Instrument Front Panel Layout
Single Port Model Dual Port Model
Instrument Top Panel Layout
Screen Layouts
The MRI-3000 has two operating modes, VNA and SWR/RL. Each single-port mode has two
possible screen layouts, Wide and Narrow. Dual port mode (S21) is displayed in Wide only. This
gives a total of five possible screen layouts, which will be described here.
The MRI-3000's measurement screens are divided into two sections: The chart or graph section, and
the sidebar section. The Graph section is where the instruments measurements are graphically
represented by plots on a chart. This graph will display a different number of points depending on the
width selected. The sidebar section to the left of the chart, numerically indicates measurements
center frequency
. The size and content displayed also varies depending on the graph size selected.
The sidebar indications ALWAYS represent their respective measurements at center frequency (f0).
VNA Wide Format
Shown above is the VNA mode screen, in wide chart format. Features of interest are as follows:
Left & Right Scale indicators:
These labels, in the upper corners of the chart area, indicate which
measurement that scale is for, and, more importantly, which trace is using that scale. The color of the
frame drawn around the label is always the same color as the trace using that scale.