Operation Theory
Software conversion with polling data transfer acqui-
sition mode (Software Polling)
This is the eas iest way to acquire a single A/D data. The A/D converter
starts one conversion whenever the dedicated software command is
executed. Then the software would poll the conversion status and read the
A/D data back when it is available.
This method is very suitable for applications that needs to process A/D
data in real time. Under this mode, the timing of the A/D conversion is fully
controlled under software. However, it is difficult to control the A/D con-
version rate. Specifying Channel, Gain, and Polarity
In both the Software Polling and programmable scan acquisition mode, the
channel, gain, and polarity for each channel can be specified and selected.
With this configuration, signal sources must be connected to the right
connector as the specified settings.
When the specified channels have been sampled from the first to the last
data, the settings applied to each channel would be the same until next
Typically you can set the input configuration for different channels:
Ch1 with unipolar ±10V
Ch2 with bipolar ±2.5V
Ch3 with no signal input (disabled)
Ch4 with bipolar ±1.25V