Pressing ENTER after the Load is attached completes the calibration process for single-port
measurements, and will return the BRAVO EX2 to the previously selected measurement screen.
For two-port (S21) measurements, a fourth prompt screen will prompt you to attach a through cable
from S11 to S21 before finishing.
Caution: Pressing <ESC> at any time while this process is in progress will leave the instrument in an
un-calibrated state.
BRAVO EX2 VNA Measurements
General Information
VNA PLOT - Vector Network Impedance Analysis
The VNA screen will allow you to directly view impedance magnitude and phase characteristics of
virtually any single-ended device. Keep in mind that the instrument must be calibrated (either
broadband, or frequency-specific) as when doing RL and SWR measurements. The calibration
process is identical, and occurs whenever center frequency or span is changed (when in frequency
specific mode).
Once calibrated, use the UP arrow to select the left or right scales (the right scale, Z-ANG is shown
selected above). With a scale selected, <ENTER> will switch the kind of measurement for that scale.
The possible selections are Z-Mag (|Z| or Impedance Magnitude in
Ω), Z-Ang (impedance angle in
degrees), Rs (resistance) and Xs (reactance). With the desired parameter selected, press <SCALE>
to select the scale to best view the traces. With the cursor enabled via the <CRSR> key, the
measurements at the cursor location are displayed along with the cursor frequency.