Agilent InfinityLab LC Series Diode Array Detectors User Manual
Test Functions and Calibration
Wavelength Verification Test
Wavelength Verification Test
The detector uses the alpha (656.1 nm) and beta (486 nm) emission lines of the
UV-lamp for wavelength calibration. The sharp emission lines enable accurate
calibration. When verification is started, the 1-nm slit is moved into the light path
automatically. The test is run with the Max-Light Cartridge Cell or with Max-Light
Cartridge Test Cell installed.
If the test is performed with the Max-Light Cartridge Test Cell, the test results are
not influenced by solvent or pump effects.
The detector is calibrated at the factory, and under normal operating conditions should not require
recalibration. However, it is advisable to recalibrate:
after repair of components in the optical unit,
after exchange of the optical unit or main board,
after replacing the Max-Light Cartridge Cell or UV-lamp,
after significant environmental condition changes (temperature, humidity),
at a regular interval, at least once per year (for example, prior to an Operational Qualification/Per
formance Verification procedure), and
when chromatographic results indicate the detector may require recalibration.
Parts required
Max-Light Cartridge Test Cell or
Max-Light Cartridge Cell
Lamp must be on for at least 10 minutes.
When using a Max-Light Cartridge Cell a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min with water is required.