Compatible with MyAir2 and Zone10.4
MyApp2 Installation Instructions
1 - Pre Install
IMPORTANT - We recommend that you do not use the home owner’s iPhone or get involved in
their home Wifi network setup whatsoever.
Ensure the customer has an existing home WiFi system with a spare LAN port (not WAN).
Ensure the customer has their iPhone connected to their WiFi system.
Ensure the customer has downloaded the MyAir (or Zone10) App from the Apple App store.
2 – Install Hardware
Ensure the MyAir2 (or Zone10) system is installed and running correctly as per the MyAir2 (or
Zone10) installation instructions.
Install the network point on the wall near the WiFi router.
Power off the MyAir2 (or Zone10) System
Connect the MyApp2 module to the BLUE port of the Control Box with the 0.5m blue cable
If there is not a spare BLUE port on the Control Box then unplug one of the blue cables (but not
the Return Air sensor port) from the C ontrol Box, and plug it into a spare port on the MyApp2
Run 25m Red cable down the wall, plug one end into the MyApp2 module, and connect the
other to the inside of the wall network point.
Connect 2m Red cable from the outside of the wall socket to a spare LAN port on the customers
WiFi router (do not connect to the WAN port).
3 – Test
Power up the Air-conditioning system.
On the MyApp2 module, Check the Green and Orange LEDs next to the RED network cable are
ON. - This means there is power supplying the MyApp2.
Check the RED light below the clear window in the MyApp2 module labeled NETWORK
CONNECTED. - This means the MyApp2 is talking to the WiFi router through the cable and has
obtained a DHCP IP address.
Ask the customer to open their MyAir (or Zone10) App.
Stand near the MyAir2 (or Zone10) Touch Screen, and ask the customer to open or close zones
using their iPhone, and check the changes are shown on the Touch Screen.