22.04 – 4139181_04
22.04 – 4139181_04
0800, 0900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1805, 2006, 2206, 2406, 2600,
2800, 3000, 3200, 3400, 3600
Operating field
° Standard mechanic thermostatic valve (1)
X Electronic thermostatic expansion valve (1)
Y Low temperature mechanic thermostatic valve (2)
Z Low temperature electronic thermostatic valve (2)
° Cooling only
C Motocondensing unit (3)
Heat recovery
° Without heat recovery
D With desuperheater (4)
T With total recovery (5)
° Standard
A High efficiency
E Silenced high efficiency
L Standard silenced
N Silenced very high efficiency
U Very high efficiency
° Aluminium microchannel
I Copper-aluminium
O Coated aluminium microchannel
R Copper-copper
S Tinned copper
V Copper-painted alumimium
° Standard
J Inverter
M Oversized
Power supply
° 400V ~ 3 50Hz with magnet circuit breakers
Integrated hydronic kit
Without hydronic kit
00 Without hydronic kit
Kit with n° 1 pump
PA Pump A
PB Pump B
PC Pump C
PD Pump D
PE Pump E
PF Pump F
PG Pump G
PH Pump H
PI Pump I
PJ Pump J (6)
Pump n° 1 pump + stand-by pump
DA Pump A + stand-by pump (7)
DB Pump B + stand-by pump (7)
DC Pump C + stand-by pump (7)
DD Pump D + stand-by pump (7)
DE Pump E + stand-by pump (7)
DF Pump F + stand-by pump (7)
DG Pump G + stand-by pump (7)
DH Pump H + stand-by pump (7)
DI Pump I + stand-by pump (7)
DJ Pump J + stand-by pump (8)
Kit with storage tank and n° 1 pump
AA Storage tank and pump A
AB Storage tank and pump B
AC Storage tank and pump C
AD Storage tank and pump D
AE Storage tank and pump E
AF Storage tank and pump F
AG Storage tank and pump G
AH Storage tank and pump H
AI Storage tank and pump I
AJ Storage tank and pump J (6)
Kit with storage tank and n° 1 pump + stand-by pump
BA Storage tank with pump A + stand-by pump (7)
BB Storage tank with pump B + stand-by pump (7)
BC Storage tank with pump C + stand-by pump (7)
BD Storage tank with pump D + stand-by pump (7)
BE Storage tank with pump E + stand-by pump (7)
BF Storage tank with pump F + stand-by pump (7)
BG Storage tank with pump G + stand-by pump (7)
BH Storage tank with pump H + stand-by pump (7)
BI Storage tank with pump I + stand-by pump (7)
BJ Storage tank with pump J + stand-by pump (8)
(1) Water produced from 4 °C ÷ 18 °C
(2) Processed water from 4°C to -8°C for the ° - L versions, and from 4°C to -10°C for A - E - U - N versions
(3) Condensing units "C" are not compatible with the Y/X/Z/T/D option
(4) The temperature of the water in the heat exchanger inlet must never drop below 35°C.
(5) None of the hydronic kits (from PA to BJ) are compatible with the following sizes and with versions with
heat recovery T: 0800 - 0900 - 1000 - 1100 version °; 0800 - 0900 version A; 0800 - 0900 version L. None of
the hydronic kits with pump(s) and storage tank (from AA to BJ) are compatible with all the sizes and with
versions with heat recovery T
(6) For all configurations including pump J please contact the factory.
(7) None of the hydronic kits with twin pump (from DA to DJ and from BA to BJ) are compatible for the following
sizes and versions with desuperheater D: 1805 versions °- L-A, 2006-2206 version °.
(8) For all combinations with pump J, please contact our head office. None of the hydronic kits with twin pump
(from DA to DJ and from BA to BJ) are compatible for the following sizes and versions with desuperheater D:
1805 versions °-L-A, 2006-2206 version °.