Power Quality Analyzer Model 8335
7.5.7 Monitoring
The EN50160 standard defines limiting values and permissible variations of the
voltage quality for the European Community. It defines which parameters are
relevant, and how are they measured. Continuous or random sampling control
of the voltage quality provides the supplier of electric energy with a reliable basis
when dealing with network problems, and it contributes to quality assurance.
The purpose of the EN50160 standard “Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied
by public distribution systems” is to specify the characteristics to the customer of
the supply voltage with regard to the course of the curve, the voltage level, the
frequency and symmetry of the three phase-network at the interconnecting point.
The goal is to determine limiting values for regular operating conditions.
However, facility defects may lead to major disturbances in the electricity distribution
supply network. Accordingly, the standard establishes these values as limiting
values, which are not allowed to be exceeded on the high or low side during 95%
of the controlled period, typically one week.
Figure 6-12
Configure and start an EN50160 test
of line quality. Note that It is recommended
that a brief test of 10 minutes or shorter be done first, to verify that the connections
and parameters of the test are correct. Only then should the 1-week test be done.
If neither of the voltage profiles are chosen, a field appears to enter the nominal
voltage. The frequency is not asked for, since it will be asked for when the test
result is downloaded.
Follow the instructions in the dialog box to set up and run this special test. Press
the Help button for further instructions.
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