PK232UG Rev. B 9/86
is changed. The checksum is a hex number which you can compare against the correct
checksum given for the firmware version you are using.
PK-232 is using default values.
This is the Command Mode prompt. When this prompt appears, the PK-232 is waiting
for you to issue a command. Anything you type after this prompt is read by the PK-
232's command interpreter as a command to the PK-232. If a monitored packet is being
shown, the prompt may not be visible, even trough you are in Command Mode. If this
happens, type the redisplay-line character (set by the
command) to retype
the prompt.
Your PK-232 didn't understand you at all! This will happen at any time that you give
your PK-232 an invalid command that is a complete mystery to its command interpreter.
Whenever you change the value of one of the PK-232's parameters, the previous value
is displayed. This confirm that the PK-232 properly interpreted your command, and re-
minds you of what you have done.
Command Mode Error Messages
An error massage will displayed if you make a mistake typing a command to the PK-
232. Depending on the type of error you've made, you may see the following mes-
You typed a command correctly, but the parameters, arguments or values in the com-
mand line couldn't be interpreted.
You tried to enter more than one call sign for the
without the VIA keyword.
You entered a call sign in a way that does not meet the PK-232's requirements for call
signs. A call sign may be any string of numbers and letters, including at least one letter.
Punctuation and spaces are not allowed. The sub-station ID, if given, must be a (deci-
mal) number from 0 to 15, separated from the call by a hyphen.
?clock not set
You gave the command
to display the date and time, but you haven't previ-
ously set the clock.
sets the clock if it is given with the daytime parameters
and displays the date and time if its given without parameters.