Agilent Technologies
Data Sheet
Product Specifications
General Specifications
Maximum Sample Rate
54522A 2 GSa/s
Number of Channels (all are simultaneous acquisition)
54522A: 2
Record Length
32,768 pts (real time) maximum
501 pts (repetitive)
8 bits, 10 bits via HP-IB with averaging
Vertical Specifications
Repetitive Bandwidth
500 MHz (equivalent time) (rise time <= 700 ps)
Real Time Bandwidth
HP 54522A 500 MHz
1 mV/div to 5 V/div
dc Gain Accuracy
± 1.25% of full scale
Input Impedance
R: 1 Mohm ± 1% or 50 ohm ± l%
C: 7 pF nominal
Input Coupling
ac, dc
Maximum Input