4.8.4. BisSourSweTime
Function name long BisSourSweTime
Sets the sweep time
[IN] long lngPID
long lngOnoff
// Packet ID (specifies the value acquired
// by BisOpenPacket)
// Specifies the enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF)
// status of TIME AUTO
// 0:MANUAL / 1:AUTO
double dblStime // Specifies the sweep time in seconds
// (valid only when TIME AUTO is set to OFF).
Return value
Normal (0: BIS_TRUE) or error (1: BIS_FALSE)
A sweep time is set.
To set a sweep time automatically based on resolution bandwidth, set lngOnoff
to ON and dblStime to 0.
To end the automatic setting of a sweep time, set lngOnoff to OFF and dblStime
to an intended sweep time.
4.8.5. QrySourSweTime
Function name long QrySourSweTime
Reads the sweep time.
[IN] long lngPID
// Packet ID (specifies the value acquired
// by BisOpenPacket)
[OUT] long * lngOnoff // Specifies the enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF)
// status of TIME
double * dblStime // Specifies a sweep time
// (enabled onlywhen TIME AUTO is set to OFF.)
Return value
Normal (0: BIS_TRUE) or error (1: BIS_FALSE)
Description The sweep time set with BisSourSweTime() is read together with the ON/OFF status
of TIMEAUTO. The read data are saved in variables, lngOnoff and dblS- time.