Integrating ADTRAN eSBC and NEC SV8100
Configuring the NEC SV8100
Copyright © 2015 ADTRAN, Inc.
voice feature-mode network
voice transfer-mode local
voice forward-mode local
voice trunk T01 type sip
description PROVIDER
sip-server primary
voice trunk T11 type sip
description PBX
sip-server primary
grammar from host local
transfer-mode network
voice grouped-trunk PROVIDER
trunk T01
accept NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0
accept 011-$ cost 0
accept 411 cost 0
accept 611 cost 0
accept 911 cost 0
voice grouped-trunk PBX
trunk T11
accept $ cost 0
sip privacy
no sip prefer double-reinvite
ip rtp symmetric-filter
ip rtp media-anchoring
Configuring the NEC SV8100
The NEC SV8100 PBX is configured using NEC's PCPro Manager Software that runs on a Microsoft
Windows PC. The SV8100 also supports web access. However, ADTRAN recommends using the client
software for better performance. Refer to the NEC documentation for detailed instructions on configuring
additional features and capabilities. The following sections describe the minimum configuration required
for SIP trunking interoperability with the ADTRAN eSBC.