The Waveform Analysis features are an optional component to the TRsSim
software program, and not part of the basic package.
An example of the FSK byte and bit level decoding is shown in the following figure. As
the recorded signal is zoomed in the window, addition information such as the byte and
bit values are displayed.
A physical layer analysis of the same Caller ID message yields additional information.
The presented report is divided into three parts. The first presents timing information on
the FSK signal. This includes the duration and number of bits or bytes of each section
(channel seizure, mark, data, and mark-out) within the signal. The second part contains
signal measurements such as mark/space tone level and frequency. Additionally the
frequency spectrum during the mark interval is shown. This is used to extract
information about any potential interfering signals. Finally, the third portion of the report
provides a listing of each data byte detected.
2.2 For More Information
Detailed information on the operation of the TRsSim software for the AI-5120 can be
found in the "
TRsSim - Telephone Line Monitor - User Guide
" document. It shows
how to install and setup the software along with more complete instructions on its use.
This document is included with the AI-5120 package.
As newer versions of the TRsSim software are made available, they are posted on our
web site at:
Along with software updates, the web site also contains the latest versions of any relevant
For technical support regarding the AI-5120 or the TRsSim software, please contact us in
any of the manners listed in Appendix C: Support.
AI-5120 User Guide