8. Now re-bolt the lifting brackets to the lowest ring in place thus far. Continue ring additions by repeat-
ing Step 5 and Step 6.
9. Add inside and outside ladders as you continue to raise the bin. (Refer to the manual supplied with
the ladders and platforms.)
10.Add platforms as you raise the bin. (Refer to the manual supplied with the ladders and platforms.)
11.Lower the tank and secure to the foundation before leaving the job site.
12.At the completion of the tank, set stiffeners over the anchor bolts and measure the tank to ensure it
is in a round condition. Consult with GSI for questions on tolerances.
Guidelines for Placement of the Decal Sidewall Sheet
Use the following as a general guideline the proper decal sheet placement.
Refer to the stiffener to sidewall attachment detail and specific gauge sheet for the bin. The decal
sheets are located in the first ring from the top. They are to be spaced evenly around the diameter
of the bin.
Figure 2-3
Decal sidewall sheet
Stiffener locations are represented with thick lines.
60 Ft Diameter 40-Series Bins