Agilent 34945A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver Module User’s Guide
Introduction to Programming
Figure 4-1. The 34980 (34945A) Programming Home Page.
Getting Started with the 34945A Web-Enabled Interface
By far, the easiest way to begin programming the 34945A Microwave
Switch/Attenuator Driver is through the instrument’s built-in Web server. As
mentioned in Chapter 3 (Table 3-1), the Web server’s instrument interface
requires a Java
-enabled Web browser, but no additional user-installed driv-
ers or libraries. Full access to the instrument’s functionality is available
through the interface.
Web page menu
“Advanced Information” shown
click to identify the 34980A
This section describes the Web pages and windows primarily used to program the
34945A and 34945EXT modules. Refer to “Help with this Page” associated with
each Web page for additional information on functions or pages not covered in
this manual.