Aeromic Cyclemic Care Instructions Download Page 3


Your microphone is an important and expensive purchase – your best tool to be an effective teacher. To 
get the most from your microphone some basic guidelines for care need to be followed. Below is an 
overview of your microphone and some helpful information. 



Giving your microphone a rest between classes with a place to dry out is important. 

Whenever your microphone is not in use, store it in a place safe from abuse with plenty of air circulation 
– to promote drying. Ideally, hanging off a hook is the best practice. 


Protect the capsule – the most important part of the microphone is the capsule

 – the part you 

talk into. Damage to the capsule no matter how small it seems will affect the sound quality and/or 
usability of the microphone. 

The capsule can be ruined by cleaning or wiping with sanitizers, 

cleaners or alcoho

l. It will melt any sweat proofing protectant used on the capsule. 


The microphone cables on most headsets are very delicate

. Fortunately for you, by purchasing an 

Aeromic/Cyclemic the headset cable contains steel core cables – this adds strength but does not mean 
the cable is un-breakable. 

Damage to the wire can occur by cutting it, scraping it, cracking it (by 

cleaning it with wipes, solvents or alcohol leading to drying and the wire becoming brittle)

. You 

can also damage the cable by putting sharp kinks in it – the cable may be strong, but the wire shields 
can become damaged by pinching or kinking the wire – once the jacket is compromised the bare wires 
inside touch and cause a short (loss of sound) or crackle. 

Do not wind your headset wire around the 

headset or transmitter

 – it will kink the wire and shorten the life of your microphone. 


The connector – the end that plugs into the body pack – is important and 

should always be kept 


. Fortunately for you, by purchasing an Aeromic/Cyclemic, the headset has additional sweat 

protection at the connector, but it will still require occasional maintenance using Deoxit contact cleaner. 



Do not use any form of alcohol wipes/solvents to clean the mic
Allow mics to dry out naturally between classes
Gently mold the frame for your head size so the capsule is next to your mouth
Max usage - 7 classes or 7 hours per day and no more than 2 continuous 
hours at a time

