MRK-D-0034 V2.0
Aeroqual AQM 65 User Guide
Page | 65
Check the zero baseline of the Particle Profiler
The Particle Profiler does not include an automatic zero cycle.
The zero response of the Particle Profiler can be checked by removing the TSP head and placing the
R56 adaptor and zero filter assembly on the inlet as shown in Figure 4-16. The Particle Profiler
channels should read between ±3 µg m
If the readings are above this value then it is possible the optic engine needs cleaning. Contact
Aeroqual technical support for further advice.
4.4.8 Clean the Particle Monitor TSP inlet, particle trap and cyclone.
The Particle Monitor cyclone uses a small particle trap to remove larger particles. The trap needs to
be emptied and cleaned for optimum operation of the Particle Monitor. If the particle trap overfills then
the entire cyclone needs to be cleaned.
Tools required
Can of compressed air, Cloth
Parts required
Frequency of
Every three months
. (See Section 4.6)
: AQM 65 technical Training Section 5.1
Online video
https://vimeo.com/ 75738200 checked
The TSP head, particle trap and cyclone disassemble easily for cleaning
Figure 4-18 The TSP head and cyclone can be disassembled for cleaning