Additional Operating Information
Agilent 34945A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver Module User’s Guide
Note that during a reset, all channel states are actuated resulting in possible
delays during the execution of:
Verifying Switch States
Many switches and attenuators have built-in switch position indicators. The
indicators can be used to drive LED position indicators on the distribution
boards. The 34945A checks the switch position indicator against the SCPI
command last sent to provide verification of the state.
Enabling Verification
Following a preset of any of the distribution boards, electronic verification is
disabled and the switch state is assumed to be the last open/close state driven.
Verification is enabled through the channel configuration window (Chapter 4)
or using the command:
If a switch operation appears to have failed while electronic verification is
enabled, an error is generated at the time either of the commands:
is executed. If either of these
commands specify a channel list (i.e., more than
one channel), the verification is performed after all open/close operations
have completed. An error is generated for each channel operation that did not
verify correctly.
With electronic verification enabled, the commands:
return the actual (verified) hardware state of the specified channel(s), which
may or may not correspond to the programmed state.
Electronic verification of switch position will slow performance of the verified
channels. Additionally, if you have enabled the command overlap function
using the command:
any overlapping is suspended until position verification is complete.