Performing an examination
To perform an examination:
Open the cassette.
To ensure image quality, do not expose the plate to excess
The plate is reusable. Handle with care.
Do not use powdered gloves when handling or cleaning the
cassette, adapter or plates.
a) Open the cassette with the cassette key or a pen.
b) Move out the tray with the image plate adapter and place the cassette
on a table.
Remove the image plate from the adapter.
The image plate is magnetically attached to the adapter.
Perform the examination on the modality using the image plate.
Return the image plate to the adapter.
The position of the image plate is indicated on the adapter.
It is recommended to align the image plate to one edge of the position
fields of the adapter.
Scan the image plate.
a) Close the cassette with the cassette key or a pen.
b) Insert the cassette in the digitizer.
| AGFA CR Plates and Cassettes | Using the Agfa CR Plates and Cassettes
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