ADAM-3013 is a DIN-rail mounted, RTD input signal conditioning module
with 1000VDC 3-way isolation between input, output and power. The
switch configurable input and output offers flexible ,wide raging capability
for Platinum and Nickel RTDS. The input of the ADAM-3013 RTD input
can be configured for any one of up to fourteen defined temperature ranges
(see “Input Range” under “Specification” below) and two OEM-defined
ranges. The output is linearized to the RTD temperature input and can be set
for either 0~5V, 0~10V or 0~2 m A.
The ADAM-3013 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor. The
front mounted LED indicates both line power and conversion status.
Conversion operation is indicated by a flashed LED.If the LED is off, please
check that the power connection and wiring connections are correct.
3-way isolation completely eliminates ground loops from any
source.Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and