Performing an examination
The CR DD1.0 Vet image plate and cassette must be used
for veterinary applications only.
To perform an examination:
Do not use other intraoral image plate types than provided with
the adapter.
Open the cassette.
To ensure image quality, do not expose the plate to excess
The plate is reusable. Handle with care.
Do not use powdered gloves when handling or cleaning the
cassette, adapter, barrier envelopes or plates.
a) Open the cassette with the cassette key or a pen.
b) Move out the tray with the image plate adapter and place the cassette
on a table.
Remove the image plate from the adapter.
The image plate is magnetically attached to the adapter.
a) Remove an image plate.
b) Put it in a barrier envelope of the appropriate size.
The barrier envelope is available at [email protected]
Make sure that the black side of the plate faces the transparent side of
the barrier envelope.
c) Remove the protective tape from the sticky edge of the barrier
envelope and seal it shut.
If you are making multiple exposures, put all required image plates in
barrier envelopes before continuing with the next step.
If you are making multiple exposures, it is important to link the images to
the exposures. The images are identified by the location of the image
| AGFA CR Plates and Cassettes | Using the Agfa CR Plates and Cassettes
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