Calling and Writing Complex Number Data
3.6.4. Calling and Writing Complex Number Data
Example Calls and writes calibration data.
Adds declare_bis.bas and bis_macro.bas to the standard module in advance.
Assume the first argument in the API function, lngID, is defined separately as an external
variable. Place bis.dll in a folder that can be recognized by Visual Basic.
Dim cal1(3202) As Single, cal2(3202) As Single, cal3(3202) As Single
Dim caltype As Long, totP As Long
Calling calibration data.
Private Sub cmdCalRead_Click()
Dim endP As Long
Call QryStatSweCoun(lngID, endP, totP) ' Calls the total measurement point number.
Call QrySensCorrCollMeth(lngID, caltype)' Calls the calibration type.
Calls each calibration data item.
Call QryTracData(lngID, BIS_TRAC1_CAL1, 0, totP - 1, cal1(0)) ' Calibration data 1
Call QryTracData(lngID, BIS_TRAC1_CAL2, 0, totP - 1, cal2(0)) ' Calibration data 2
Call QryTracData(lngID, BIS_TRAC1_CAL3, 0, totP - 1, cal3(0)) ' Calibration data 3
End Sub
Writing calibration data.
Private Sub cmdCalWrite_Click()
Call BisSensCorrCollDel(lngID)
' Clears the current calibration data.
Call BisSensCorrCollMeth(lngID, caltype) ' Sets the calibration type.
Writes each calibration data item.
Call BisTracData(lngID, BIS_TRAC1_CAL1, 0, totP - 1, cal1(0), totP * 8)
Call BisTracData(lngID, BIS_TRAC1_CAL2, 0, totP - 1, cal2(0), totP * 8)
Call BisTracData(lngID, BIS_TRAC1_CAL3, 0, totP - 1, cal3(0), totP * 8)
End Sub