Software Manual EN
Actual device status
Status (hex)
Current actual device status in hexadecimal notation.
Error code
Current device error code
Comment: For explanations on the error please refer to the
“SE-24 operating instructions”, table „Error Register“
Status bits
Current actual status of the status bits of the device
Blockage status bits
Current actual status of the blocking monitoring
Not relevant for the SE-24
MPU information and status (MPU = Motion Process Unit)
MPU version
Version of the currently loaded MPU
max. prg. size
Maximum size of the MPU program
max. register
Maximum available registers for the MPU program
max. stack size
Maximum stack size of the MPU program
Status bits: Current actual status of the status bits
Prg. running
Signalizes that the MPU program is running
Signalizes an error of the MPU program
MPU error code
Current device error code
Must not be confused with the “Device error code”