The NX Workstation complies with the UL 60950 / EN 60950 standard for
Information Technology. This means that, although it is absolutely safe,
patients may not come into direct contact with the equipment. Therefore, the
workstation must be placed outside a radius of 1.5 m (EN) or 1.83 m (UL/
CSA) around the patient (according to the local valid regulation).
The other components of the DX-D 300 are suitable for use within the patient
Labeling the DR Detectors
Selecting the wrong DR detector can cause the need to retake
the image.
On a configuration with multiple wireless DR Detectors of the same type, it is
required to apply labeling to the DR Detector containing a unique nickname
for each DR Detector. The nicknames must be configured on the NX
workstation. The DR Detector Switch shows which DR Detector is active and
shows its status, by means of the nickname of the DR Detector.
| DX-D 300 | Introduction
0172E EN 20181116 1653