AGFA FOTOLOOK 3.6 User Manual Download Page 25

C h a p t e r   1   —   F o t o L o o k   R e f e r e n c e 



T h e  s c a n n e r  o p e r a t e s  d i f f e r e n t l y  a c c o r d i n g  t o  t h e  t y p e  o f  o r i g i n a l  y o u  a r e 
s c a n n i n g . 



N o t e :  S e e  a l s o  


C h a p t e r  3 ,  “ S c a n n i n g  R e f l e c t i v e  a n d  T r a n s p a r e n t  O r i g i n a l s ” 




T o  s c a n  a n  o p a q u e  o r i g i n a l , 
f o r  e x a m p l e ,  a  p h o t o g r a p h . 



N o t e :  S e e  a l s o  


C h a p t e r  3 ,  “ S c a n n i n g  R e f l e c t i v e  a n d  T r a n s p a r e n t  O r i g i n a l s ” 




T o  s c a n  a  t r a n s p a r e n t  o r i g i n a l , 
f o r  e x a m p l e ,  a  s l i d e . 

D i s p l a y s  t h e  T r a n s p a r e n c y 
G a m m a  d i a l o g  b o x . 

T r a n s p a r e  n c y   G a m m a 

T o  a p p l y  t h e  s c a n n e r ’ s  d e f a u l t  g a m m a  o r  t o  a p p l y  n o  g a m m a . 


S c a n n e r  D e f a u l t 

T o  u s e  t h e  b u i l t - i n  g a m m a  c u r v e  o f  t h e  s c a n n e r .  T h i s 
g a m m a  c u r v e  c o m p e n s a t e s  f o r  t h e  g a m m a 
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s  o f  t h e  f i l m . 


N o n e 

T o  a p p l y  a  g a m m a  o f  1 . 0  d u r i n g  t h e  s c a n n i n g  p r o c e s s . 

Summary of Contents for FOTOLOOK 3.6

Page 1: ...e the images in a well thought out way Preface Chapter 1 FotoLook Reference Chapter 2 Profile Setup Chapter 3 Scanning Reflective and Transparent Originals Chapter 4 Scanning Negative Originals Chapter 5 Batch Scanning Chapter 6 Range Chapter 7 Curves Chapter 8 Selective Color Correction Appendix A Shortcuts Appendix B Overview of the Scanning Process Appendix C Where to Find Your User Defined Fil...

Page 2: ...of Apple Computer Inc Gamma is a trademark of Knoll Software QuarkXPress is a registered trademark of Quark Incorporated Other product or company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders Copyright 2001 Agfa Gevaert N V All rights reserved All software and hardware described in this document are subject to change without any notice Conventions The following conventi...

Page 3: ...Lic ens e Agreement 3 License Agreement License Agreement Limited Use License Term Limited Warranty and Liability General ...

Page 4: ...license the License to use the Programs only on the terms and conditions set in this Agreement b You agree to use the software solely for your own customary business or personal purposes 2 The Programs may be used only by you only on a single computer 3 a You and your employees and agents will protect the confidentiality of the Programs b Except as provided in paragraph 6 b below you will not subl...

Page 5: ...ely notify AGFA in writing that such destruction has taken place Limited Warranty and Liability 1 If you discover any physical defect in the medium on which the Programs appear and return it to AGFA within 90 days after purchase together with proof of purchase AGFA will replace the medium at no charge to you 2 Although AGFA has tested the Programs and reviewed the documentation AGFA does not warra...

Page 6: ...ailable under the European Community Software Directive O J Eur Comm No L 122 42 1991 4 If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement understand all of its provisions and agree to comply fully with them You further agree that this Agreement contains the complete and exclus...

Page 7: ...l Scan Phase 22 Image Area 22 Selection Coordinates 24 Original 25 Reflective 25 Transparent 25 Negative 26 Scan Area 28 Save Current Position 28 Mode 31 Line Art Mode 31 Gray Scale Mode 31 Color RGB Mode 34 Color CMYK Mode 36 Color Lab Mode 37 Res Size 38 Res Size Dialog Box 39 Gradation 42 Gradation Editor 43 Range 44 Manual Scan Range Dialog Box 45 Threshold Dialog Box 45 Range Dialog Box 46 Cu...

Page 8: ...les for Standard Devices Displays 84 ColorSync Profiles for Documents 85 Profile Setup in FotoLook 86 Color Mode RGB CMYK Lab 86 Gray Scale Mode 88 Profile Setup in Photoshop 92 Photoshop 6 0 92 Photoshop 5 0 and 5 5 94 Photoshop 5 0 LE 97 Chapter 3 Scanning Reflective and Transparent Originals 9 8 In Interactive Mode 99 Preview Scan Phase 100 Final Scan Phase 101 In Production Mode 102 Overview S...

Page 9: ...and Transparent 123 Setting Automatic Range 124 Setting a Clipping Percentage 124 Setting the Lightest Point Dmin and the Darkest Point Dmax 126 Setting the White Neutral and Black Point in RGB Edit Space 128 Setting the White Neutral and Black Point in CMYK Edit Space 132 Setting the White and Black Point in Gray Scale Mode 135 Range Negative 137 Using the Sliders 138 Using TFS 138 Setting the Wh...

Page 10: ...ocess 1 5 0 Appendix C Where to Find Your User Defined Files 1 5 4 Mac OS 9 154 Mac OS X 156 Delete custom defined curves or settings 157 Copy Your Previous User Defined Settings to FotoLook 3 6 158 Appendix D Supported File Formats in Fotolook SA 1 5 9 Glossary 1 6 2 Index 1 7 2 ...

Page 11: ...ef ac e 11 Preface The Preface introduces you to FotoLook 3 6 and the contents of this guide About FotoLook What s New About the Documentation How to Use this On Line Guide How to Print this On Line Guide ...

Page 12: ...iginal If however you want complete control over the sharpening process you can also set each individual sharpening parameter yourself FotoLook can be used with several image editing applications and page layout applications running on the Apple Macintosh or the Apple Power Macintosh computers Agfa offers FotoLook as a Photoshop plug in FotoLook PS or as a stand alone application FotoLook SA There...

Page 13: is also supported now for gray scale images ColorSync Default Profiles for Documents FotoLook 3 6 supports the default profiles for documents for the different modes Protect Skin Tones sharpness will not or less be applied to skin tones PostScript Pica Ruler Units PicaPS is added as ruler unit in FotoLook 3 6 The PicaPS matches the default pica unit in Photoshop Separate Destination Profiles f...

Page 14: ... the use of FotoLook SA for scanning in Batch mode Chapters 6 7 and 8 handle input and output editing in FotoLook Chapter 6 explains how to set the range for reflective transparent and negative originals Chapter 7 tells you how to use the Curve Editor Chapter 8 instructs you how to correct the colors of a RGB or CMYK image selectively The appendices provide information on shortcuts definitions and...

Page 15: t from the File menu to print this on line guide C au t io n Due to re scaling some of the screen shots included in this document may appear unclear when displayed at 100 magnification You can view these screen shots more clearly by using the Zoom tool to increase the default magnification How to Print this On Line Guide 1 From the Apple menu choose Chooser The Chooser dialog box opens 2 Select...

Page 16: ...Phase Preview Scan Phase Final Scan Phase Production Mode Overview Scan Phase Final Scan Phase Image Area Original Scan Area Mode Res Size Gradation Range Curves Sel Color Descreen Sharpening Information Field Info Options Floating Palette Watchpoint Window Rotation Mirror Zoom Preview Position Batch Scanning ...

Page 17: ... e le me n t s d isp laye d d e p e n d o n yo u r scan n e r an d o n t h e mo d e In t e ract ive o r P ro d u ct io n yo u are wo rkin g in T h e C u st o m se t t in g s in t h e p o p u p me n u s co n t ain t h e se t t in g s u se d in yo u r last imag e Yo u can t o g g le b e t we e n P ro d u ct io n an d In t e ract ive mo d e b y h o ld in g d o wn t h e C o mman d ke y wh ile p re ssi...

Page 18: ... of FotoLook allows you to work interactively on the preview image This preview image simulates how the output image after a final scan will look This Interactive mode offers you therefore some input Gradation Range and output editing Selective Color Correction Curves tools ...

Page 19: ...eview You can click the Preview button at the lower part of the FotoLook dialog box to make a preview image of high quality and resolution After making a preview scan the Overview phase switches automatically to the Preview phase This preview image is used for interactive purposes Preview Scan Phase The second phase in the Interactive mode is the Preview phase If the Overview phase of the Interact...

Page 20: ...n the scan bed The Scan dialog box closes If you are working in FotoLook SA a Save As dialog box appears in which you have to specify the format for your image Choose TIFF PICT EPS JPEG or DCS and save the scanned image You can edit your image in another application such as Adobe Photoshop If you are working in FotoLook PS your image will appear in your image editing application ...

Page 21: ...pen dialog box In Production mode you can only select predefined tone curves gradation curves selective color settings and range settings if these options are available for the type of original that you are scanning Overview Scan Phase The first phase in the Production mode is the Overview phase You can make a quick low resolution scan by clicking the Overview button After an overview scan you can...

Page 22: FotoLook PS your image will appear in your image editing application Image Area The overview and preview scan are displayed in the image area You can select an area for scanning by manipulating the selection rectangle within the image area Only the area within the selection rectangle is scanned You can change the dimensions of the selection by dragging the handles of the selection rectangle Not...

Page 23: ...canning in this high res area For these scanners you will see that one of the rulers has a colored area below the ruler markers This area can be green or orange Green indicates that the current selection falls inside the high resolution area Orange indicates that the current selection falls partly outside the high resolution area The display at the bottom of the image area tells you In Overview ph...

Page 24: ...splay this dialog box by clicking the bar at the bottom of the image area Here you can change the coordinates and input dimensions of the selection rectangle Note The dimensions of the selection rectangle remain the same when you change the X0 left or Y0 top coordinates ...

Page 25: ...tograph Transparent Note See also Chapter 3 Scanning Reflective and Transparent Originals To scan a transparent original for example a slide Displays the Transparency Gamma dialog box T ran sp are n cy Gamma To apply the scanner s default gamma or to apply no gamma Scanner Default To use the built in gamma curve of the scanner This gamma curve compensates for the gamma characteristics of the film ...

Page 26: ...s that the color mask density fog of the negative is neutralized and that a better negative to positive conversion is achieved Match Photographic Print Select this checkbox so that the resulting image looks like the photographic print Do not select this checkbox if you want to view all the details in the image Displays the Custom Film Type dialog box This button is only available if you have alrea...

Page 27: ...ilm Types dialog box Save as Enter a new name to save the customized color film N e g at ive F ilm T yp e s b lack an d wh it e o rig in als Note The Negative Film Types dialog box will not be available in case of a line art negative original In case of a gray scale negative original referred to as black and white the Negative Film Types dialog box will offer you a list of predefined gammas which ...

Page 28: ...atch slide holders show a consistent error between the predefined batch holder position in FotoLook Scan area pop up and the area that is actually scanned You can correct the global positioning errors in batch slide holders by entering the proper coordinates in the X and Y fields If you make an overview with the predefined batch slide holder and your position is correct no clipping will occur on t...

Page 29: ...value as a positive X offset 4 Click OK The clipping of the images can occur at any side of the originals Enter the specific values as shown in this overview A black area appears at the right and your originals are clipped at the left Enter the calculated value as a negative X offset A black area appears at the top and your originals are clipped at the bottom Enter the calculated value as a positi...

Page 30: ...view position Focus Distance The distance of the original to a reference point in the scanner at which the original will be focused Focusing is very important as the positioning of the original may vary depending on whether you scan mounted or unmounted transparencies and on the thickness of the holders used Normally the Focus Distance is taken from the selected holder In some cases for example mo...

Page 31: ...1 bit image composed of black and white values The pixels of the image are either black or white without intermediate gray levels Gray Scale Mode Results in an 8 bit image composed of 256 levels of gray The Gray Scale 16 bit output mode results in a 16 bit image composed of 65 536 levels of gray This mode is not available for the Horizon Ultra Displays the Gray Scale Conversions and Corrections di...

Page 32: By selecting Luminance the scanner uses a combination of parts of the red green and blue image signals to create the best gray scale result Note With the Horizon Ultra scanner the Luminance option is not necessary as this scanner always uses a neutral density filter to scan gray scale images Display To display the image with gamma compensation in FotoLook Choose Automatic Gamma to use the gamma...

Page 33: ...f you want to print the image on an offset press you have to specify the dot gain and dot range for that specific printing unit To specify the dot gain percentage that matches your printing unit dot gain Dot range lets you specify the dot percentage limits minimum and maximum of the output range ColorSync Default Gray To use as a system wide setting The ColorSync profile you have selected in the M...

Page 34: ... not available for the Horizon Ultra Displays the Profile Setup dialog box P ro f ile S e t u p d ialo g b o x Here you can select different types of Profiles You can choose to work in simple mode or in expanded mode S imp le mo d e Color Management Click this checkbox to select or deselect color management in RGB mode If you want to work with the raw scanner data and apply color management in a h...

Page 35: ...or RGB printer CMYK printer that you will send the scanned image to Select the ColorSync Default RGB or CMYK profile to use the ColorSync profile that you have selected in the ColorSync control panel Default Profiles for Documents Note The settings are separately stored for the SA and the Plug in version You need to create and save the settings both for the SA and the Plug in version Click this tr...

Page 36: ...tes and Watchpoints window Usually the Edit space and Read out space are the same Displays the Profile Info dialog box This allows you to check which conditions were used to create a Profile Color CMYK Mode Results in a 32 bit image composed of 8 bits per color channel or 256 levels per color channel The 64 bit output mode results in an image composed of 16 bits per color channel or 65 536 levels ...

Page 37: ...s 32 700 of b This mode allows you to scan images into device independent color This means that you are sure that the colors of your images are always the same on whatever device it is displayed The Color Lab 48 bit ensures you that no data is lost during color conversions Note that only a few applications support Lab 48 bit currently This mode is not available for the Horizon Ultra Displays the P...

Page 38: ...s displayed in the pop up menu depend on the resolution mode and scaling factor that you have chosen in the Res Size dialog box Note If the resolution you want to select is not in the list use Other To display the Res Size dialog box Note In the Options General dialog box you can set the Input Resolution and Screen Unit preferences ...

Page 39: ... can choose which dimensions are fixed a Fixed scale factor b Fixed width c Fixed height d Fixed width and height 2 The input dimensions of the selected area 3 The output dimensions of the selected area 4 Column calculator 5 Specifies input halftone or contone resolution 6 Displays information about the image ...

Page 40: ... The height changes proportionally This output format is taken into account after the selected scan area is scanned The scale is also updated fixed height Type in a fixed height The width changes with the same proportions This output format is taken into account after the selected scan area is scanned The scale is also updated fixed width and height Scale the input selection by typing in the width...

Page 41: ...t resolution Use quality factor 2 if the screen frequency is lower than 133 lpi or if the scene contains fine details Use factor 1 5 if the screen frequency is higher than 133 lpi or if the scene has no fine details A higher quality factor requires longer scans and more disk space without increasing the image quality considerably Contone Device for example dye sublimation and inkjet printers The o...

Page 42: ...ed to change the overall contrast of the image Curves are generally used in 8 bit processing mode The Curve Editor allows you to separate a curve in three RGB or four CMYK color channels offering greater possibilities for output editing Remember that applying both functions in one scanning process will cumulate in the final scan Import Photoshop curves Imported curves cannot be edited by the Grada...

Page 43: ...e densities the scanner actually reads from the original The vertical axis represents the output values Note The Gradation Editor is not available for negative originals or if an Imported Photoshop curve is selected in the Gradation pop up menu 2 3 4 5 1 1 To change the 1 4 tones 2 To change the midtones 3 To change the 3 4 tones 4 To save a curve 5 To use the curve You can change the output value...

Page 44: ...Look also measures the density values of the brightest highlight and the darkest shadow not for negative and line art originals Captures the original using the full range that is available This option is mainly used when scanning in 16 or 48 bit images to allow post processing without loss of information not for negative originals Displays the Manual Scan Range dialog box In case of line art origi...

Page 45: ...g Box To set the threshold level of line art images The threshold value denotes the gray value selected as the midpoint for converting shades to black or white In the Threshold dialog box you can set the point at which pixels are converted to white below the threshold or black above the threshold Low threshold The lower the threshold value the darker the resulting image more black pixels High thre...

Page 46: ... In the Range dialog box an input histogram is displayed in the upper part of the window This is the graphical display of the preview image scanned in full range Here you can set the lightest point and the darkest point The scanner uses all image data between these two settings at full bit depth The changes you make are visible in the output histogram in the lower part of the window for gray scale...

Page 47: ...Dmax setting You can modify the setting by dragging the sliders Pressing Option while dragging the sliders displays the clipped areas 7 The values of the active Dmin and Dmax setting 8 Displays how much of the image is clipped with the current density settings If you are working in RGB Edit Space or Gray Scale mode you can consult an output histogram in the lower part of the Range dialog box The o...

Page 48: ...the values of the lightest parts in your preview image You first specify a maximu m value color image for the white point then set the white point in your preview image 11 Sets a neutral point 12 The Black Point tool enables you to remap the color values of the pixels in your preview image You can interactively adjust the values of the darkest parts in your preview image You first specify a min im...

Page 49: ...ues of the pixels in your preview image You can interactively adjust the values of the lightest parts in your preview image You first specify a min imu m value color image for the white point then set the white point in your preview image 11 Sets a neutral point 12 The Black Point tool enables you to remap the color values of the pixels in your preview image You can interactively adjust the values...

Page 50: ...You first specify a min imu m value for the white point then set the white point in your preview image 11 The Black Point tool enables you to remap the gray values of the pixels in your preview image You can interactively adjust the values of the darkest parts in your preview image You first specify a maximu m value for the black point then set the black point in your preview image R an g e L in e...

Page 51: ... density applied to the green channel The other channels are adjusted proportionally 3 The gray slider is the most important correction It indicates the occurrence of catch light or backlight This should not influence the Dmin of the image Move the gray slider towards the Dmin setting to weaken the influence of a catch light or a backlight on the global density of the image 4 Use TFS to set a corr...

Page 52: ...e in the Gradation pop up menu but both manipulations are applied in succession during the final scan The gradation curves are applied at full bit depth of the scanner before color conversions See also Appendix B Overview of the Scanning Process Applies a linear tone curve The curve is at a 45 angle leaving the input and output intensities the same Choose a high gamma setting 1 0 to lighten the im...

Page 53: ...e arrows to switch the display polarity of the curve 3 Click the curve to add a curve handle Up to 16 points can be added Drag a handle outside the curve area to remove the handle 4 Changes the corresponding curve The available color buttons depend on the Edit space 5 Changes the master curve 6 Displays the combined effect of the master curve and the color curves 7 Resets the current curve to a st...

Page 54: ...s can be added Drag a handle outside the curve area to remove the handle 4 Changes the corresponding curve The available color buttons depend on the Edit space 5 Changes the master curve 6 Displays the combined effect of the master curve and the color curves 7 Resets the current curve to a straight line or the current gamma to 1 0 8 To create a curve 9 Smooths your arbitrary curve 10 To set gamma ...

Page 55: ... call a color by its name such as red purple or bluish green Saturation is the extent to which a color is not dull or gray The less gray in a color the higher the saturation High saturation corresponds to an intense vivid color low saturation to a quiet dull grayish color Lightness indicates how light or dark a color is how close it is to white and black Lightness is the property that determines f...

Page 56: ...lick Sel Color the Selective Color Correction dialog box appears In the Selective Color Correction dialog box you can create a color pair to convert a selected input color to a defined output color You can create more color pairs and use them in combination to obtain an output image First define the input color Then select the output color to create a color pair ...

Page 57: ... the color pairs 4 Trash deletes the selected color pair 5 Color wheel displays the input and output selection and the individual colors picked up from the preview image 6 The lightness dimension of the selected input color 7 The lightness dimension of the selected output color 8 Defines the color values of an input color 9 Defines the color values for the target color 10 The color box of the inpu...

Page 58: ...fine the range of hues in the input color selection Drag the saturation control points 3 and 4 to define the range of saturation in the input color selection When you drag the saturation boundary to the edge of the color picker more pure colors are included Dragging the saturation boundary to the center of the picker includes more neutral levels Note Some areas in the color wheel define colors tha...

Page 59: or use the arrows The values are updated if the input center point is changed position If a new value is entered the position of the input center point in the color wheel also changes To area If you know which RGB or CMYK values define the output color type the values for the color components in the numeric fields or use the arrows The values are updated if the position of the output center po...

Page 60: ... color pair Duplicate the color pair by selecting it and dragging it to the blank space of the list Now modify the duplicated color pair Replacing a color pair To replace a color pair with the contents of another pair select the color pair you want to keep and drag it onto the one you want to replace Deleting a color pair Select and drag the color pair you want to delete to the trash icon in the S...

Page 61: ...ue together with Descreen Note The Descreen setting is not simulated in the preview image Note Descreen is not available for line art and negative originals In FotoLook you can choose the print quality type that was used to reproduce your original Displays the Descreen dialog box Descreen Dialog Box In this window you can enter a value if you know the exact screen frequency expressed in lines per ...

Page 62: ...control over the sharpening process you can also set each individual sharpening parameter yourself With the Sharpening Wizard you can either choose one of the default settings set an exact amount of sharpness or alter the advanced parameters that have an influence on sharpness Default Settings If you want to sharpen your image without having to set all the different sharpening parameters simply se...

Page 63: ...percent With Auto check box enabled you find the following values in the Amount pop up menu less for sharpening less than 100 100 for default sharpening more for sharpening more than 100 Other you can set an exact amount of sharpness ranging from 0 no sharpening to 1000 very high sharpening amount in absolute values To set an amount of sharpness in absolute values yourself you first have to desele...

Page 64: ...lowing 1 Click the Sharpen button The Sharpness dialog box appears 2 Deselect all the Auto check boxes of the parameters you want to adjust The dimmed fields become active Contour Limit When you sharpen an image black and white contour lines will appear around edges of contrasting objects or areas in the image This is caused by the sharpening process in which adjacent pixels around the edges are g...

Page 65: ... edges in your images high contour limit value low contrast between adjacent pixels resulting in smoother edges no black lines You typically use a high value for images containing flat areas for example human faces or landscapes or if the edges in your scanned images are too sharp Figure 1 shows the transition between two contrasting adjacent pixels without contour limit adjustment Original withou...

Page 66: ... smooth or flat areas To remove this noise adjust the grain removal parameter ranging from 0 to 100 Note Sharpness uses different settings for 35 mm slides Selections smaller than 24 and 36 mm will use a different sharpness setting than larger selections Note Do not forget to deselect the Grain Removal Auto check box low grain removal value no noise will be removed high grain removal value most no...

Page 67: ... higher than the optical resolution of your scanner Protect Dark Areas If you apply sharpening to dark areas the noise that is present in these areas is pronounced and may cause your image to deteriorate Protect Dark Areas does not apply sharpening in dark areas to avoid this noise from appearing in your image Protect Skin Tones If you select Protect Skin tones sharpness will not or less be applie...

Page 68: ...arpen pop up menu below the default settings For more information about where the settings are saved refer to Appendix C Where to Find Your User Defined files Information Field When you are in Interactive or Production mode the information on the Profiles Setup the selected Film Type appears Info Displays the Info dialog box with the current settings your Agfa scanner model its internal software v...

Page 69: ...og box containing a brief description of all the FotoLook shortcut keys In Appendix A you will find the list of shortcuts Analyze Generates a report about the configuration Save Saves the information in a simple text file You can send this file by modem for technical support Print Makes a printout of all the information contained in the Info dialog box ...

Page 70: ... the Res Size dialog box Output Unit To select the required output unit as displayed in the Res Size dialog box Screen Unit To select lines per inch lpi or lines per centimeter lpcm as the measurement unit for the screen ruling for Halftone Devices Resolution Unit To select pixels per inch ppi or pixels per centimeter ppcm as the measurement unit for the resolution Sound After Scan To choose the s...

Page 71: ... memory on a server or on a removable disk If possible select a different scratch volume than the one used for Photoshop Photoshop needs about three times the image size as virtual memory to store the image Settings Settings displays a dialog box where you can define which scan settings to use as a default A setting consists of your selections for each of the options in the main and supplementary ...

Page 72: ...Optimize allows you to choose between different modes to satisfy your requirements Speed When you select Speed the scanner will perform an elementary calibration This reduces the scanning time considerably Quality When you select Quality the scanner performs a full calibration of the scanner Best Quality Best Quality enables the image processing at full bit depth of the scanner avoiding artefacts ...

Page 73: ...g D Behaviors Select predefined parameters that correspond best to your normal way of working To receive more information about the selected Behaviors click Info Maximum Zooming Before you begin an overview or preview scan you can choose a zooming factor in the Maximum Zooming pop up menu A higher zooming factor allows you to zoom in on the preview image without loss of information The higher the ...

Page 74: ...ds on The color mode you are working in RGB color values appear if you are working in Color RGB mode CMYK color values appear if you are working in Color CMYK mode The Profile set up in the Profile Setup dialog box The floating palette can display Input Before After and Output values The Input values are always expressed in scanner RGB densities Source The Before After values are expressed in the ...

Page 75: ...tion dialog box output editing Note In Overview mode the floating palette displays no color values You can adjust the sample size of the pixels in the preview image Adjusting the Sample Size As you move the cursor over your preview image the pixel values are displayed in the floating palette In the sample area of the floating palette you can change the sample size This can be useful when selecting...

Page 76: ...preview image and in the Watchpoint palette You can remove a watchpoint by selecting the corresponding number in the palette and by clicking the Trash icon You can also drag the watchpoint button onto the Trash Note The Watchpoint window is only visible in Interactive mode For each watchpoint and each color a Before and After value is displayed The Before value is fixed and is set at the moment yo...

Page 77: ... You can rotate or mirror the image Click this button to display the Rotation dialog box The number of possibilities depends on the scanning application SA or PS A small F symbol is added to the thumbnails to visualize a vertical or horizontal flipping ...

Page 78: the full area of the image area Preview Position Indicates the area that is used by the preview image in the total image area To select the total image area double click the Preview Position tool Batch Scanning FotoLook SA allows you to scan in batch mode Batch scanning is the ability to scan multiple originals in one operation perform separate prescan adjustments on each original and create se...

Page 79: ...o Do All the scan settings of the different scans in a batch are grouped in this folder Each time a scan is executed the settings are moved to the Done folder When all the scans are completed the To Do folder becomes empty After interrupting the scanning process this folder will contain the scan settings waiting to be executed Done After a scan is completed the Done folder contains the settings of...

Page 80: ...ting your Monitor Mac OS 8 6 and 9 1 Mac OS X Profile Setup on System Level ColorSync Profiles for Standard Devices Displays ColorSync Profiles for Documents Profile Setup in FotoLook Color Mode RGB CMYK Lab Gray Scale Mode Profile Setup in Photoshop Photoshop 6 0 Photoshop 5 0 and 5 5 Photoshop 5 0 LE ...

Page 81: ...unique color gamut even when correctly calibrated to the manufacturer s specifications What is ColorTune ColorTune Agfa s own color management software takes care of the variations caused by the different devices by using Profiles Such a Profile contains an accurate description of the characteristics of each device These Profiles are then used to modify the colors in an image as it is passed from ...

Page 82: ...uctions below If you don t want to calibrate your monitor make sure that you have selected the correct profile Note The calibration workflow depends on the version of your Monitors Sound control panel M ac O S 8 6 an d 9 1 1 In the Apple menu go to Control Panels and open the Monitors or Monitors Sound panel The Monitors or Monitors Sound panel appears 2 Click the Color button 3 Click Calibrate an...

Page 83: ...s are set for you automatically White point The white point determines the warmth or coolness of white D50 warm yellowish lighting D65 6500 cooler This is the equivalent to midday sunlight This is the standard for working with graphics 9300 coolest indoor lighting This is the default white point of most monitors and televisions 5 Assign a name to the settings and create the ColorSync Profile The C...

Page 84: ...onitors or Monitors Sound panel The Monitors or Monitors and Sound panel appears 2 Click Colors and choose your Profile in the ColorSync Profile menu Your Profile is now set on system level and can be selected from within FotoLook Photoshop or any other application that supports ColorSync M ac O S X C o lo rS yn c 3 0 Note If you calibrated your monitor before the correct settings are probably alr...

Page 85: ... for the different modes that can be set in the ColorSync window Default Profiles for Documents These default profiles are suitable for RBG and CMYK mode All applications that support ColorSync will use these System wide settings Note To use the default profiles in gray scale and Lab mode you need ColorSync 2 6 ...

Page 86: ...b you have selected your selection of Original Reflective Transparent or Negative H o w t o S e le ct t h e P ro f ile 1 Open FotoLook 2 Choose Color RGB Color CMYK or Color Lab from the Mode pop up menu 3 Click the Profile icon The Profile Setup dialog box appears Note In CMYK and Lab Color mode no Color Management checkbox is available 4 From the Source pop up menu select the Profile that matche...

Page 87: ...ter based presentations You can also select Lab mode for device independent output When you define an RGB or CMYK printer as your final output device the scanned image is converted to match its specific color gamut An image that has been converted to the color gamut of a printer in this way is not displayed accurately on a monitor outside FotoLook Please refer to your Photoshop manual for the use ...

Page 88: ...C o rre ct io n Gray Scale images can be adjusted for the dot gain and limited dot range of the press Consult your printer to obtain the proper values for the selected paper type A dot gain of 20 a minimum printable dot of 3 and a maximum printable dot of 97 are good defaults for printing on coated paper O ve rvie w S can P h ase 1 Place the original on the scanner 2 Open FotoLook 3 From the Origi...

Page 89: ...sions and Corrections dialog box is displayed 2 From the Display pop up menu choose Automatic Gamma 3 From the Destination pop up menu choose Dot Gain Range and click The Dot Gain Range dialog box appears 4 Type the values that your printer recommends for Dot Gain and Dot Range The finished scanned images are adjusted to those values ...

Page 90: ...ur profiles if you want your images to be displayed and printed correctly by applications that support embedded profiles Some applications may give a warning if the embedded profile is different from their default profile Refer to Profile Mismatch for more information C o lo rS yn c D e f au lt Gray P ro f ile When choosing ColorSync Default Gray Profile as a destination all the images that compen...

Page 91: ...e Web and Windows O ve rvie w S can P h ase Repeat the instructions Dot Gain correction Overview Scan Phase P re vie w S can P h ase 1 Click You find this button next to the Mode pop up menu The Gray Scale Conversions and Corrections dialog box is displayed 2 Choose Automatic Gamma from the Display pop up menu The gamma of the preview image is now adapted to the display gamma 3 Choose the proper g...

Page 92: ... In Gray Scale mode If you want to display the images on your monitor Choose Gamma 1 8 to display the images on your Macintosh Choose Gamma 2 2 to display the images on your PC or if you want to place the images on the Internet or If you want to use your images for offset printing Enter the dot gain and the range depending on your output device and save the profile Note Selecting the new profile i...

Page 93: ... that you select Use the embedded profile instead of the working space to avoid extra conversions 2 Click OK The colors will match even if the profile setup was different Note If you want to avoid profile mismatches in the future select the proper profile or convert the image to the internal working space A profile mismatch will not occur if the Destination Profile or Gray Scale conversion in Foto...

Page 94: ...recommend that you choose Apple RGB from the RGB pop up menu 4 Click OK Note To compensate for dot gain and gamma in gray scale images and to output gray scale images accurately you can specify dot gain in FotoLook Photoshop 5 x allows you to set up your monitor to display the expected dot gain and to compensate for the monitor gamma Set up your monitor before starting to work with FotoLook This c...

Page 95: ...ages on your monitor Note Make sure to select Automatic Gamma as Destination in FotoLook Or Select Black Ink if you want to use the images for offset printing Note Enter the dot gain and the range manually in FotoLook depending on your output device 10 Select Preview to display a preview of your changes Note You also have to change these settings when you are scanning with the FotoLook PS plugin ...

Page 96: ... you want the colors to match the setup in FotoLook Note If you want to avoid profile mismatches in the future select the proper profile or convert the image to the internal color space A profile mismatch will not occur if the Destination Profile or Gray Scale conversion in FotoLook is the same as the profile used in Photoshop If a Profile Mismatch does occur click Convert The colors will match ev...

Page 97: 1 8 for Gray Scale mode 1 Open FotoLook 2 From the Mode pop up menu select Color RGB 3 Click The Profile setup dialog box appears 4 Select Apple RGB as Destination 5 Click OK 6 From the Mode pop up menu select Gray Scale 7 Click The Profile setup dialog box appears 8 Select Gamma 1 8 as Destination 9 Click OK Note You also have to change these settings when you are scanning with the FotoLook P...

Page 98: ...t Originals Reflective originals can be scanned using the reflective mode in the FotoLook scanner driver Transparent originals can be scanned using the transparent mode in the FotoLook scanner driver In Interactive Mode Preview Scan Phase Final Scan Phase In Production Mode Overview Scan Phase Final Scan Phase ...

Page 99: ...ult is on in the Transparency Gamma window 4 From the Scan Area pop up menu choose Max Area 5 From the Mode pop up menu choose Color RGB Note If you want to do a Profile Setup see Chapter 2 Profile Setup 6 Click Overview in the lower part of the FotoLook dialog box The scanner quickly performs a low resolution gray scale scan of the entire glass plate The preview image is displayed in the image ar...

Page 100: Preview The preview image appears in the image are You can now work interactively on your image Preview Scan Phase 1 Refine your selection by manipulating the selection rectangle within the image area 2 Click Res Size The Res Size dialog box appears 3 Click the fixed scale control icon 4 Change the Scaling factor if necessary 5 From the Mode pop up menu choose Input Halftone Device or Contone D...

Page 101: ...y the range manually by setting the white and black point or neutral point in the Range dialog box Therefore you have to click Range 10 If required you can apply a tone curve to the scanned image 11 If required you can apply selective color correction 12 From the Descreen pop up menu choose None 13 From the Sharpen pop up menu choose Low Final Scan Phase Click Scan If you are working in FotoLook S...

Page 102: ...n Phase 1 Hold down the Command key while pressing D to toggle between Interactive mode and Production mode Make sure you are in Production mode 2 From the Original pop up menu choose Reflective or Transparent Note If scanning a transparent original make sure Scanner Default is on in the Transparency Gamma window 3 From the Scan Area pop up menu choose Max Area 4 From the Mode pop up menu choose C...

Page 103: ...olution This selection overrides the resolution in the pop up menu at the highest level in the FotoLook window Use this pop up menu if you have already chosen between Input Halftone and Contone 12 Click OK 13 From the Gradation pop up menu choose Default Gradation curves are not available for negative or line art originals 14 From the Range pop up menu choose Automatic 15 From the Curves pop up me...

Page 104: film types You can select a type from this list create a new type or customize a negative film type to compensate for film tolerance variations or lab development variations Note As each scanner varies refer to the Owner s Guide of your scanner for more detailed information on placing negative originals General Tips Scanning Color Negative Originals Preview Scan Phase Final Scan Phase Customizi...

Page 105: ... the transparency holder and or transparency frame that you use to scan transparent originals with your scanner You can always make a frame out of black paper and use this frame to mask the original You can set Behaviors to Negative Strip and set the zooming factors you want to use when scanning negative originals C A U T I O N Mak e s ure y ou s elec t t he area f or s c anning wit hin t he image...

Page 106: ...ot listed in the pop up menu and you are using a film type of a manufacturer of which another film type is listed you can select this film type as a base for the required film type If another film type of the same manufacturer is not listed select a film type with the same sensitivity 5 From the Scan Area pop up menu choose Max Area 6 From the Mode pop up menu choose Color RGB Color CMYK or Color ...

Page 107: ...ick Preview Preview Scan Phase 1 Refine your selection by manipulating the selection rectangle within the image area 2 Set the size and resolution for the selected image 3 From the Range pop up menu choose Automatic If you want to manipulate the range of the negative original click Range to open the Range dialog box 4 If required apply a tone curve to your image 5 If required apply selective color...

Page 108: ... color and tone conversion from a negative film to a positive print This orange mask has certain densitometric characteristics color mask density or fog which are typical for the different film types or for film processing in a lab The color mask density can be checked on an unexposed area of film e g the beginning or the end of a film roll or the area between two negatives fog area see figure bel...

Page 109: ... Overview in the lower part of the FotoLook dialog box A low resolution gray scale scan is created 8 In the image area select the fog area You can use the beginning or the end of a film roll or the area between two negatives Zoom in as much as possible to make your selection C A U T I O N Mak e s ure y ou do not inc lude t he borders 9 Click Preview If you have also selected a part of the holders ...

Page 110: which you want to save the custom film type 3 In the unexposed area in the image area click and drag to make a selection to measure the fog densities 4 Click OK in the Custom Film Type dialog box 5 Click OK in the Negative Film Types dialog box The new film type is added to the list of film types in the Negative Film Types dialog box ...

Page 111: ...ct the area to preview in the image area C A U T I O N Mak e s ure y ou do not inc lude t he borders 9 Click Preview Preview Scan Phase 1 Set the size and resolution for the selected image 2 From the Range pop up menu choose Auto If you want to manipulate the range of the negative original click Range to display the Range dialog box 3 If required apply a tone curve to your image 4 If requires appl...

Page 112: ...f the scanner This is always possible for reflective originals Transparency holders and frames can restrict your arrangement of the transparent originals Note You can use originals of different types line art gray scale color in one batch If you have to make several batches because of the number of originals you have to scan it is best to sort the originals by type Setting Preferences Setting the ...

Page 113: ...s 3 Choose the sound to alert you that a batch is completed You can choose any sound that is available in your system 4 Choose the file format in which you want to save the scanned images If you select a mode that does not support this file format during scanning FotoLook SA saves the image as TIFF The file BatchLog informs you of any images that have been saved in a different format 5 Check the c...

Page 114: ...ndow will be created on the fly Color management is enabled check box in the FotoLook profile setup dialog box when displaying color RGB mode Note For more information about Profile embedding refer to Profile Mismatch in Chapter 2 7 Check the checkbox Save Previews if you want to save all previews This requires more disk space and time but it allows you to reuse the previews when modifying batch s...

Page 115: ...he mode you want to use 6 From the Behaviors pop up menu choose Batch 7 Click OK You return to the FotoLook dialog box 8 Click Overview in the lower part of the FotoLook dialog box A low resolution gray scale scan is created 9 Select the first original with the selection rectangle You can use the zoom button to make a more precise selection 10 Click Preview in the lower part of the FotoLook window...

Page 116: ...on displays a dialog box where you can specify another folder another file name or another file format You return to the Scan dialog box 5 Repeat all the instructions in Overview scan phase and step 1 to 4 in this section for each original 6 Click Done A dialog box appears If you want to save the batch and execute it later click Later A Save As dialog box appears 7 Click Now to start the batch Whe...

Page 117: ...apt er 5 Bat c h Sc anning 117 Start Batch Scanning 1 Choose Execute from the Batch menu 2 Select the batch folder 3 Click Select The scanning process starts The scanned images are stored in Batch Images ...

Page 118: ... out of the Done folder onto the To Do folder and then drag the batch folder onto the FotoLook SA icon Note If you want to modify the batch settings drag the batch out of the Done folder to the application icon Repeat Batch Scanning for Large Jobs 1 Choose Execute from the Batch menu The Select Batch dialog box appears 2 Select the batch folder for which you want to repeat batch scanning If there ...

Page 119: ...second Cars_2 and so on Auto Number Files Each time you repeat a batch job the files are saved to the same folder but FotoLook will automatically add a number to each file For example your base name is Oldtimer The file for the first repeated batch job will be saved as Oldtimer_1 the second as Oldtimer_2 and so on AppleScripts Below the separator you can find some sample AppleScript files You can ...

Page 120: ...etting the Lightest Point Dmin and the Darkest Point Dmax Setting the White Neutral and Black Point in RGB Edit Space Setting the White Neutral and Black Point in CMYK Edit Space Setting The White and Black Point in Gray Scale Mode Range Negative Using the Sliders Using TFS Setting the White and Black Point Neutralizing Correcting the Image ...

Page 121: ...up menu choose Reflective Transparent or Negative 3 Click Range The histogram displays the density distribution of the original All pixels left of the threshold level are set to black All pixels right of the threshold level are set to white 4 Drag the slider to a higher percentage to lighten the original ...

Page 122: ...oLook to calculate the optimal threshold for the line art original 6 Click OK to apply the threshold you have set In the pop up menu Custom appears Note It is often difficult to judge the proper threshold for fine lines because of the low resolution of the preview image Using Sharpness is often a better way to enhance details This can only be judged by looking at the final scan ...

Page 123: ... and Transparent 1 From the Mode pop up menu choose Gray Scale or Color 2 From the Original menu choose Reflective or Transparent 3 Click Range The Output part of the Range dialog box varies according to the Edit Space Gray Scale RGB CMYK ...

Page 124: ... are converted to black Note Because certain pixels are converted to white or black clipping causes loss of detail In perfect images no clipping occurs But sometimes noise and dust cause the Dmin point being too low and small reflecting objects or spots cause the Dmax point being too high This is corrected by clipping parts of the image Normally the default clipping percentage gives you the best r...

Page 125: ...e lightest point 1 Double click the Lightest Point pickup tool The Automatic Range Clipping dialog box appears 2 Set a Dmin clipping percentage Increase the Dmin percentage when there is too much noise or reflection in the light areas of your image ...

Page 126: ...ark areas of your image Setting the Lightest Point Dmin and the Darkest Point Dmax L ig h t e st P o in t 1 Click the Lightest Point pickup tool 2 Click in the lightest point of the preview image to define the reference point You can also click and drag to select an area in which FotoLook will search for the lightest point Note You can undo this action by first clicking the Darkest Point tool and ...

Page 127: ... clicking the Lighthest tool and than holding down the Option key while clicking the Darkest Point tool U sin g t h e slid e rs Instead of using the Lightest Point and the Darkest Point tools you can also drag the sliders beneath the histogram to influence the Dmin and the Dmax settings of the preview image If you press the Option key while dragging the sliders you see the clipping in the preview ...

Page 128: select either Keep Balance or Adjust Balance Keep Balance enables you to specify the white point of individual colors simultaneously Use this when you want to maintain color balance and color cast If you have selected Keep Balance you must also specify the Max Value The value you specify is assigned to the color with the highest value The values of the remaining colors are then proportionally ...

Page 129: ...he Range dialog box 2 Move the cursor over the preview image area 3 Click to set the white point You can also click and drag to select an area in which FotoLook will search for the white point Your preview image is updated with the remapped color or gray values Note Applying a tone curve after setting a white point with limits other than 0 and 100 or 255 may influence the display color values Note...

Page 130: ...ue You have set the Black Point Min Value to 0 Green has the lowest value and is therefore is remapped to 0 Red to 5 and Blue to 1 Adjust Balance allows you to individually specify the black point of each color Use this to remove a color cast If you have selected Adjust Balance you must specify the R red G green and B blue minimum values The value you specify in each R G and B text box is assigned...

Page 131: ... may influence the display color or gray values Note Press Option while clicking the Black Point tool after having selected another tool to individually reset the black point S p e cif yin g t h e n e u t ral p o in t 1 Double click the Neutral Point tool in the lower part of the Range dialog box 2 Drag the slider to a lower or higher percentage A lower percentage may retain some of the color cast...

Page 132: for the neutral point Your preview image is updated with the remapped color or gray values Setting the White Neutral and Black Point in CMYK Edit Space S p e cif yin g an d se t t in g t h e wh it e p o in t min imu m valu e If you are working in CMYK Edit Space no output histogram is available The Range dialog box allows you to enter the minimum percentages for the white point 1 Click the ...

Page 133: ...Space no output histogram is available The Range dialog box allows you to enter the maximum percentages for the black point 1 Click the Black Point tool The C M Y and K fields appear 2 Specify the C cyan M magenta Y yellow and K black maximum values 3 Move the cursor over the preview image area 4 Click to set the black point You can also click and drag to select an area in which FotoLook will sear...

Page 134: ...lected point or area in the preview image 50 neutralizes the selected point or area in the preview image by half 3 Click OK The Neutralize dialog box closes and you are returned to the Range dialog box 4 Move the cursor over the preview image area 5 Click to set the neutral point You can also click and drag to select an area in which FotoLook will search for the neutral point Your preview image is...

Page 135: white point 3 Click OK S e t t in g t h e wh it e p o in t Note Make sure you set the values for the White Point tool before setting the white point in the image 1 Click on the White Point tool in the lower part of the Range dialog box 2 Move the cursor over the preview image area 3 Click to set the white point You can also click and drag to select an area in which FotoLook will search for the ...

Page 136: ...tool before setting the black point in the image 1 Click on the Black Point tool in the lower part of the Range dialog box 2 Move the cursor over the preview image area 3 Click to set the black point You can also click and drag to select an area in which FotoLook will search for the black point Your preview image is updated with the remapped color or gray values Note Applying a tone curve after se...

Page 137: ...Negative The Negative Range dialog box is used to make little corrections on the Automatic settings 1 Choose Gray Scale Color RGB or Color CMYK mode from the Mode pop up menu 2 Choose Negative from the Original menu 3 Click Range ...

Page 138: ...o the right to brighten the preview image Drag the white slider to the left to darken the preview image Drag the white slider to the right to brighten the preview image Note You cannot drag the white slider over the gray slider Using TFS You can click TFS if you want to reset all the operations you made in the Range dialog box With TFS you can neutralize the image the neutral point is re positione...

Page 139: ... 2 Move the cursor over the preview image The cursor changes into a cross hair cursor 3 Click in the image to select the color that you want to neutralize or to specify a new reference color A cross hair appears in the color wheel to indicate the reference point in the preview image 4 To neutralize the selected color click in the center of the color wheel To specify a new destination color click t...

Page 140: ...Chapt er 7 Curv es 140 Chapter 7 Curves Creating a Tone Curve Creating a New Gamma Curve ...

Page 141: existing tone curve from the Curve pop up menu 2 Click Curves to display the Curve Editor dialog box 3 Select Arbitrary to create your own curve 4 Click the R G B or the C M Y K button to change the corresponding curve or click the Master button to alter the master curve Note In Gray Scale only a master curve is available ...

Page 142: ... Overview button to display the separate and the master tone curve simultaneously Note To reset the current curve click Reset 8 Click Save to store the created tone curve If you do not save the curve it is added as Custom to the Curves pop up menu In the dialog box that appears you have to enter a name under which you want to save the tone curve 9 Click OK in the Curve Editor dialog box If no name...

Page 143: ...Color Correction Selective color correction in RGB mode is useful if you apply display based color corrections Correction in CMYK mode is recommended if you want to apply target value based color corrections Overview Scan Phase Preview Scan Phase Applying a Color Pair ...

Page 144: ... FotoLook dialog box A low resolution gray scale scan is created 8 Select the area to preview in the image area 9 Click Preview in the lower part of the FotoLook dialog box A scan is done Preview Scan Phase 1 From the Range pop up menu choose Automatic 2 From the Res Size pop up menu choose the resolution you require Use this pop up menu if you have already chosen between Input Halftone and Conton...

Page 145: ... Note You can remove colors from the color selection by holding down the Command key while moving the cursor 6 Adjust the selected input area in the color picker You can use the handles of the Saturation and Hue boundaries in the color wheel and the sliders in the input Lightness bar You can drag the input center point to another position or click a certain point The movement of this input center ...

Page 146: ...t color that the input color has to be converted to 7 Define an output color in the color wheel and in the Lightness bar or in the preview image Note Make sure you are working in the Output color mode Click in the To field in the Selective Color Correction dialog box to activate the Output mode ...

Page 147: ... new color pair and repeat step 5 to 7 in the Preview Scan Phase section Click OK The selected input color is now replaced by the selected output color The Selective Color Correction dialog box closes and Custom appears in the Sel Color pop up menu Click Reset if you do not want to apply the selected color pair s on your image You can select another color pair or create a new color pair Click Save...

Page 148: ... t he us er def ined s et t ings Ov erv iew phas e Command O St art s an ov erv iew s c an Command P St art s a prev iew s c an Cont rol while c lic k ing Ov erv iew Delet es t he c urrent ov erv iew Cont rol while c lic k ing prev iew Delet es t he c urrent prev iew I nt erac t iv e phas e Command R Dis play s t he Range dialog box Command S Dis play s t he Res Siz e dialog box Command T Dis play...

Page 149: ... Command 1 Ac t iv at es t he red or t he c y an t one c urv e Command 2 Ac t iv at es t he green or t he magent a t one c urv e Command 3 Ac t iv at es t he blue or t he y ellow t one c urv e Command 4 Ac t iv at es t he mas t er t one c urv e Command R Res et s t he ac t iv e t one c urv e S e l e c t i v e C o l o r C o r r e c t i o n d i a l o g b o x Command I nc reas es t he input c olor s ...

Page 150: ...iew of t he Sc anning Proc es s 150 Appendix B Overview of the Scanning Process These overviews show you the process when scanning an original Here you can see which functionality happens when and where scanner or driver ...

Page 151: ...t Descreen Sharpness Range Dmin Dmax Gradation 12 bit 8 bit CCD 12 bit Descreen Sharpness Range Dmin Dmax Gradation CCD 12 bit Descreen Sharpness Range Dmin Dmax Gradation White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 8 bit Gray Scale Correction White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 8 bit Gray Scale Correction 12 8 bit White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 16 bit Gray Scale Correction 12 16...

Page 152: ...max Gradation Color RGB Optimize Best Quality CCD 12 bit Descreen Sharpness Range Dmin Dmax Gradation Color RGB 48bit White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 8 bit channel Sel Color White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 8 bit channel Sel Color 12 8 bit White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 16 bit channel Sel Color 12 16 bit Source Profile Destination Profile Source Profile Destination...

Page 153: ...on Color CMYK Optimize Speed Quality 12 bit 8 bit CCD 12 bit Descreen Sharpness Range Dmin Dmax Gradation Color CMYK Optimize Best Quality White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 8 bit channel Sel Color White Black Point Curves File or Photoshop 8 bit channel Sel Color 12 8 bit Source Profile Destin CMYK Profile Source Profile Destin CMYK Profile ...

Page 154: ...m folder Application Support Agfa FotoLook An alias to the FotoLook folder is available in the Agfa FotoLook 3 6 folder The FotoLook folder Note Replace Your Scanner by the name of your scanner and User Defined files by the names of your personal settings Sharpness User Defined files marketing brochure my personal sharpness setting Negatives Gradation Imported User Defined files marketing brochure...

Page 155: marketing brochure my personal sharpness setting Sel Color Batch Behaviour Temporary items T h e P re f e re n ce f o ld e r st ru ct u re These files are created at runtime and are located in the folder of your scanner System folder Preferences Agfa FotoLook Your Scanner Your scanner folder Calibrations Holders TX Holder RX Previews Settings custom Sharpness ...

Page 156: Defined files by the names of your personal settings Sharpness User Defined files Negatives Gradation Imported User Defined files Your Scanner Corrections CMYK Curves Sel Color User Defined files Gray Curves User Defined files RGB Curves Sel Color User Defined files Note In Mac OS X the User Defined settings are directly saved in the proper folder A specific User Defined folder will not be crea...

Page 157: ...ns Holders TX Holder RX Previews Settings custom Sharpness T h e F o t o L o o k D o cu me n t s f o ld e r st ru ct u re These files are located in the FotoLook folder Users Your Name Documents FotoLook Documents folder Batch Done Failed Images Previews To Do Delete Custom Defined Curves or Settings 1 Open the folder that contains the files that you want to remove 2 Select the files that you want...

Page 158: ...ect folder as shown above If the proper folder doesn t exist you first have to create it by making a dummy User Defined setting 1 Create a dummy User Defined setting 2 Activate Sherlock and search for the dummy User Defined setting 3 Go to the correct location and remove the dummy User Defined setting 4 Drag the previous User Defined settings to the proper location ...

Page 159: ...image has a low resolution and a small memory size Note The maximum supported pixel width in FotoLook SA for PICT files is about 12 400 pixels in Gray scale mode For 16 bit modes only the TIFF format can be used 3 100 pixels in RGB mode For 48 bit modes only the TIFF format can be used T IF F Gray Scale Color RGB Color CMYK Color Lab The TIFF format is widely supported on both Macintosh and PC pla...

Page 160: ...eview picture file Save your image in DCS format if Your image processing application does not support TIFF You can handle 5 files for one image You do not need to edit the image you can edit DCS files in Photoshop but this is an exception You need a small file to import into a page layout application You can crop and position the image on the small preview that is saved with the four separations ...

Page 161: ...image quality and a small file size Low compression results in high image quality and a large file size 1 Click Scan to scan your image A Save as dialog box appears 2 Select JPEG in the File Format pop up menu The Quality pop up menu appears 3 Select the quality for your JPEG image You can choose between Low Medium High and Maximum quality with Low highest compression smallest file size Maximum lo...

Page 162: ...d unique settings for each B e z ie r cu rve A curve named after Pierre Bezier of which the shape can be changed by moving its control points A Bezier curve has a total of four control points one at each end of two straight direction lines Each direction line meets the curve in a single point b it Binary digit The smallest unit of information in a computer a 1 or a 0 It can define two conditions o...

Page 163: ... mo d e l A method of describing representing or reproducing colors The most common color models are RGB the additive color model and CMYK the subtractive color model Other color models are HSV HSL and CIELab co n t o n e An abbreviation for continuous tone A color or gray scale image format capable of illustrating continuously varying tonal ranges co n t rast The visual relationship between each ...

Page 164: A commonly used measure for the resolution of scanners monitors printers and imagesetters However the term is slightly misleading because of the apparent but non existent relation with dots in a halftone More accurate measures of resolutions are ppi pixels per inch for scanners and rpi rels per inch for imagesetters or printers d yn amic ran g e The difference in tones between the brightest hig...

Page 165: ...ttern appears in a photograph due to chemical and physical characteristics of the film paper or development process g ray le ve ls A limited number of fixed gray levels usually between 16 and 256 levels of gray g ray scale A range of grays with regular tone intervals from white to black A gray scale image is an image that contains various levels or shades of gray g u t t e r The vertical space bet...

Page 166: ... with a value of 255 levels of color a pure black equals 0 Inspecting the histogram of a digital image is a good way to quickly evaluate the tonal range quality and highlight and shadow details H u e Color the main attribute of a color that distinguishes it from other colors In the HSV and HSL color models the attribute of a color in purest state without the addition of white or black based on the...

Page 167: ...order to digitize a line art original a scanner only needs to register whether a pixel is turned on black or off white The pixel depth is 1 The term line art is sometimes used to describe drawings containing flat colors without tonal variation Compare with contone lp i Lines per inch The measure of frequency the spacing of the lines in a halftone screen usually ranging from 55 to 200 The higher th...

Page 168: ... of the amount of gray levels or colors that the pixels in a tone curves can contain Pixel depth is a binary unit of measurement If the pixel depth is 1 the image can contain only two gray levels or colors for example a black and white image pixel depth 8 allows 256 gray levels or colors pixel depth 24 allows about 16 million colors p ixe liz at io n If the image resolution is too low the PostScri...

Page 169: ...idtones are known as 3 4 tones and those between highlight and midtones are known as 1 4 tones re f le ct ive o rig in al An original that is printed on an opaque layer Compare with transparent original re l Raster element The smallest element that a printer or imagesetter can write to film or paper A grid of rels builds the halftone cell The resolution of a printer or imagesetter is expressed in ...

Page 170: ...anipulated on computers When used in conjunction with OCR software a scanner can convert a page of text into an editable document scre e n f re q u e n cy scre e n ru lin g The spacing of the lines in a halftone image usually measured in lines per inch lpi Each line is composed of a number of halftone dots sh ad o ws The darkest areas in an original or an image represented in a halftone by the lar...

Page 171: ...r drying time T F S Total Film Scanning technology TFS is a revolutionary image processing method used in AGFA Photofinishing Systems to enhance the reproduction of color negatives It is based on an Expert Systems approach using large sets of empirical data t h re sh o ld The gray level above which a scanner records white pixels In order to obtain an image with only black or white pixels from an o...

Page 172: ...d white negative originals scanning 111 C calibrated holders 28 calibrating brightness 83 contrast 83 gamma 83 monitor 82 white point 83 characterization 81 clipping setting percentage 124 color correction 143 gamut 81 hue 55 lightness 55 167 management 81 mask 26 saturation 55 space 81 values 74 Color CMYK mode 36 Color Lab mode 37 color management 34 color negative originals customizing 108 scan...

Page 173: ...Phase 20 22 floating palette 74 sample size 75 focus 28 FotoLook PS 12 FotoLook SA 12 Full Range 44 G Gamma 53 54 83 94 correction 91 creating curve 142 General Input Unit 70 79 Options 70 scratch disk 71 79 Gradation 42 Gradation Editor 43 grain removal 66 Gray Scale conversions 32 correction 32 88 mode 31 H halftone device 39 41 Halftoning factor 41 height 39 histogram 124 HSL color model 55 hue...

Page 174: ...General 70 Settings 71 Work Flow 73 Original 25 Negative 26 Reflective 25 Transparent 25 output 39 output resolution 38 overview scan 22 Overview Scan Phase 19 21 P Photoshop CMYK setup 92 Gray Scale setup 92 monitor setup 92 RGB setup 92 Photoshop 5 x profile setup 94 Photoshop 6 0 profile setup 92 PICT 159 Preface 11 preferences 78 batch 113 Preview Position 78 preview scan 22 Preview Scan Phase...

Page 175: point in gray scale mode 136 black point in RGB 130 neutral point 48 49 neutral point in CMYK 134 neutral point in RGB 132 white point 48 51 white point in CMYK 132 white point in gray scale mode 135 white point in RGB 129 settings 68 batch 78 batch scanning 115 Options 71 saving 78 Sharpen 62 sharpening 12 sharpening wizard 12 62 sharpness 61 62 advanced 64 amount 63 contour limit 64 default f...

Page 176: ...71 79 W Watchpoint window 76 white point 83 In CMYK 132 In Gray Scale 135 In RGB 128 setting 48 51 setting in CMYK 132 setting in gray scale mode 135 Setting In Negative Mode 138 setting in RGB 129 specifying in CMYK 132 specifying in gray scale mode 135 specifying in RGB 128 width 39 Work Flow 73 Z zoom 73 78 ...
