE The SYSTem DATE query returns the current date in the oscilloscope Returned Format SYSTem DATE day month year NL Example This example queries the date 10 DIM Date 50 20 OUTPUT 707 S...

Page 682: ...ile or any other debug file This is a read only mode output_mode FILE SCReen FileSCReen file_name An MS DOS compatible name of the file a maximum of 254 characters long including the path name if used The file name assumes the present working directory if a path does not precede the file name create_mode CREate APPend Examples This example turns on the debug trace mode and creates a debug file 10 ...

Page 683: ...13 Undefined header syst err string NL SYSTEM ERROR 113 Undefined header syst err string NL SYSTEM ERROR 0 No error Debug information file C scope data pacq8xx txt appended Date 1 NOV 2001 Time 10 10 35 Model 54830B Serial sn syst err string NL SYSTEM ERROR 0 No error ACQuire BEST FLATness NL 113 Undefined header syst err string NL SYSTEM ERROR 113 Undefined header Query SYSTem DEBug The SYSTem DE...

Page 684: ...STem DSP query returns the last string written to the advisory line This may be a string written with a SYSTem DSP command or an internally generated advisory The string is actually read from the message queue The message queue is cleared when it is read Therefore the displayed message can only be read once over the bus Returned Format SYSTem DSP string NL Example This example places the last stri...

Page 685: ...he contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Condition 64 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM ERROR STRING 30 ENTER 707 Condition 40 PRINT Condition 50 END Infiniium Oscilloscopes have an error queue that is 30 errors deep and operates on a first in first out FIFO basis Successively sending the SYSTem ERRor query returns the error numbers in the order that they occurred until th...

Page 686: ...query responses When SYSTem HEADer is set to ON the query responses include the command header Example This example sets up the oscilloscope to output command headers with query responses 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER ON 20 END Query SYSTem HEADer The SYSTem HEADer query returns the state of the SYSTem HEADer command Returned Format SYSTem HEADer 1 0 NL ...

Page 687: ...OUTPUT 707 syst head on 30 OUTPUT 707 syst set 40 More_chars 50 ENTER 707 USING A This_char 60 Header Header This_char 70 IF This_char THEN More_chars 80 90 ENTER 707 USING D Num_of_digits 100 ENTER 707 USING VAL Num_of_digits D Set_size 110 Header Header VAL Num_of_digits VAL Set_size 120 130 ALLOCATE INTEGER Setup 1 Set_size 140 ENTER 707 USING B Setup 150 ENTER 707 USING A Eof 160 170 OUTPUT 70...

Page 688: ...l can be re enabled by send the SYSTem LOCKOFFcommandorbyusingthe mouse toclickontheGraphic Interface button in the upper right hand corner of the oscilloscope screen Example This example disables the oscilloscope s front panel 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM LOCK ON 20 END Query SYSTem LOCK The SYSTem LOCK query returns the state of the SYSTem LOCK command Returned Format SYSTem LOCK 1 0 NL ...

Page 689: ...ent from the oscilloscope in the short form abbreviated spelling If LONGform is set to ON the whole word is output Example This example sets the format for query responses from the oscilloscope to the short form abbreviated spelling 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM LONGFORM OFF 20 END Query SYSTem LONGform The SYSTem LONGform query returns the current state of the SYSTem LONGform command Returned Format SYSTe...

Page 690: ...o the computer s screen 10 DIM Result 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM LONGFORM 30 ENTER 707 Result 40 PRINT Result 50 END LONGform Does Not Affect Input Headers and Arguments LONGform has no effect on input headers and arguments sent to the instrument You may send headers and arguments to the oscilloscope in either the long form or short form regardless of the current state of the SYSTe...

Page 691: ...the variable Set 10 OUTPUT 707 USING K SYSTEM SETUP Set 20 END Query SYSTem SETup The SYSTem SETup query outputs the oscilloscope s current setup to the computer in binary block data format as defined in the IEEE 488 2 standard Returned Format SYSTem SETup NX X setup_data_string NL The first character in the setup data string is a number added for disk operations HP BASIC Image Specifiers is an HP...

Page 692: ...707 USING K Set 50 END HP BASIC Image Specifiers K is an HP BASIC image specifier which places the block data in a string including carriage returns and line feeds until EOI is true or the dimensioned length of the string is reached SYSTem SETup Can Operate Just Like LRN When headers and LONGform are on the SYSTem SETup query operates the same as the LRN query in the common commands Otherwise LRN ...

Page 693: ...oscope and is not affected by the RST common command hour 0 23 minute 0 59 second 0 59 Example This example sets the oscilloscope time to 10 30 45 a m 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM TIME 10 30 45 20 END Query SYSTem TIME The SYSTem TIME query returns the current time in the oscilloscope Returned Format SYSTem TIME hour minute second ...

Page 694: ...27 16 ...

Page 695: ...28 Time Base Commands ...

Page 696: ... commands control the horizontal X axis oscilloscope functions These TIMebase commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes POSition RANGe REFerence ROLL ENABLE SCALe VIEW WINDow DELay WINDow POSition WINDow RANGe WINDow SCALe ...

Page 697: ...imum value depends on the time division setting Example This example sets the delay position to 2 ms 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE POSITION 2E 3 20 END Query TIMebase POSition The TIMebase POSition query returns the current delay value in seconds Returned Format TIMebase POSition position_value NL Example This example places the current delay value in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents o...

Page 698: ...le horizontal range to 10 ms 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE RANGE 10E 3 20 END Query TIMebase RANGe The TIMebase RANGe query returns the current full scale horizontal time Returned Format TIMebase RANGe full_scale_range NL Example This example places the current full scale horizontal range value in the numeric variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707...

Page 699: ...UTPUT 707 TIMEBASE REFERENCE CENTER 20 END Query TIMebase REFerence The TIMebase REFerence query returns the current delay reference position Returned Format TIMebase REFerence LEFT CENTer RIGHt NL Example This example places the current delay reference position in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 ...

Page 700: ...y TIMebase ROLL ENABLE The TIMebase ROLL ENABLE query returns the current state of the roll mode enable control Returned Format TIMebase ROLL ENABLE 1 0 NL Example This example places the current value of the roll mode enable control in the variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE ...

Page 701: ...This example sets the scale to 10 ms div 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE SCALE 10E 3 20 END Query TIMebase SCALe The TIMebase SCALe query returns the current scale time setting Returned Format TIMebase SCALe time NL Example This example places the current scale value in the numeric variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response he...

Page 702: ...e delayed view on 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE VIEW WINDOW 20 END Query TIMebase VIEW The TIMebase VIEW query returns Infiniium s current view Returned Format TIMebase VIEW MAIN WINDow NL Example This example places the current view in the string variable State then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM State 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE VIEW 30 ENTER 707 St...

Page 703: ...l number for the time in seconds from the trigger event to the delay reference point The maximum position depends on the main sweep range and the main sweep horizontal position Example This example sets the time base window delay position to 20 ns 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE WINDOW DELAY 20E 9 20 END This Command is Provided for Compatibility This command has the same function as the TIMebase WINDow PO...

Page 704: example places the current horizontal position in the delayed view in the numeric variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE WINDOW DELAY 30 ENTER 707 Setting 40 PRINT Setting 50 END See Also The TIMebase WINDow POSition command performs the same function as this command and shoul...

Page 705: ...mum position depends on the main sweep range and the main sweep horizontal position Example This example sets the time base window delay position to 20 ns 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE WINDOW POSITION 20E 9 20 END Query TIMebase WINDow POSition The TIMebase WINDow POSition query returns the current horizontal position in the delayed view Returned Format TIMebase WINDow POSition position_value NL Example ...

Page 706: ...e base window in seconds Example This example sets the full scale range of the delayed view to 100 ns 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE WINDOW RANGE 100E 9 20 END Query TIMebase WINDow RANGe The TIMebase WINDow RANGe query returns the current full scale range of the delayed view Returned Format TIMebase WINDow RANGe full_scale_range NL Example This example reads the current full scale range of the delayed vi...

Page 707: ...he horizontal components of displayed waveforms time A real number for the delayed windows scale Example This example sets the scale of the time base window to 2 milliseconds div 10 OUTPUT 707 TIMEBASE WINDOW SCALE 2E 3 20 END Query TIMebase WINDow SCALe The TIMebase WINDow SCALe query returns the scaled window time in seconds div Returned Format TIMebase WINDow SCALe time NL ...

Page 708: ...28 14 ...

Page 709: ...29 Trigger Commands ...

Page 710: ...ands in the TRIGger subsystem are used in more than one of the trigger modes The command set has been defined to closely represent the front panel trigger menus As a trade off there may be less compatibility between Infiniium Oscilloscopes and command sets for previous oscilloscopes Infiniium Oscilloscopes still accept some commands for compatibility with previous instruments An alternative comman...

Page 711: ...apter include VIOLation MODE SETup VIOLation SETup MODE SETup VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce LEVel VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce EDGE VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce LTHReshold VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce HTHReshold VIOLation SETup SETup TIME VIOLation SETup MODE HOLD VIOLation SETup HOLD CSOurce VIOLation SETup HOLD CSOurce LEVel VIOLatio...

Page 712: ...THReshold VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce HTHReshold VIOLation SETup SHOLd SetupTIMe VIOLation SETup SHOLd HoldTIMe VIOLation MODE TRANsition VIOLation TRANsition SOURce VIOLation TRANsition TYPE VIOLation TRANsition GTHan VIOLation TRANsition LTHan VIOLation MODE PWIDth VIOLation PWIDth SOURce VIOLation PWIDth POLarity VIOLation PWIDth DIRection VIOLation PWIDth WIDTh ...

Page 713: ... described before its set of commands in the following sections These general trigger commands are described first HOLDoff HYSTeresis LEVel SWEep The following sections in this chapter describe the individual trigger modes and commands and are organized in this order EDGE GLITch ADVanced COMM DELay PATTern STATe TV VIOLation ...

Page 714: ...age as the parameter to be set For example these commands place the instrument in the advanced triggering mode you select TRIGger MODE ADVanced TRIGger ADVanced MODE Advanced_trigger_mode Advanced _trigger_mode Advanced trigger modes include COMM DELay PATTern STATe TV and VIOLation Each mode is described with its command set in this chapter Summary of Trigger Commands The following table lists th...

Page 715: ...ty SOURce MODE EDLY ARM EVENt TRIGger TDLY ARM DELay TRIGger CONDition LOGic THReshold CLOCk CONDition LOGic SLOPe THReshold MODE L525 L625 UDTV STV FIELd LINE SOURce SPOLarity UDTV ENUMber PGTHan POLarity SOURce MODE PWIDth SETup TRANsition See the TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation commands in this chapter for descriptions of the various violationmodesandcommands Use TRIGger SWEep to Select Sweep Mode S...

Page 716: ...ets you view pulses in your waveform that occur a number of events after a specified waveform edge Delay by Time mode lets you view pulses in your waveform that occur a long time after a specified waveform edge PATTern Pattern triggering lets you trigger the oscilloscope using more than one channel as the trigger source You can also use pattern triggering to trigger on a pulse of a given width STA...

Page 717: ... the amount of time the oscilloscope should wait after receiving a trigger before enabling the trigger again holdoff_time A real number for the holdoff time ranging from 50 ns to 10 s Query TRIGger HOLDoff The query returns the current holdoff value for the current mode Returned Format TRIGger HOLDoff holdoff NL ...

Page 718: ...and VOH N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the voltage level for the trigger source Query TRIGger HTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the currently defined high threshold voltage level for the trigger source Returned Format TRIGger HTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal level NL EXTernal is O...

Page 719: ...e trigger hysteresis noise reject as either normal or maximum The NORMal option is the typical hysteresis selection The NREJect noise reject option gives maximum hysteresis but the lowest trigger bandwidth Query TRIGger HYSTeresis The query returns the current hysteresis setting Returned Format TRIGger HYSTeresis NORMal NREJect NL ...

Page 720: ...vanced Violation menus N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the trigger level on the specified channel External Trigger or Auxilliary Trigger Input Query TRIGger LEVel CHANnel N AUX EXTernal The query returns the specified channel s trigger level Returned Format TRIGger LEVel CHANnel N AUX EXTerna...

Page 721: ...logic family your data book gives two values VIL and VOL N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the voltage level for the trigger source Query TRIGger LTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the currently defined low threshold for the trigger source Returned Format TRIGger LTHReshold CHANnel...

Page 722: ... 50 Hz or less you should not use the AUTO sweep mode because it is possible that the oscilloscope will automatically trigger before your waveform trigger occurs TRIGgered Whenyou select TRIGgered ifno trigger occurs the oscilloscope will notsweep and the previously acquired data will remain on the screen SINGle When you select SINGle if no trigger occurs the oscilloscope will not sweep and the pr...

Page 723: ...that the oscilloscope triggers on The argument for the TRIGger EDGE SOURce command is CHANnel n where n 1 through 4 AUX or LINE or External for 2 channel units After setting the trigger source set the trigger slope The actual edge thatcreatesthetriggerissetwiththe TRIGger EDGE SLOPecommand You can set this command to POSitive or NEGative for each of the sources except LINE Set the trigger level fo...

Page 724: ...the conditions for the EDGE slope and source trigger commands To query the oscilloscope for the trigger mode enter TRIGger MODE You set up the TRIGger EDGE commands with the following commands and queries COUPling SLOPe SOURce ...

Page 725: ...COUPling command sets the trigger coupling when TRIG EDGE SOURce is set to one of the channels or to External for 2 channel oscilloscope models Query TRIGger EDGE COUPling The query returns the currently selected coupling for the specified edge trigger source Returned Format TRIGger EDGE COUPling AC DC LFReject HFReject NL ...

Page 726: ...ger EDGE SLOPe command sets the slope of the trigger source previously selected by the TRIGger EDGE SOURce command The LINE source has no slope Query TRIGger EDGE SLOPe The query returns the currently selected slope for the specified edge trigger source Returned Format TRIGger EDGE SLOPe POS NEG NL ...

Page 727: ... 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger EDGE SOURce The query returns the currently selected edge mode trigger source Returned Format TRIGger EDGE SOURce CHANnel N digital_channel AUX LINE EXTernal NL EXTernal and AUXiliary are Only Available in Some Infiniiu...

Page 728: ...el control to set the trigger level through which the glitch must pass before the oscilloscope will trigger When setting the trigger level for your waveform it is usually best to choose a voltage value that is equal to the voltage value at the mid point of your waveform For example if you have a waveform with a minimum value of 0 zero volts and a maximum value of 5 volts then 2 5 volts is the best...

Page 729: ... Noise Reject Set the Mode Before Executing Commands Before you can execute the TRIGger GLITch commands set the mode by entering TRIGger MODE GLITch This command sets the conditions for the glitch polarity source and width trigger commands To query the oscilloscope for the trigger mode enter TRIGger MODE You set up the TRIGger GLITch commands with the following commands and queries POLarity SOURce...

Page 730: ...ive NEGative This command defines the polarity of the glitch as positive or negative The trigger source must be set using the TRIGger GLITch SOURce command Query TRIGger GLITch POLarity The query returns the currently selected glitch polarity Returned Format TRIGger GLITch POLarity POS NEG NL ...

Page 731: ... Infiniium Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger GLITch SOURce The query returns the currently selected source for the glitch trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger GLITch SOURce CHANnel N digital_channel EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Available in Some Infiniium Oscilloscopes EXTernal i...

Page 732: ... the glitch width The oscilloscope will trigger on a pulse that has a width less than the specified width width A real number for the glitch width ranging from 1 5 ns to 10 s Query TRIGger GLITch WIDTh The query returns the currently specified glitch width Returned Format TRIGger GLITch WIDTh width NL ...

Page 733: ...t manufacturers will work together Set the Mode Before Executing Commands Before you can execute the TRIGger ADVanced COMMunications commands mask testing must be enabled at least one time The MTESt ENABle command enables or disables mask testing Then you can set the mode by entering TRIGger MODE ADVanced and TRIGger ADVanced MODE COMM To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger mode enter ...

Page 734: ... command is used to set the width of a bit for your waveform The bit width is usually defined in the mask standard for your waveform bwidth_value A real number that represents the width of a bit Query TRIGger ADVanced COMM BWIDth The query returns the current bit width Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced COMM BWIDth bwidth_value NL ...

Page 735: ...M ENCode command sets the type of waveform encoding for your waveform You should use NRZ for CMI type waveforms and RZ for all other type of waveforms Query TRIGger ADVanced COMM ENCode The TRIGger ADVanced COMM ENCode query returns the current value of encoding Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced COMM ENCode RZ NRZ NL ...

Page 736: ...0 for the communication pattern N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number which is the logic level voltage Query TRIGger ADVanced COMM LEVel CHANnel N The TRIGger ADVanced COMM LEVel query returns the current level for the communication pattern Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced COMM LEVel CHANnel N level NL...

Page 737: ...logic 1 transition in the pattern For NRZ waveforms with negative polarity there must be at least one logic 1 to logic 0 transition in the pattern For RZ type waveforms the pattern must have at least one logic 1 bit for positive polarity For RZ type waveforms the pattern must have at least one logic 1 bit for negative polarity bit A 1 1 or 0 Query TRIGger ADVanced COMM PATTern The TRIGger ADVanced...

Page 738: ...scilloscope When set to a negative value the falling edge of a pulse or waveform is used The polarity setting is also used to check for valid patterns If you are trying to trigger on an isolated 1 pattern you should set the polarity to positive If you are trying to trigger on an isolated 1 pattern you should set the polarity to negative Query TRIGger ADVanced COMM POLarity The TRIGger ADVanced COM...

Page 739: ... channel used for the communication trigger N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced COMM SOURce The TRIGger ADVanced COMM SOURce queryreturnsthecurrently selected communication trigger source Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced COMM SOURce CHANnel N NL ...

Page 740: ...ooking for a specified pattern A pattern is a logical combination of the channels Each channel can have a value of High H Low L or Don t Care X A value is considered a High when your waveform s voltage level is greater than its trigger level and a Low when the voltage level is less than its trigger level If a channel is set to Don t Care it is not used as part of the pattern criteria One additiona...

Page 741: Commands Before you can execute the TRIGger ADVanced PATTern commands set the mode by entering TRIGger MODE ADVanced and TRIGger ADVanced MODE PATTern To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger mode enter TRIGger ADVanced MODE The TRIGger ADVanced PATTern commands define the conditions for the Pattern Trigger Mode As described in the following commands you set up the TRIGger ADVanced P...

Page 742: ...n from 10 ns to 9 9999999 s lt_time The maximum time less than time for the trigger pattern from 15 ns to 10 s time The time condition in seconds for the pattern trigger from 1 5 ns to 10 s When using the GT Present parameter the PEXits Pattern Exits or the TIMeout parameter controls when the trigger is generated Query TRIGger ADVanced PATTern CONDition The query returns the currently defined trig...

Page 743: ...annels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced PATTern LOGic CHANnel N channel_list digital_channel EXTernal The query returns the current logic criteria for a selected channel Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced PATTern LOGic CHANnel N channel_list digital_channel EXTernal HIGH LOW DONTcare RISing FALLing NL EXTernal is Only Available ...

Page 744: applies to all the High Threshold HTHReshold values in the Advanced Violation menus N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the trigger level on the specified channel External Trigger or Auxilliary Trigger Input Query TRIGger ADVanced PATTern THReshold LEVel CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns th...

Page 745: ...old The voltage values for the predefined thresholds are CMOS50 2 5 V CMOS30 1 65 V CMOS25 1 25 V ECL 1 3 V PECL 3 7 V TTL 1 4 V N An integer 1 2 value A real number representing the voltage value which distinguishes a 1 logic level from a 0 logic level Waveform voltages greater than the threshold are 1 logic levels while waveform vlotages less than the threshold are 0 logic levels Query TRIGger A...

Page 746: ...rigger identifies a trigger condition by looking for a clock edge on one channel and a pattern on the remaining channels A pattern is a logical combination of the remaining channels Each channel can have a value of High H Low L or Don t Care X A value is considered a High when your waveform s voltage level is greater than the trigger level anda Low when thevoltagelevel is less thanthe triggerlevel...

Page 747: ...TRIGger ADVanced MODE STATe To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger mode enter TRIGger ADVanced MODE The TRIGger ADVanced STATe commands define the conditions for the State Trigger Mode As described in the following commands you set up the TRIGger ADVanced STATe commands with the following commands and queries CLOCk LOGic LTYPe SLOPe THReshold ...

Page 748: ...e An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced STATe CLOCk The query returns the currently selected clock source Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced STATe CLOCk CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Available in Some Infiniium Oscilloscopes EXTe...

Page 749: ... _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced STATe LOGic CHANnel N channel_list digital_channel EXTernal The query returns the logic state definition for the specified source N N is the channel number an integer in the range of 1 4 Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced STATe LOGic CHANnel N channel_list digital_c...

Page 750: ... of the clock when the input waveforms match the pattern specified by the TRIGger ADVanced STATe LOGic command If the logic type is set to NAND then a trigger is generated on the edge of the clock when the input waveforms do not match the specified pattern Query TRIGger ADVanced STATe LTYPe The query returns the currently specified state trigger logic type Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced STATe LT...

Page 751: ...e of the clock that is used to generate a trigger The waveform source used for the clock is selected by using the TRIGger ADVanced STATe CLOCk command Query TRIGger ADVanced STATe SLOPe The query returns the currently defined slope for the clock in State Trigger Mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced STATe SLOPe POSitive NEGative NL ...

Page 752: ... applies to all the High Threshold HTHReshold values in the Advanced Violation menus N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the trigger level on the specified channel External Trigger or Auxilliary Trigger Input Query TRIGger ADVanced STATe THReshold LEVel CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the sp...

Page 753: ... line with a T on the right hand side appears showing you where the arm level is with respect to your waveform After a period of time the dashed line will disappear To redisplay the line adjust the arm level control again or activate the Trigger dialog Delay By Event Use Delay By Event to set the source level and edge to define an event When setting the event level for your waveform it is usually ...

Page 754: ...ay By Events Mode lets you view pulses in your waveformthatoccuranumberofeventsafteraspecifiedwaveformedge After entering the commands above to select Delay By Events Mode enter TRIGger ADVanced DELay MODE EDLY Then you can use the Event Delay EDLY commands and queries for ARM EVENt and TRIGger on the following pages To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger mode or the advanced trigger d...

Page 755: ...teger 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY ARM SOURce The query returns the currently defined Arm On source for the Delay By Event trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY ARM SOURce CHANnel N digital_channel EXTernal N...

Page 756: ...d sets a positive or negative slope for arming the trigger circuitry when the oscilloscope is in the Delay By Event trigger mode Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY ARM SLOPe The query returns the currently defined slope for the Delay By Event trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY ARM SLOPe NEGative POSitive NL ...

Page 757: ...vent trigger event edge_num An integer from 0 to 16 000 000 specifying the number of edges to delay Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY EVENt DELay The query returns the currently defined number of events to delay before triggering on the next Trigger On condition in the Delay By Event trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY EVENt DELay edge_number NL ...

Page 758: ...niium Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY EVENt SOURce The query returns the currently defined Event source in the Delay By Event trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY EVENt SOURce CHANnel N digital_channel EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Availab...

Page 759: ...Pe NEGative POSitive This command sets the trigger slope for the Delay By Event trigger event Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY EVENt SLOPe The query returns the currently defined slope for an event in the Delay By Event trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced EDLY EVENt SLOPe NEGative POSitive NL ...

Page 760: ...Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY TRIGger SOURce The query returns the currently defined Trigger On source for the event in the Delay By Event trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY TRIGger SOURce CHANnel N digital_channel EXTernal NL EXTerna...

Page 761: ... NEGative POSitive This command sets the trigger slope for the Delay By Event trigger event Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY TRIGger SLOPe The query returns the currently defined slope for an event in the Delay By Event trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay EDLY TRIGger SLOPe NEGative POSitive NL ...

Page 762: ...for your waveform it is usually best to choose a voltage value that is equal to the voltage value at the mid point of your waveform For example if you have a waveform with a minimum value of 0 zero volts and a maximum value of 5 volts then 2 5 volts is the best place to set your arm level The reason this is the best choice is that there may be some ringing or noise at both the 0 volt and 5 volt le...

Page 763: ... By Time Mode lets you view pulses in your waveform that occur a specified time after a specified waveform edge After entering the commands above to select Delay By Time Mode enter TRIGger ADVanced DELay MODE TDLY Then you can use the Time Delay TDLY commands and queries for ARM DELay and TRIGger on the following pages To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger mode or the advanced trigger...

Page 764: ...eger 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY ARM SOURce The query returns the currently defined channel source for the Delay By Time trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY ARM SOURce CHANnel N digital_channel EXTernal NL...

Page 765: ...nd sets a positive or negative slope for arming the trigger circuitry when the oscilloscope is in the Delay By Time trigger mode Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY ARM SLOPe The query returns the currently defined slope for the Delay By Time trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY ARM SLOPe NEGative POSitive NL ...

Page 766: ...Delay By Time trigger event delay Time in seconds set for the delay trigger from 5 ns to 10 s Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY DELay The query returns the currently defined time delay before triggering on the next Trigger On condition in the Delay By Time trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY DELay delay NL ...

Page 767: ...iniium Oscilloscope models digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY TRIGger SOURce The query returns the currently defined Trigger On source in the Delay By Time trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY TRIGger SOURce CHANnel N digital_channel EXTernal NL EXTernal is Onl...

Page 768: ...e NEGative POSitive This command sets the trigger slope for the Delay By Time trigger event Query TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY TRIGger SLOPe The query returns the currently defined slope for an event in the Delay By Time trigger mode Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced DELay TDLY TRIGger SLOPe NEGative POSitive NL ...

Page 769: ...l When setting the trigger level for your waveform it is usually best to choose a voltage value that is just below the bottom of burst When you adjust the trigger level control a horizontal dashed line with a T on the right hand side appears showing you where the trigger level is with respect to your waveform After a period of time the dashed line will disappear To redisplay the line adjust the tr...

Page 770: that frame Set the Mode Before Executing Commands Before executing the TRIGger ADVanced STV commands set the mode by entering TRIGger MODE ADVanced and TRIGger ADVanced MODE TV and TRIGger ADVanced TV MODE L525 or TRIGger ADVanced TV MODE L625 To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger mode or the advanced trigger TV mode enter TRIGger ADVanced MODE or TRIGger ADVanced TV MODE You set u...

Page 771: ...RIGger ADVanced TV STV FIELd command selects which TV waveform field is used during standard TV trigger mode The line within the selected field is specified using the TRIGger ADVanced TV STV LINE line_number command Query TRIGger ADVanced TV STV FIELd The query returns the current television waveform field Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced TV STV FIELd 1 2 NL ...

Page 772: ...e TRIGger ADVanced TV STV FIELd selected Once the vertical sync pulse of the selected field is received the trigger is delayed by the number of lines specified line_number Horizontal line number Allowable values range from 1 to 625 depending on TRIGger ADVanced TV STV FIELd settings as shown below Query TRIGger ADVanced TV STV LINE The query returns the current line number Returned Format TRIGger ...

Page 773: ...ill be used for subsequent TRIGger ADVanced TV STV commands and queries N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced TV STV SOURce The query returns the currently selected standard TV trigger mode source Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced TV STV SOURce CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Available in Some...

Page 774: ...r modes L525 and L626 The TRIGger ADVanced TV STV SPOLarity Sync POLarity command specifies the vertical sync pulse polarity for the selected field used during standard TV mode triggering Query TRIGger ADVanced TV STV SPOLarity The query returns the currently selected sync pulse polarity Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced TV STV SPOLarity NEGative POSitive NL ...

Page 775: ...o your waveform After a period of time the dashed line will disappear To redisplay the line adjust the trigger level control again or activate the Trigger dialog A permanent icon with arrow either T TL or TH is also displayed on the right side of the waveform area showing the trigger level Pos or Neg Use the Pos and Neg controls to select either a positive pulse or a negative pulse to arm the trig...

Page 776: ...he TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV commands with the following commands and queries ENUMber PGTHan POLarity SOURce When triggering for User Defined TV mode Set the channel or trigger source for the trigger using TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV SOURce Set the conditions for arming the trigger using TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV PGTHan and TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV POLarity Set the number of events to delay after the t...

Page 777: the trigger before looking for the trigger event Specify conditions for arming the trigger using TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV PGTHan and TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV POLarity count An integer for the number of events to delay Allowable values range from 1 to 16 000 000 Query TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV ENUMber The query returns the currently programmed count value Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV ...

Page 778: ...r THan command specifies the minimum pulse width of the waveform used to arm the trigger used during user defined trigger mode lower_limit Minimum pulse width time from 5 ns to 9 9999999 s Query TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV PGTHan The query returns the currently selected minimum pulse width Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV PGTHan lower_limit NL ...

Page 779: ...TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV POLarity command specifies the polarity for the sync pulse used to arm the trigger in the user defined trigger mode Query TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV POLarity The query returns the currently selected UDTV sync pulse polarity Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV POLarity NEGative POSitive NL ...

Page 780: ... ADVanced TV UDTV commands and queries N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV SOURce The query returns the currently selected user defined TV trigger mode source Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced TV UDTV SOURce CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Available in Some Infiniium Oscilloscopes EX...

Page 781: ... your waveform It also lets you find pulses that are narrower than the rest of the pulses in the waveform SETup This mode lets you find violations of setup and hold times in your circuit Use this mode to select setup time triggering hold time triggering or both setup and hold time triggering TRANsition This mode lets you find any edge in your waveform that violates a rise time or fall time specifi...

Page 782: ...ger MODE ADVanced and TRIGger ADVanced MODE VIOLation the TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE violation_mode command specifies the mode for trigger violations The violation_mode is either PWIDth SETup or TRANsition Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE The query returns the currently defined mode for trigger violations Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE PWIDth SETup TRANsition NL ...

Page 783: ...l through which the pulse must pass before the oscilloscope will trigger When setting the trigger level for your waveform it is usually best to choose a voltage value that is equal to the voltage value at the mid point of your waveform For example if you have a waveform with a minimum value of 0 zero volts and a maximum value of 5 volts then 2 5 volts is the best place to set your trigger level Th...

Page 784: ...cludes HOLDoff and HYSTeresis Noise Reject Set the Mode Before Executing Commands Before executing the TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PWIDth commands set the mode by entering TRIGger MODE ADVanced and TRIGger ADVanced MODE VIOLation and TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE PWIDth To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger violation mode enter TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE ...

Page 785: ... GTHan LTHan This command specifies whether a pulse must be wider or narrower than the width value to trigger the oscilloscope Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PWIDth DIRection The query returns the currently defined direction for the pulse width trigger Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PWIDth DIRection GTHan LTHan NL ...

Page 786: ...olation For a negative polaritypulse the oscilloscope triggers when the rising edge of a pulse crosses the trigger level For a positive polarity pulse the oscilloscope triggers when the falling edge of a pulse crosses the trigger level Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PWIDth POLarity The query returns the currently defined polarity for the pulse width trigger Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLa...

Page 787: ...vel A real number for the voltage through which the pulse must pass before the oscilloscope will trigger digital _channel The digital channels are only available on the MSO oscilloscopes and can be DIGital0 through DIGital15 Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PWIDth SOURce The query returns the currently defined channel source for the pulse width trigger Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PW...

Page 788: ...WIDTh width This command specifies how wide a pulse must be to trigger the oscilloscope width Pulse width which can range from 1 5 ns to 10 s Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PWIDth WIDTh The query returns the currently defined width for the pulse Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation PWIDth WIDTh width NL ...

Page 789: ...ers Hold Time Mode When using Hold Time Mode the waveform must not cross the threshold voltages after the specified clock edge for at least the hold time you have selected Otherwise a violation event occurs and the oscilloscope triggers Setup and Hold Time Mode When using the Setup and Hold Time Mode if the waveform violates either a setup time or hold time the oscilloscope triggers Data Source Us...

Page 790: ...iolation The setup time is the amount of time that the data has to be stable and valid prior to a clock edge The minimum is 1 5 ns the maximum is 20 ns Hold Time Use HOLD to set the amount of hold time used to test for a violation The hold time is the amount of time that the data has to be stable and valid after a clock edge The minimum is 1 5 ns the maximum is 20 ns Setup and Hold Use SHOLd Setup...

Page 791: ... entering TRIGger MODE ADVanced and TRIGger ADVanced MODE VIOLation and TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE SETup and TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup MODE setup_mode Where setup_mode includes SETup HOLD and SHOLd To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger violation setup mode enter TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup MODE ...

Page 792: ...urs and the oscilloscope triggers HOLD When using the hold time mode the waveform must not cross the threshold voltages after the specified clock edge for at least the hold time you have selected Otherwise a violation event occurs and the oscilloscope triggers SHOLd When using the setup and hold time mode if the waveform violates either a setup time or hold time the oscilloscope triggers The total...

Page 793: ...igger circuitry looks for a setup or hold time violation N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce The query returns the currently defined clock source for the trigger setup violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTer...

Page 794: ...wo channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the voltage level for the trigger setup violation clock waveform and depends on the type of circuitry logic you are using Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce LEVel CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified clock source level for the trigger setup violation ...

Page 795: ...lock source used for the trigger setup violation The clock must pass through the voltage level you have set before the trigger circuitry looks for a setup or hold time violation Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce EDGE The query returns the currently defined clock source edge for the trigger setup violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce EDGE RISing...

Page 796: ... 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce The query returns the currently defined data source for the trigger setup violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Available in Some Infiniium Oscilloscopes EXTernal is only...

Page 797: ...annel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the data threshold level for the trigger setup violation and is used with the high and low threshold data source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce HTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified data source for the trigger setup violation and the...

Page 798: ...annel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the data threshold level for the trigger setup violation and is used with the high and low threshold data source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce LTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified data source for the trigger setup violation and the...

Page 799: ...of setup time used to test for a trigger violation The setup time is the amount of time that the data must be stable and valid prior to a clock edge time Setup time in seconds Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup TIME The query returns the currently defined setup time for the trigger violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SETup TIME time NL ...

Page 800: ...gger circuitry looks for a setup or hold time violation N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD CSOurce The query returns the currently defined clock source for the trigger hold violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD CSOurce CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTernal ...

Page 801: ...two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other nfiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the voltage level for the trigger hold violation clock waveform and depends on the type of circuitry logic you are using Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD CSOurce LEVel CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified clock source level for the trigger hold violation Ret...

Page 802: ...lock source used for the trigger hold violation The clock must pass through the voltage level you have set before the trigger circuitry looks for a setup or hold time violation Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD CSOurce EDGE The query returns the currently defined clock source edge for the trigger hold violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD CSOurce EDGE RISing FAL...

Page 803: ...1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD DSOurce The query returns the currently defined data source for the trigger hold violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD DSOurce CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Available in Some Infiniium Oscilloscopes EXTernal is only ava...

Page 804: ...annel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the data threshold level for the trigger hold violation and is used with the high and low threshold data source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD DSOurce HTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified data source for the trigger hold violation and the hi...

Page 805: ...annel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the data threshold level for the trigger hold violation and is used with the high and low threshold data source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD DSOurce LTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified data source for the trigger hold violation and the lo...

Page 806: ...nt of hold time used to test for a trigger violation The hold time is the amount of time that the data must be stable and valid after a clock edge time Hold time in seconds Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD TIME The query returns the currently defined hold time for the trigger violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup HOLD TIME time NL ...

Page 807: ...gger circuitry looks for a setup and hold time violation N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd CSOurce The query returns the currently defined clock source for the trigger setup and hold violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd CSOurce CHANnel N EXTernal...

Page 808: ... Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the voltage level for the trigger setup and hold violation clock waveform and depends on the type of circuitry logic you are using Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd CSOurce LEVel CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified clock source level for the trigger setup and hold vi...

Page 809: ... for the trigger setup and hold violation The clock must pass through the voltage level you have set before the trigger circuitry looks for a setup and hold time violation Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd CSOurce EDGE The query returns the currently defined clock source edge for the trigger setup and hold violation level for the clock source Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation S...

Page 810: ... 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce The query returns the currently defined data source for the trigger setup and hold violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce CHANnel N EXTernal NL EXTernal is Only Available in Some Infiniium Oscilloscopes EXTerna...

Page 811: ...l Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the data threshold level for the trigger setup and hold violation and is used with the high and low threshold data source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce HTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified data source for the trigger setup and hold vio...

Page 812: ...l Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the data threshold level for the trigger setup and hold violation and is used with the high and low threshold data source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd DSOurce LTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified data source for the setup and trigger hold vio...

Page 813: ... time used to test for both a setup and hold trigger violation The setup time is the amount of time that the data must be stable and valid before a clock edge time Setup time in seconds Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd SetupTIMe The query returns the currently defined setup time for the setup and hold trigger violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLd SetupTIMe ti...

Page 814: ...d time used to test for both a setup and hold trigger violation The hold time is the amount of time that the data must be stable and valid after a clock edge time Hold time in seconds Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLD HoldTIMe The query returns the currently defined hold time for the setup and hold trigger violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation SETup SHOLD HoldTIMe time NL...

Page 815: ...aveform crosses the high threshold until it crosses the low threshold Source Use Source to select the channel used for a transition violation trigger Low Threshold Use Low Threshold to set the low voltage threshold High Threshold Use High Threshold to set the high voltage threshold Type Use Type to select Rise Time or Fall Time violation Trigger On Trigger On parameters include Time and Time Time ...

Page 816: ...r ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition commands set the mode by entering TRIGger MODE ADVanced and TRIGger ADVanced MODE VIOLation and TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE TRANsition To query the oscilloscope for the advanced trigger violation mode enter TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation MODE ...

Page 817: ...k for transition violations that are greater than or less than the time specified time The time for the trigger violation transition in seconds Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition GTHan LTHan The query returns the currently defined time for the trigger transition violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition GTHan LTHan time NL ...

Page 818: rising or falling edges that do not cross two voltage levels in the amount of time you have specified N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition SOURce The query returns the currently defined transition source for the trigger transition violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced V...

Page 819: ...ied N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the voltage threshold level for the trigger transition violation and is used with the high and low threshold transition source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition SOURce HTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the specified transiti...

Page 820: ...N An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models level A real number for the voltage threshold level for the trigger transition violation and is used with the high and low threshold transition source commands Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition SOURce LTHReshold CHANnel N EXTernal The query returns the currently defined tran...

Page 821: ...etime FALLtime This command lets you select either a rise time or fall time transition violation trigger event Query TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition TYPE The query returns the currently defined transition type for the trigger transition violation Returned Format TRIGger ADVanced VIOLation TRANsition TYPE RISetime FALLtime NL ...

Page 822: ...29 114 ...

Page 823: ...30 Waveform Commands ...

Page 824: ...and to send or receive waveform records to or from the oscilloscope These WAVeform commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes BANDpass BYTeorder COMPlete COUNt COUPling DATA FORMat POINts PREamble SEGMented COUNt SEGMented TTAG SOURce TYPE VIEW XDISplay XINCrement XORigin XRANge XREFerence XUNits YDISplay YINCrement YORigin YRANge YREFerence YUNits ...

Page 825: ...y have occurred between the queries For this reason Agilent Technologies does not recommend this mode of operation Instead you should use the DIGitize command to stop the oscilloscope so that all subsequent queries will be consistent Waveform Data and Preamble The waveform record consists of two parts the preamble and the waveform data The waveform data is the actual sampled data acquired for the ...

Page 826: ...nits such as volts use the following scaling formulas Y axis Units data value x Yincrement Yorigin analog channels X axis Units data index x Xincrement Xorigin where the data index starts at zero 0 1 2 n 1 The first data point for the time X axis units must be zero so the time of the first data point is the X origin Data Format for Data Transfer There are four types of data formats that you can se...

Page 827: ... and software filtering Returned Format WAVeform BANDpass lower_cutoff upper_cutoff NL lower_cutoff Minimum frequency passed by the acquisition system upper_cutoff Maximum frequency passed by the acquisition system Example This example places the estimated maximum and minimum bandwidth limits of the source waveform in the string variable Bandwidth then prints the contents of the variable to the co...

Page 828: ...0 END Query WAVeform BYTeorder The WAVeform BYTeorder query returns the current setting for the byte order Returned Format WAVeform BYTeorder MSBFirst LSBFirst NL Example This example places the current setting for the byte order in the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 10 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM BYTEORDER 30 ...

Page 829: ... buckets that have had the specified number of hits divided by the memory depth The hits are specified by the ACQuire AVERage COUNt command For the VERSus waveform type percent complete is the least complete of the X axis and Y axis waveforms Returned Format WAVeform COMPlete criteria NL criteria 0 to 100 percent rounded down to the closest integer Example This example places the current completio...

Page 830: ...VERSus waveform types the count value returned is one unless the data contains holes sample points where no data is acquired If the data contains holes zero is returned Returned Format WAVeform COUNt number NL number An integer Values range from 0 to 1 for NORMal RAW or INTerpolate types and VERSus type If averaging is on values range from 0 to 4096 Example This example places the current count fi...

Page 831: ...nsion variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM COUPLING 30 ENTER 707 Setting 40 PRINT Setting 50 END See Also The CHANnel N INPut command sets the coupling for a particular channel You can use the WAVeform SOURce command to set the source for the coupling query Source Return Value CGRade Coupling of the lowest numbered channel that is on CHANnel The coupling of the channel number FUNCtion The coupling of t...

Page 832: ...ting point in the source memory which is the first waveform point to transfer size An integer value which is the number ofpoints in the source memory to transfer If the size specified is greater than the amount of available data then the size is adjusted to be the maximum available memory depth minus the start value Returned Format WAVeform DATA block_data block_data NL If the waveform data is ASC...

Page 833: ...reviously specified by the WAVeform FORMat WAVeform BYTeorder and WAVeform PREamble commands HP BASIC Image Specifiers is an HP BASIC image specifier that terminates the statement when the last ENTER item is terminated EOI and line feed are the item terminators 1A is an HP BASIC image specifierthat places the next character received in a string variable 1D is an HP BASIC image specifier that place...

Page 834: ...age values in a comma separated file format This format is useful for spreadsheet applications It assumes a SICL GPIB interface card exists as hpib7 and an Infiniium oscilloscope at address 7 It also requires a waveform connected to Channel 1 include stdio h location of printf include stdlib h location of atof atoi include string h location of strlen include sicl h Prototypes int InitIO void void ...

Page 835: MAX_LENGTH 131072 ifdef LAN define INTERFACE lan 130 29 71 203 hpib7 7 elseif define INTERFACE hpib7 endif define DEVICE_ADDR hpib7 7 define TRUE 1 define FALSE 0 define IO_TIMEOUT 20000 Globals INST bus INST scope double TimeValues MAX_LENGTH Time value of data double byteVolts MAX_LENGTH Voltage value of data in byte format double wordVolts MAX_LENGTH Voltage value of data in word format shor...

Page 836: ... channel 1 GetVoltageConversionFactors yInc yOrg BytesToRead SetupDataTransfer ReadWord wordData BytesToRead ReadByte Term 1L Read termination character ConvertWordDataToVolts wordData wordVolts BytesToRead yInc yOrg WriteIO WAVeform FORMat BYTE Setup transfer format GetVoltageConversionFactors yInc yOrg BytesToRead SetupDataTransfer ReadByte byteData BytesToRead ReadByte Term 1L Read the terminat...

Page 837: ...lear int InitIO void ionerror I_ERROR_EXIT set up interface error handling bus iopen INTERFACE open interface session if bus 0 printf Bus session invalid n return FALSE itimeout bus IO_TIMEOUT set bus timeout iclear bus clear the interface ifdef LAN scope bus else scope iopen DEVICE_ADDR open the scope device session if scope 0 printf Scope session invalid n iclose bus close interface session _sic...

Page 838: ...n buffer iwrite scope buffer BytesToWrite send_end actualcnt Function name ReadByte Parameters char buffer which is a pointer to the array to store the read bytes unsigned long BytesToRead which indicates the maximum number of bytes to read Return value integer which indicates the actual number of bytes read Description This routine inputs strings from the scope device session using SICL commands ...

Page 839: ...inputs an array of short values from the oscilloscope device session using SICL commands unsigned long ReadWord short buffer unsigned long BytesToRead long BytesRead int reason BytesRead BytesToRead iread scope char buffer BytesToRead reason BytesRead return BytesRead Function name ReadDouble Parameters double buffer which is a pointer to the float value to read Return value none Description This ...

Page 840: ...bit applications Function name AcquireData Parameters none Return value none Description This routine acquires data using the current oscilloscope settings void AcquireData void The root level DIGitize command is recommended for acquiring new waveform data It initialize s the oscilloscope s data buffers acquires new data and ensures that acquisition criteria are met before the acquisition is stopp...

Page 841: digital codes double yOrg which is the voltage value of digital code 0 Return value none Description This routine reads the conversion factors used to convert waveform data to volts void GetVoltageConversionFactors double yInc double yOrg Read values which are used to convert data to voltage values WriteIO WAVeform YINCrement ReadDouble yInc WriteIO WAVeform YORigin ReadDouble yOrg ...

Page 842: ...ed long BytesToRead char header_str 9 char cData unsigned long BytesRead WriteIO WAVeform DATA Request waveform data Find the character do ReadByte cData 1L while cData Read the next byte which tells how many bytes to read for the number of waveform data bytes to transfer value ReadByte cData 1L BytesToRead cData 0 Convert to a number Reads the number of data bytes that will be transfered BytesRea...

Page 843: ...le points double xOrg which is the time value of the first data point Return value none Description This routine transfers the waveform conversion factors for the time values void GetTimeConversionFactors double xInc double xOrg Read values which are used to create time values WriteIO WAVeform XINCrement ReadDouble xInc WriteIO WAVeform XORigin ReadDouble xOrg ...

Page 844: ...which is the number of data points double TimeValues is a pointer to the array where time values are stored Return value none Description This routine converts the data to time values using the values that describe the waveform These values are stored in global variables void CreateTimeData double xInc double xOrg unsigned long AcquiredLength double TimeValues unsigned long i for i 0 i AcquiredLen...

Page 845: ...e difference represented by adjacent waveform data digital codes double yOrg which is the voltage value of digital code 0 Return value none Description This routine converts the word format waveform data to voltage values using values that describe the waveform These values are stored in global arrays for use by other routines void ConvertWordDataToVolts short wordData double wordVolts unsigned lo...

Page 846: ... the voltage difference represented by adjacent waveform data digital codes double yOrg which is the voltage value of digital code 0 Return value none Description This routine converts the byte format waveform data to voltage values using the values that describe the waveform These values are stored in global variables void ConvertByteDataToVolts char byteData double byteVolts unsigned long Acquir...

Page 847: of data points read Return value none Description This routine stores the time and voltage information about the waveform as time word format voltage and byte format voltage separated by commas to a file void WriteCsvToFile double TimeValues double wordVolts double byteVolts unsigned long AcquiredLength FILE fp unsigned long i fp fopen pairs csv wb Open file in binary mode clear file if it alre...

Page 848: ...ta in a file as comma separated values This format is useful for spreadsheet applications include stdio h location of printf include stdlib h location of atof atoi include string h location of strlen include sicl h Prototypes int InitIO void void WriteIO char buffer unsigned long ReadByte char buffer unsigned long BytesToRead unsigned long ReadWord short buffer unsigned long BytesToRead void ReadD...

Page 849: ...main void char Term unsigned long BytesToRead if InitIO exit 1 AcquireData WriteIO SYStem HEADer OFF WriteIO SYStem LONGform OFF WriteIO WAVeform BYTEorder LSBFirst Setup byte order WriteIO WAVeform FORMat WORD Setup transfer format WriteIO WAVeform SOURce POD1 Waveform data source pod 1 GetTimeConversionFactors BytesToRead SetupDataTransfer 25E 6 25E 6 ReadWord wordData BytesToRead ReadByte Term ...

Page 850: ...orming a Selected Device Clear int InitIO void ionerror I_ERROR_EXIT set up interface error handling bus iopen INTERFACE open interface session if bus 0 printf Bus session invalid n return FALSE itimeout bus IO_TIMEOUT set bus timeout iclear bus clear the interface ifdef LAN scope bus else scope iopen DEVICE_ADDR open the scope device session if scope 0 printf Scope session invalid n iclose bus cl...

Page 851: ... buffer iwrite scope buffer BytesToWrite send_end actualcnt Function name ReadByte Parameters char buffer which is a pointer to the array to store the read bytes unsigned long BytesToRead which indicates the maximum number of bytes to read Return value integer which indicates the actual number of bytes read Description This routine inputs strings from the scope device session using SICL commands u...

Page 852: ... array of short values from the oscilloscope device session using SICL commands unsigned long ReadWord short buffer unsigned long BytesToRead long BytesRead 0L int reason BytesRead BytesToRead iread scope char buffer BytesToRead reason BytesRead return BytesRead Function name ReadDouble Parameters double buffer which is a pointer to the float value to read Return value none Description This routin...

Page 853: ...r 16 bit applications Function name AcquireData Parameters none Return value none Description This routine acquires data using the current oscilloscope settings void AcquireData void The root level DIGitize command is recommended for acquiring new waveform data It initialize s the oscilloscope s data buffers acquires new data and ensures that acquisition criteria are met before the acquisition is ...

Page 854: read for the integer which is the total number of data bytes that are being transfered Following this is the waveform data For example if 1024 bytes of waveform data is being transfered then this information will be as follows 41024 1024 data bytes unsigned long SetupDataTransfer double lTime double rTime unsigned long BytesToRead char header_str 8 char cData unsigned long BytesRead int Size ch...

Page 855: ...t will be transfered BytesRead ReadByte header_str BytesToRead header_str BytesRead 0 BytesToRead atoi header_str return BytesToRead Function name GetTimeConversionFactors Parameters none Return value none Description This routine transfers the waveform conversion factors for the time values Void GetTimeConversionFactors void Read values which are used to create time values WriteIO WAVeform XINCre...

Page 856: a pointer to the array where time values are stored Return value none Description This routine converts the data to time values using the values that describe the waveform These values are stored in global variables void CreateTimeData unsigned long AcquiredLength double TimeValues unsigned long i for i 0 i AcquiredLength i TimeValues i Start i xInc xOrg calculate time values ...

Page 857: ...ime and digital information about the waveform as time word format and byte format separated by commas to a file void WriteCsvToFile double TimeValues unsigned short wordData unsigned char byteData unsigned long AcquiredLength FILE fp char Binary 9 unsigned long i int j int k fp fopen digital csv wb Open file in binary mode clear file if it already exists if fp NULL fprintf fp Time Decimal Word Da...

Page 858: ...e Round Parameters double number which is a floating point number to be converted Return value The rounded integer value for the number parameter Description This routine takes a floating point number and creates an integer int Round double number if number 0 0f return int number 0 5f else return int number 0 5f ...

Page 859: ...ure 30 1 The 8 bit ADC in Infiniium consists of256 voltage comparators Each comparatorhas twoinputs One input is connected to a reference dc voltage level and the other input is connected to the channel input When the voltage of the waveform on the channel input is greater than the dc level then the comparator output is a 1 otherwise the output is a 0 Each of the comparators has a different refere...

Page 860: ...l of the voltage levels are evenly spaced producing output codes that represent evenly spaced voltages In the graph on the right the voltages are not evenly spaced with some being wider and some being narrower than the others Normalized Analog Input 1 8FS 2 8FS 3 8FS 4 8FS 5 8FS 6 8FS 7 8FS FS 0 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 000 Output Digital Number Ideal ADC Conversion Normalized Analog Input 1 8F...

Page 861: ...ich yields more accurate vertical voltage values During normal operation of the oscilloscope the output of the ADC is used as an address to the Calibration Look up Table which produces 16 bit data for the oscilloscope to process and display The output of the ADC is a signed 8 bit integerandtheoutputoftheCalibrationLook upTableisasigned16 bitinteger If the amplitude of the input waveform is larger ...

Page 862: ...e order determined by the BYTeorder command Before downloading the waveform data in BYTE format each 16 bit signed integer is converted into an 8 bit signed integer Because there are more possible 16 bit integers than there are 8 bit integers a range of 16 bit integers is converted into single 8 bit numbers For example the following 16 bit numbers are all converted into one 8 bit number This conve...

Page 863: ...99 999E 36 represents a hole value There are no hole values in the data for digital channels A hole can occur when you are using the equivalent time sampling mode when during a single acquisition not all of the acquisition memory locations contain sampled waveform data It can take several acquisitions in the equivalent time sampling mode to fill all of the memory locations Type Advantages Disadvan...

Page 864: ... represents a hole level There are no hole values in the data for digital channels A hole can occur when you are using the equivalent time sampling mode and during a single acquisition not all of the acquisition memory locations contain sampled waveform data It can take several acquisitions in the equivalent time sampling mode to fill all of the memory locations For more information see Understand...

Page 865: ...rm data Returned Format WAVeform FORMat ASCii BINary BYTE WORD NL Example This example places the current output format for data transmission in the string variable Mode then prints the contents ofthe variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Mode 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM FORMAT 30 ENTER 707 Mode 40 PRINT Mode 50 END ...

Page 866: ...r a table of possible values Example This example places the current acquisition length in the numeric variable Length then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM POINTS 30 ENTER 707 Length 40 PRINT Length 50 END See Also The ACQuire POINts command in the ACQuire Commands chapter Turn Headers Off When...

Page 867: ...preamble_ data format type points count X increment X origin X reference Y increment Y origin Y reference coupling X display range X display origin Y display range Y display origin date time frame model acquisition mode completion X units Y units max bandwidth limit min bandwidth limit format 0 for ASCii format 1 for BYTE format 2 for WORD format 3 for LONG format type 1 RAW type 2 AVERage type 3 ...

Page 868: ...the value is zero then no data has been acquired See the WAVeform XORigin query X reference The X reference is the data point associated with the X origin It is at this data point that the X origin is defined In this oscilloscope the value is always zero See the WAVeform XREFerence query Y increment The Y increment is the duration between Y axis levels For voltage waveforms it is the voltage corre...

Page 869: ... format DD MMM YYYY where DD is the day 1 to 31 MMM is the month and YYYY is the year time A string containing the time in the format HH MM SS TT where HH is the hour 0 to 23 MM is the minutes 0 to 59 SS is the seconds 0 to 59 and TT is the hundreds of seconds 0 to 99 frame_ model_ A string containing the model number and serial number of the oscilloscope in the format of MODEL SERIAL acquisition ...

Page 870: ...FORM PREAMBLE 40 ENTER 707 USING K Preamble 50 END HP BASIC Image Specifiers is an HP BASIC image specifier that suppresses the automatic output of the EOL sequence following the last output item K is an HP BASIC image specifier that outputs a number or string in standard form with no leading or trailing blanks Placing the Block in a String K is an HP BASIC image specifier that places the block da...

Page 871: ...he time between points See the WAVeform XINCrement query X Origin The X origin is the X axis value of the first data point in the data record For time domain waveforms it is the time of the first point This value is treated as a double precision 64 bit floating point number See the WAVeform XORigin query X Reference The X reference is the data point associated with the X origin It is at this data ...

Page 872: ...was acquired or created Time The time that the waveform was acquired or created Frame Model The model number of the frame that acquired or created this waveform The frame model number is ignored when it is sent to an oscilloscope in the preamble Acquisition Mode The acquisition sampling mode of the waveform See ACQuire MODE Complete The complete value is the percent of time buckets that are comple...

Page 873: ...ates that the ACQuire MODE is not set to SEGMented index_number An integer number representing the index value of the last segment Returned Format WAVeform SEGMented COUNt index_number NL Example This example returns the number of the last segment that was captured in the paramenter Index and prints it to the computer screen 10 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM SEGMENTED COUNT 20 ENTER 707 Index 30 PRINT Index ...

Page 874: ...mber in exponential format representing the time value difference between the first segment s trigger point and the currently displayed segment Returned Format WAVeform SEGMented TTAG delta_time NL Example This example returns the time from the first segment s trigger point and the currently displayed segment s trigger point in the paramenter dtime and prints it to the computer screen 10 OUTPUT 70...

Page 875: ...l other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion N and WMEMory N are Integers 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory POD1 Bits 0 through 7 of the digital channels only available on the MSO Infiniium oscilloscopes POD2 Bits 8 through 15 of the digital channels only available on the MSO Infiniium oscilloscopes PODALL Bits 0 through 15 of the digital channels only available on the MS...

Page 876: ...Rce CHANnel N FUNCtion N HISTogram POD1 POD2 PODALL WMEMory N NL Example This example places the current selection for the waveform source in the string variable Selection then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Selection 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM SOURCE 30 ENTER 707 Selection 40 PRINT Selection 50 END ...

Page 877: ...rpolation AVERage AVERage data consists of the average of the first n hits in a time bucket where n is the value in the count portion of the preamble Time buckets that have fewer than n hits return the average of the data they contain If the ACQuire COMPlete parameter is set to 100 then each time bucket must contain the number of data hits specified with the ACQuire AVERage COUNt command PDETect P...

Page 878: ...example places the current acquisition data type in the string variable Type then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Type 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM TYPE 30 ENTER 707 Type 40 PRINT Type 50 END ...

Page 879: ... bucket in the main time base range If WINDow is selected only data in the delayed view is referenced The first value corresponds to the first time bucket in the delayed view and the last value corresponds to the last time bucket in the delayed view Memories For memories if you specify ALL all the data in the waveform record is referenced WINDow and MAIN refer to the data contained in the memory t...

Page 880: ...ple returns the current view setting to the string variable Setting then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Setting 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM VIEW 30 ENTER 707 Setting 40 PRINT Setting 50 END Source Parameter ALL MAIN WINDow CHANNEL All data Main time base Delayed time base MEMORY All data Memory time base Memory time base FUNCTION All data All d...

Page 881: ...point number Returned Format WAVeform XDISplay value NL value A real number representing the X axis value at the left edge of the display Example This example returns the X axis value at the left edge of the display to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM XDISPLAY 30 ...

Page 882: ...rmat WAVeform XINCrement value NL value A real number representing the duration between data points on the X axis Example This example places the current X increment value for the currently specified source in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM XINCREMENT 30 ENTER 7...

Page 883: ...rmat WAVeform XORigin value NL value A real number representing the X axis value of the first data point in the data record Example This example places the current X origin value for the currently specified source in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM XORIGIN 30 ENT...

Page 884: ...AVeform XRANge value NL value A real number representing the X axis duration of the displayed waveform Example This example returns the X axis duration of the displayed waveform to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM XRANGE 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END A ...

Page 885: ...e value is always zero Returned Format WAVeform XREFerence 0 NL Example This example places the current X reference value for the currently specified source in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM XREFERENCE 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END See Also You can ob...

Page 886: ...el function or waveform memory Returned Format WAVeform XUNits UNKNown VOLT SECond CONStant AMP DECibels HERTz WATT NL Example Thisexample returns theX axisunits of the currently selectedwaveform source to the string variable Unit then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Unit 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM XUNITS 30 ENTER 707 Unit 40 PRINT Unit 50 END ...

Page 887: ...number representing the Y axis value at the center of the display Example This example returns the current Y display value to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM YDISPLAY 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END A Waveform data is not valid error occurs when there is...

Page 888: ...ull scale voltage range covered by the A D converter Returned Format WAVeform YINCrement real_value NL real_value A real number in exponential format Example This example places the current Y increment value for the currently specified source in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPU...

Page 889: ...rned Format WAVeform YORigin real_value NL real_value A real number in exponential format Example This example places the current Y origin value in the numeric variable Center then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM YORIGIN 30 ENTER 707 Center 40 PRINT Center 50 END See Also For more information o...

Page 890: representing the Y axis duration of the displayed waveform Example This example returns the current Y range value to the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM YRANGE 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END A Waveform data is not valid error occurs when there is no data...

Page 891: ...e 0 NL Example This example places the current Y reference value for the currently specified source in the numeric variable Value then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 OUTPUT 707 SYSTEM HEADER OFF Response headers off 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM YREFERENCE 30 ENTER 707 Value 40 PRINT Value 50 END See Also For more information on BYTE and WORD formats see Understanding WOR...

Page 892: ...nel function or waveform memory Returned Format WAVeform YUNits UNKNown VOLT SECond HITS DECibels CONStant AMP NL Example This example returns the Y axis units of the currently selected waveform source to the string variable Unit then prints the contents of the variable to the computer s screen 10 DIM Unit 50 Dimension variable 20 OUTPUT 707 WAVEFORM YUNITS 30 ENTER 707 Unit 40 PRINT Unit 50 END ...

Page 893: ...31 Waveform Memory Commands ...

Page 894: ...s memories and functions These Waveform Memory commands and queries are implemented in the Infiniium Oscilloscopes DISPlay LOAD SAVE XOFFset XRANge YOFFset YRANge N in WMEMory N Indicates the Waveform Memory Number In Waveform Memory commands the N in WMEMory N represents the waveform memory number 1 4 ...

Page 895: ... the viewing of the selected waveform memory N The memory number is an integer from 1 to 4 Example This example turns on the waveform memory 1 display 10 OUTPUT 707 WMEMORY1 DISPLAY ON 20 END Query WMEMory N DISPlay The WMEMory N DISPlay query returns the state of the selected waveform memory Returned Format WMEMory N DISPlay 1 0 NL ...

Page 896: ...les below The oscilloscope assumes that the default path for waveforms is c scope data To use a different path specify the path and file name completely N The memory number is an integer from 1 to 4 file_name A quoted string which specifies the file to load and has a wfm csv tsv or txt extension Examples This example loads waveform memory 4 with a file 10 OUTPUT 707 WMEMORY4 LOAD c scope data wave...

Page 897: ...aveforms to waveform memories regardless of whether the waveform memory is displayed or not N CHANnel N is An integer 1 2 for two channel Infiniium Oscilloscope An integer 1 4 for all other Infiniium Oscilloscope models FUNCtion N and WMEMory N are Integers 1 4 representing the selected function or waveform memory Example This example saves channel 1 to waveform memory 4 10 OUTPUT 707 WMEMORY4 SAV...

Page 898: ...een N The memory number is an integer from 1 to 4 offset_value A real number for the horizontal offset position value Example This example sets the X axis horizontal position for waveform memory 3 to 0 1 seconds 100 ms 10 OUTPUT 707 WMEMORY3 XOFFSET 0 1 20 END Query WMEMory N XOFFset The WMEMory N XOFFset query returns the current X axis horizontal position for the selected waveform memory Returne...

Page 899: ...nge divided by 10 N The memory number is an integer from 1 to 4 range_value A real number for the horizontal range value Example This example sets the X axis horizontal range of waveform memory 2 to 435 microseconds 10 OUTPUT 707 WMEMORY2 XRANGE 435E 6 20 END Query WMEMory N XRANge The WMEMory N XRANge query returns the current X axis horizontal range for the selected waveform memory Returned Form...

Page 900: ...ory number is an integer from 1 to 4 offset_value A real number for the vertical offset value Example This example sets the Y axis vertical offset of waveform memory 2 to 0 2V 10 OUTPUT 707 WMEMORY2 YOFFSET 0 2 20 END Query WMEMory N YOFFset The WMEMory N YOFFset query returns the current Y axis vertical offset for the selected waveform memory Returned Format WMEMory N YOFFset offset_value NL ...

Page 901: ...range divided by 8 N The memory number is an integer from 1 to 4 range_value A real number for the vertical range value Example This example sets the Y axis vertical range of waveform memory 3 to 0 2 volts 10 OUTPUT 707 WMEMORY3 YRANGE 0 2 20 END Query WMEMory N YRANge The WMEMory N YRANge query returns the Y axis vertical range for the selected memory Returned Format WMEMory N YRANge range_value ...

Page 902: ...31 10 ...

Page 903: ...32 Error Messages ...

Page 904: ...32 2 Error Messages This chapter describes the error messages and how they are generated The possible causes for the generation of the error messages are also listed in the following table ...

Page 905: ...lloscope s error queue is 30 29 positions for the error messages and 1 position for the Queue overflow message Reading an error from the head of the queue removes that error from the queue and opens a position at the tail of the queue for a new error When all errors have been read from the queue subsequent error queries return 0 No error The error queue is cleared when any of the following occur t...

Page 906: ...tected 0 indicates no errors were detected 100 to 199 indicates a command error was detected 200 to 299 indicates an execution error was detected 300 to 399 indicates a device specific error was detected 400 to 499 indicates a query error was detected 1 to 32767 indicates an oscilloscope specific error has been detected ...

Page 907: ...puter to oscilloscope message was received that is in violation of the IEEE 488 2 standard This may be a data element that violates the oscilloscope s listening formats or a data type that is unacceptable to the oscilloscope An unrecognized header was received Unrecognized headers include incorrect oscilloscope specific headers and incorrect or unimplemented IEEE 488 2 common commands A Group Exec...

Page 908: ...occurred The program data following a header is outside the legal input range or is inconsistent with the oscilloscope s capabilities A valid program message could not be properly executed due to some oscilloscope condition Execution errors are reported by the oscilloscope after expressions are evaluated and rounding operations are completed For example rounding a numeric data element will not be ...

Page 909: ...ument has detected an error caused by an oscilloscope operation that did not properly complete This may be due to an abnormal hardware or firmware condition For example this error may be generated by a self test response error or a full error queue The occurrence of any error in this class causes the oscilloscope specific error bit bit 3 in the event status register to be set ...

Page 910: ...m with the message exchange protocol An occurrence of any error in this class should cause the query error bit bit 2 in the event status register to be set An occurrence of an error also means one of the following is true An attempt is being made to read data from the output queue when no output is either present or pending Data in the output queue has been lost ...

Page 911: ...but it is undefined for the oscilloscope For example XYZ is not defined for the oscilloscope 121 Invalid character in number An invalid characterfor the data type being parsedwas encountered Forexample a 9 in octal data 123 Numeric overflow Number is too large or too small to be represented internally 124 Too many digits The mantissa of a decimal numeric data element contained more than 255 digits...

Page 912: ...scope at this point in parsing 200 Execution error This is a generic syntax error which is used if the oscilloscope cannot detect more specific errors 212 Arm ignored 213 Init ignored 214 Trigger deadlock 215 Arm deadlock 220 Parameter error 221 Settings conflict 222 Data out of range Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed because the interpreted value is ...

Page 913: ...rror occurred but was not recorded 370 No sub tests are defined for the selected self test 371 Self Test status is corrupt or no self test has been executed 372 This product configuration does not support the requested self test 373 This product configuration does not support the requested source 374 The requested self test log file could not be found 375 Attenuator relay actuation counts can only...

Page 914: ...32 12 ...

Page 915: ... 30 41 character 32 1 5 linefeed 1 13 ATER 25 6 attenuation factor for probe 9 4 10 7 15 5 AUTO 7 27 22 15 automatic measurements sample program 6 8 AUToscale 25 7 during initialization 1 15 in sample program 6 15 availability of measured data 4 2 AVERage 7 3 16 7 22 16 and acquisition completion 7 5 and count 7 4 22 17 AXIS 18 4 B BANDpass query 30 5 bandwidth limit 30 5 basic command structure 1...

Page 916: ...NCel 26 3 CDIRectory 13 3 CDISplay 25 9 CGRade 14 3 LEVels 14 5 CGRade CROSsing 23 8 CGRade DCDistortion 23 9 CGRade EHEight 23 10 CGRade EWIDth 23 11 CGRade JITTer 23 12 CGRade QFACtor 23 13 CHANnel PROBe ID 10 22 CLEar 23 14 CLear Status 11 4 CLOCk 23 15 CLOCk METHod 23 16 CLOCk VERTical 23 18 CLOCk VERTical RANGe 23 20 COLumn 14 7 COMMonmode 16 8 COMPlete 7 5 COMPlete STATe 7 7 CONNect 14 8 COU...

Page 917: ...30 OPEE 25 17 OPER 25 18 Operation Complete OPC 11 12 Option OPT 11 13 OUTPut 9 6 OVERshoot 23 87 OVLenable 25 19 OVLRegister 25 20 PATTern 19 17 PATTern THReshold LEVel 29 36 29 44 PERiod 23 89 PERSistence 14 15 PHASe 23 91 POINts 7 11 POINts AUTO 7 21 POSition 28 3 Power on Status Clear PSC 11 14 PREShoot 23 93 PRINt 25 21 PRINters 17 8 PROBe 10 7 15 5 PROBe ATTenuation 10 9 PROBe EXTernal 10 14...


Page 919: ... Wait to Continue WAI 11 24 within a program message 11 3 COMMonmode 16 8 commonmode voltage of operands 16 8 Communicating Over the GPIB Interface 2 7 Communicating Over the LAN Interface 2 8 COMPlete 7 5 COMPlete query 30 7 COMPlete STATe 7 7 compound command header 1 7 compound queries 3 4 Computer Code and Capability 2 5 concurrent commands 5 15 CONDition in TRIG ADV PATTern 29 34 CONNect 14 8...

Page 920: ...41 DPRinter 17 4 Driver Electronics Code and Capability 2 5 DSP display 27 6 duplicate mnemonics 1 9 DUTYcycle 23 36 E EADapter 10 10 15 7 ECoupling 10 12 15 9 EDGE trigger mode 29 15 EDGE trigger commands 29 15 EHEight in MEASure CGRade command 23 10 Ellipsis 1 5 embedded commands 1 14 strings 1 3 1 4 1 13 ENABle 22 22 25 13 Enable Register 11 3 ENCode in TRIG ADV COMM 29 27 End Of String EOS 1 1...

Page 921: ... 36 VERTical 16 37 functional elements of protocol 3 3 functions and VIEW 30 57 combining in instructions 1 8 FWAVeforms in MTESt COUNt command 22 19 G GAIN 10 15 15 12 gain and offset of a probe 9 4 gain factor for user defined probe 10 15 15 12 generating service request sample program 6 14 6 16 6 17 GLITch trigger mode 29 21 glitch trigger mode 29 20 GPIB Interface Connector 2 3 GRATicule 14 11...

Page 922: ...3 12 JITTer HISTogram 23 66 JITTer MEASurement 23 67 JITTer SPECtrum 23 68 JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal 23 69 JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal POSition 23 70 JITTer SPECtrum HORizontal RANGe 23 71 JITTer SPECtrum VERTical 23 72 JITTer SPECtrum VERTical OFFSet 23 73 JITTer SPECtrum VERTical RANGe 23 74 JITTer SPECtrum WINDow 23 75 JITTer STATistics 23 76 JITTer TRENd 23 77 JITTer TRENd SMOoth 23 78 JITTer ...

Page 923: ...Status Bit 4 4 MAV Message Available 4 4 bit 11 19 11 21 MAX in MEASure HISTogram command 23 57 MAXimum 16 26 16 27 MDIRectory 13 7 MEAN in MEASure HISTogram command 23 58 MEASure RESults and statistics 23 111 Measure Commands 23 2 ABSolute 16 5 AREA 23 7 CGRade CROSsing 23 8 CGRade DCDistortion 23 9 CGRade EHEight 23 10 CGRade EWIDth 23 11 CGRade JITTer 23 12 CGRade QFACtor 23 13 CLEar 23 14 CLOC...

Page 924: ... 60 Mnemonic Truncation 5 3 MODE 7 9 18 5 19 9 21 5 in TRIGger MODE 29 6 29 8 MODel 25 16 monitoring events 4 2 MPRotect 9 6 MSBFirst and BYTeorder 30 6 MSG bit in the status register 4 10 MSG bit 11 19 11 21 MSS bit and STB 11 20 MTEE 25 14 MTER 25 15 multiple program commands 1 14 queries 1 22 subsystems 1 14 Multiple numeric variables 1 22 MULTiply 16 29 N NCJitter 23 83 NL New Line 1 13 NONMon...

Page 925: example 1 16 Program Header Options 1 11 program message terminator 1 13 program overview initialization example 1 16 programming basics 1 2 Programming Conventions 5 2 programming examples language 1 2 Programming Getting Started 1 14 protocol exceptions and operation 3 4 PSC Power on Status Clear 11 14 pulse width measurement setup 23 5 pulse width violation mode 29 75 PWD 13 12 PWIDth 23 95 ...

Page 926: ... 21 6 TEDGe 23 113 TER 25 30 Test TST 11 23 TEST 19 7 20 7 TMAX 23 118 TMIN 23 119 TRIG ADV COMM BWID 29 26 TRIG ADV COMM ENCode 29 27 TRIG ADV COMM LEVel 29 28 TRIG ADV COMM PATTern 29 29 TRIG ADV COMM POLarity 29 30 TRIG ADV COMM SOURce 29 31 TRIG ADV EDLY ARM SLOPe 29 48 TRIG ADV EDLY ARM SOURce 29 47 TRIG ADV EDLY EVENt DELay 29 49 TRIG ADV EDLY EVENt SLOPe 29 51 TRIG ADV EDLY EVENt SOURce 29 ...

Page 927: ... 23 134 VSTArt 21 12 VSTOp 21 14 VTIMe 23 135 VTOP 23 136 VUPPer 23 137 WAVeform SEGMented COUNt 30 51 WAVeform SEGMented TTAG 30 52 WINDow DELay 28 10 WINDow POSition 28 11 WINDow RANGe 28 12 WINDow SCALe 28 13 X1Position 21 16 X1Y1source 21 18 X2Position 21 17 X2Y2source 21 19 XDELta 21 20 XDISplay 30 59 XINCrement 30 60 XOFFset 31 6 XORigin 30 61 XRANge 30 62 31 7 XREFerence 30 63 XUNits 30 64 ...

Page 928: ...LISTing 13 14 SAVe MEASurements 13 15 SAVe SETup 13 16 SAVe WAVeform 13 17 SAVE STORe in MTESt AMASk command 22 9 saving and loading 13 2 SCALe 10 27 28 7 Y1 22 40 SCOLor 14 17 SCOPETEST in self test commands 26 4 SCRatch 23 105 SCReen HARDcopy AREA 17 3 SEGMented 13 43 COUNt 30 51 TTAG 30 52 segments of sample programs 6 3 Selected Device Clear SDC 2 10 Selecting Multiple Subsystems 1 14 self tes...

Page 929: ...1 20 Status Byte Register 4 8 4 9 and serial polling 4 9 bits 11 21 Status Registers 1 22 11 3 Status Reporting 4 2 Bit Definitions 4 3 Data Structures 4 5 Status Reporting Decision Chart 4 20 STATus in CALibrate command 9 8 STB Status Byte 11 20 STIMe 22 44 22 46 STOP 25 27 STORe 13 8 13 44 25 28 STORe WAVEform 25 29 storing waveform sample program 6 13 STRing 14 20 string variables 1 20 example ...


Page 931: ... SETup HOLD DSOurce HTHReshold 29 96 VIOLation SETup HOLD DSOurce LTHReshold 29 97 VIOLation SETup HOLD TIME 29 98 VIOLation SETup MODE 29 84 VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce 29 85 VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce EDGE 29 87 VIOLation SETup SETup CSOurce LEVel 29 86 VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce 29 88 VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce HTHReshold 29 89 VIOLation SETup SETup DSOurce LTHReshold 29 90 VIOLation...

Page 932: ...trolling 28 2 X vs Y 16 36 X1 in MTESt SCALe command 22 37 X1Position 21 16 X1Position LLIMit in HISTogram WINDow command 18 9 X1Y1source 21 18 X2Position 21 17 21 22 X2Position RLIMit in HISTogram WINDow command 18 10 X2Y2source 21 19 x axis offset and XOFFset 31 6 range and XRANge 31 7 units and XUNits 30 64 x axis duration and XRANge 30 62 XDELta in MTESt AMASk command 22 11 in MTESt SCALE comm...

Page 933: ...n terminal must be connected to the earth termi nal of the power source Whenever it is likely that the ground protection is impaired you must make the instrument inoperative and secure it against any unintended operation Service instructions are for trained service personnel To avoid dangerous electric shock do not perform any service unless qualified to do so Do not attempt internal service or ad...

Page 934: ...nd is subject to being changed without notice in future editions Further to the maximum extent permitted by applica ble law Agilent disclaims all warranties either express or implied with regard to this manual and any information contained herein including but not limited to the implied war ranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose Agilent shall not be liable for errors or fo...
