Customer Wiring
Customer wiring is accomplished through the following:
• Cross-Connections
• Outside Plant Wiring
Cross Connections
To connect a circuit per the engineering or service order to the assigned slot, the appropriate
equipment-side position of the Cross-connect Panel is wired to the designated field-side
position of the Cross-Connect Panel using wire-wrap jumpers.
Protection Modules
The Protector Block accepts standard 5-pin protection modules, each protection module
corresponds to a Field-side pair of the Cross-Connect Panel. The Protector Block has identi-
fying tags that show the pair count of the Protector Block. A protection module is provided for
the corresponding position in the Protector Block. After a cross connect has been completed,
the HDSLx or appropriate technology module should then be seated in the Total Access 3000
Outside Plant Wiring
Pair numbering on the field-side of the Protector Block is straight through, sequentially
numbered 1 through 200, and corresponds with the sequential numbering of the field pairs as
they are terminated on the MS
Splice Modules.
Do not remove the identification tags from the splicing modules or
Install the HDSLx Line module after the cross connect has been
made. The HDSLx card puts –190 VDC on the loops.
Once the card is seated, provision the card to customer required service settings. Refer to the
appropriate ADTRAN Installation and Maintenance Practice or Job Aid for these settings.